Group huuuuug!!!!!![]()
Kumbaya my Lord, kumbaya...Kumbaya my Lord, kumbaya... Kumbaya my Lord, kumbaya.... Oh Lord, kumbaya

I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing,in Perfect Harmony.....

Group huuuuug!!!!!![]()
"This topic had turned into a hee haw show. Feels like I'm having a conversation with letsargue. Ya'll have fun boys."-you
"I say no" is what all addicts to me quip. And then, they go into do their "Godfather"/George Costanza act:
"Just when I think I'm out, he(they) pulls me back in."
You can't pull those back that never went in
The above, at Today, 05:45 AM.
Confirmed-he can't get enough of saint John W drug, as I'm addictive. Most of TOL agrees, so we understand, Hop Sing.
Oxygen is my drug and theres plenty of it.
Took you that long to "Bing" that "never before heard in the history of mankind" gem? Weighty.
Here that? That is all of the TOL audience wooing, swaying, being stunned by such a display of originality, brilliance.
Party on, Jeff Spacoli.
Welcome to page 11 and please saint john w , don't post super large pictures!
Welcome to page 11 and please saint john w , don't post super large pictures!
Request received-denied. I'm the director here; you are the dancer.
Dig? Good.
It's the kind of oxygen that makes man walks through walls like Jesus did.
I revised it for you-no charge:
"It's the kind of oxygen that makes man walks through walls like the Lord Jesus Christ did."
Show some respect, Hop Sing. You will, eventually, when you bend that scrawny knee, to Him.
You take way too much drugs. You post big pictures again, I'll Unsubscribe