Other men walked on water
"the Lord Jesus Christ"-those respecting, honoring the Saviour
"Jesus"-you, and others who who disrespect the Lord Jesus Christ
Other men walked on water
"the Lord Jesus Christ"-those respecting, honoring the Saviour
"Jesus"-you, and others who who disrespect the Lord Jesus Christ
Another stunner. Here is you, when you borg/morph, into MAD:
Healing still happens even if you don't believe in spelling out G*d with an "o" in it.
You're a very bad boy
Not interested-I dig chicks.
You take way too much drugs. You post big pictures again, I'll Unsubscribe
Yes, PJ, it's just one of my many super powers-my charisma, brilliant insight, draws crowds. The only thing preventing me from being installed as the MM("Main Moderator")of TOL, in a coup, by the clamoring TOL audience, and named, unanimously, in a landslide, as the greatest TOL poster of all time, is my extreme humility.i think Pup wants to be taken under your wing -
Originally Posted by john w View Post
Request received-denied. I'm the director here; you are the dancer.
Dig? Good.
puppet surmises and warns -
well, first you need to subscribe
Yes, PJ, it's just one of my many super powers-my charisma, brilliant insight, draws crowds. The only thing preventing me from being installed as the MM("Main Moderator")of TOL, in a coup, by the clamoring TOL audience, and named, unanimously, in a landslide, as the greatest TOL poster of all time, is my extreme humility.
PS: J Garcia for "Comeback Player of the Year"-who needs Adam W?!
Not interested-I dig chicks.
Puppet, i'm sorry if you have gotten your feelings hurt. i notice you deleted some of your comments and you're unsubscribing.
I apologize for anything said here that may have hurt you.
You are welcome on this thread as far as i'm concerned.
By Our Love | |
I must be at schoolofclowns.com. I'm not much into topic of clowns. I might unsubscribe anyway. I have better things to do than squeeze your big red nose.
Saint W wasn't considerate enough to fix it by deleting those images and ruined page 10. He was too busy talking about himself. He talks above and better than women and the ladies here like it.
I'm not hurt at all cause I know clown types. They're born a clown and stays a clown. How can we be hurt when theres nothing we can do about it. Unbelivers stay unbelievers.
Saint W is the boaster type. They only hurt themselves. My conversation with him is too weird and I get really bored with clowns really fast. If you want me to hang around then I can do that for you. Saint W isn't a cyberbully enough to get my :carryon: stamp. he is a sweet little prideful boy you guys love. They are clowns too. If the world's greatest honorable Saint wants to get rid of me, he'll post really large pictures.
John W is an okay fella, when we sit around Wally's drinking Nectarine Crush and talking baseball or about the weather.
Jealousy is not an admirable trait, puppy. But I'm joyful that you've memorized "Saint W."
Although I'm flattered, that you're imitating my "clown" mark/identification, knock it off. You don't have the flare, authority, respect, presence, and humility, on this board, that I have, to pull it off.
Can you dig it, pup? Excellent!
More psycho babble, analysis, from Dr. Laura.
We all knew this was coming, as a "Hail Mary," i.e., the old reliable, "You are so mean spirited, a bully!!!! Stop it!!!" It's a version of the standard fare "Accusation of Hate Technique."
No, you are boring us, puppy. We've seen that cliché/act before. Snooze. Google something, come back, and challenge me.
"he is a sweet little prideful boy you guys love"-puppy
Of course, those that lack confidence, girly "men," such as yourself, who are too embarrassed to put up their wimp pics, always attempt to boost their sagging lack of respect for themselves, with tough guy, serious, "John Wayne....Hey, pardner" talk.
Weighty, puppy. Was your girlfriend around, watching you, as you posted the above stumper? Feel better? Release yourself.....free yourself....Let go.... She is in awe of you, right?
And I am sorry for your loss.
Thanks for checkin' in. And when was that checkin' out/unsubscribe event?
Why do you have more authorty than me?
Ask around the neighborhood about me.
"I might unsubscribe anyway.... I have better things to do...."-puppy
Most are drawn to those who have authority, such as myself;you being no exception, as I'm like a drug, you coming back for more. I'm addictive. Authority....power.....