Rules on creating a thread for the purpose of slander.


Well-known member
So, neg reps are bullying and unacceptable, but these kinds of slanderous rants and false accusations are fine. Is that correct?

Yes, that is correct. Gotcha :thumb:

Slanderous statements like those above in the OP, though, need to be addressed. Are certain posters protected, but not others?

Yes, that is correct, as well. Gotcha :thumb:


New member
Hall of Fame
Patrick is spite repping me, after being told to knock it off. He neg repped this post of mine, when ive not spoken to or mentioned him.

Hes trying to start junk and playing the martyr.

Battle Royale XIV... November 3rd, 2015 12:22 PM patrick jane I disapprove

Clearly a spite rep, and i reported it.


Well-known member
I have an idea. :idea:

Instead of banning all those who give PJ neg reps, and instead of losing some long time posters, why not remove the NEG REP function. :idea:

Then we won't be punished because PJ has a mental problem. :idea:

If he can't handle it, take it away instead of removing the whole dang class. That's what LIBS DO. I thought this was a conservative board.


Well-known member
This is why God gave the 10 that men would know what sin was. Let's keep track, shall we?


Commandments concerning "PJ the Great".

1. Thou shalt not give PJ neg reps., (but he can give them to his heart's content)
2. Thou shalt not refer to PJ in any posts, (but he can refer to others to his heart's content)
3. Thou shalt allow PJ to use his imagination when calculating neg reps. ie whatever numbers sound verification necessary.
4. Thou shalt allow PJ ample opportunity for pay backs for any perceived injustice that might pop into his little noggin.

So, I'm just sort of wondering out loud. I've read this post over and over and fail to see where it is "Waay over the line". These were all ideas suggested by PJ, himself. He inspired each one and laid out the parameters while visiting me here on this thread. Is it possible that Sherman clicked on this one by mistake? :idunno:

To quote one of the "greats", I'm NOT COMPLAINING. :chuckle:

Or, I could have entered the Twilight Zone. :chew:

Either way.....Ya gotta hand it to the insanity defense. It usually doesn't work quite this well. ;)

patrick jane

He's a plant alright. Planted by his father the devil.

John 8:44
Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

Romans 3:13-16 KJV and 17, 18


Well-known member
Romans 3:13-16 KJV and 17, 18

Hypocrite. Whited sepulcher filled with dead men's bones. :thumb:

Your lies will be your undoing, little girly man, and all your claims of being a Christian are fit for the dung hill and nothing else.

Yep, I see you, and so do lots of other people. So go suck up before the teat runs most assuredly will. :chuckle:

patrick jane

So, I'm just sort of wondering out loud. I've read this post over and over and fail to see where it is "Waay over the line". These were all ideas suggested by PJ, himself. He inspired each one and laid out the parameters while visiting me here on this thread. Is it possible that Sherman clicked on this one by mistake? :idunno:

To quote one of the "greats", I'm NOT COMPLAINING. :chuckle:

Or, I could have entered the Twilight Zone. :chew:

Either way.....Ya gotta hand it to the insanity defense. It usually doesn't work quite this well. ;)

Why would I complain ? Show me complaining


Well-known member
Intojoy. Don't take quote lessons from me. Clearly, I should talk. :chuckle:
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patrick jane

Hypocrite. Whited sepulcher filled with dead men's bones. :thumb:

Your lies will be your undoing, little girly man, and all your claims of being a Christian are fit for the dung hill and nothing else.

Yep, I see you, and so do lots of other people. So go suck up before the teat runs most assuredly will. :chuckle:

What teat ? What are babbling ? Are you sane today ? Do you take any meds at all ? You seem to refer to my mental capacity an inordinate amount.


Well-known member
What teat ?

A teat is one of those things you suck on. You guess which one can run dry.

What are babbling ?

I'm not allowed to upset you. Maybe you'll do something drastic and we'll all have to watch. :idunno:

Are you sane today ?

I'm sure as head nut you'd like a playmate, but, little man, that sure ain't me. I'm not allowed to upset you, remember?

Do you take any meds at all ?

Keep your dang drugs away from me. I don't want to end up like you.

You seem to refer to my mental capacity an inordinate amount.

I'm not the only one. Your mental capacity is the talk of the forum.


Well-known member
Are you whining about Sherman?

Can you read? Guess not. I'm calling for help to get the psycho (PJ) out of this thread. Try to think before you speak.

Or, are you just one of the inmates they let roam loose? :shocked: