Sin marks humanity out from all other creatures sin is a destroyer of lives, it destroys the sinner and it destroys those sinned against.
The problem is no-one can stop sinning, it is in the very fibre of our being, like grease is in the water we just used to wash up with, you caint get that grease out.
All you can do is pull the plug
When Christ died on the cross He pulled the plug
You say "but He didn't just take the grease He took ALL the water" that's right. God doesn't just demand our sin, He demands US, our lives, or rather our death.
Salvation is a miraculous work, when the plug is pulled and our very lives are drained away....God pours in NEW LIFE. Even the life of Christ. It is a bargain, a deal...give God our old lives at the cross and receive from Him NEW LIFE.
The life of Christ I our souls will change our lives, our desires will change, God will be our Friend who sticketh closer than a brother. He will lead us in a way that is good.
If you die today unsaved you are just paying the just demand of God...the wages of sin is death. But if you come to God believing on Him who died in your stead you will receive this new miracle life in your soul, you will be saved.
If any man be in Christ he is a new creature, old things have passed away behold all things have become new.