The book of Colossians is a wonderful book that is full of priceless treasures.
this reminded me, (i actually do have memory loss issues), you make good debating posts. 1mind1spirit is right, you addressed every point and successfully refuted clete's assertions. the ones that are wrong. you got 'em all and very well said. i learned alot, thanks. God Bless
The cartoon below is a great illustration of what not only Dialogos' "argument" does but what every Calvinist I've ever debated or that I've ever heard debate does with scripture.
What the girl (I think its a girl! ???) in the cartoon does with math, Calvinists do with theology and the English language and whatever else they need to in order to preserve their a-prior assumptions about the nature of God and the 'truth' of predestination.
Resting in Him,
this reminded me, (i actually do have memory loss issues), you make good debating posts. 1mind1spirit is right, you addressed every point and successfully refuted clete's assertions. the ones that are wrong. you got 'em all and very well said. i learned alot, thanks. God Bless
Hind sight is 20/20.
To bad scripture does not conform to yer prior assumptions.:dunce:
Lol.I am not going to respond at all to Dialogos' post except to say that his brain is malfunctioning.
I would have responded to the allegation that I think words mean the opposite of what everyone in the universe thinks they mean....Clete said:He either cannot read or thinks words mean the opposite of what everyone else in the universe thinks they mean.
Nah, not my thing...Clete said:Any other response would be a waste of time. Perhaps we could talk about beer....
I'm really more of a reformed dog person...Clete said:or cats....
Clete said:...or something less complicated but there's simply no common ground upon which to have even the simplest conversation on this topic.
I cannot understand how this is possible. It feels like a lie but I don't think it is. It's the same feeling I get when talking with liberals. It's as though they have a mental disorder that alters the meaning of really simply words inside their minds. It makes it impossible to communicate in any meaningful way. Perhaps I'm approaching a point where I no longer care. That doesn't make it any more baffling though.
i only agreed with some points he made as you probably did after re-reading. but i got a kick out of 1head1body's jabs at you. he has a way with words i find humorous -
i agree with just as many of your points, 1mind acted like every word you said was wrong -atrol:
I really wish the discussions on this topic could be more fruitful than they are. Dialogos' post is probably the most intellectually honest post in favor of Calvinism that I've seen on this site in years but I just cannot get past the blindness that Calvinist seem to have when it comes to contradicting themselves and their bent toward the backward use of really common words. And I don't even mean theological terms, they get those wrong too but I mean totally common words like "Paul is talking about singular individuals as "man" demands.". No it doesn't! It absolutely does not demand any such thing but nearly his entire argument is based on that single premise. But I know that he'll never concede that point and neither will any of the mindless Neanderthals on this forum who think his post handed me my backside. It's just a pure waste of time to even try. I'm content to post my argument, answer questions if anyone has any, let whomever post their rebuttals and then let everyone remain unconvinced if that's what they choose to do.
Resting in Him,
There are much better threads to read than this one.well i am a MAD, i was before i heard of such, and received guidance here. i think you are a dispensationalist also, if so then i will read the thread in it's entirety. you have been here a dozen years -
i only agreed with some points he made as you probably did after re-reading. but i got a kick out of 1head1body's jabs at you. he has a way with words i find humorous -
i agree with just as many of your points, 1mind acted like every word you said was wrong -atrol:
you calvinistic ?
There are much better threads to read than this one.
Read the one on one I did several years back. My post here was my opening post in that debate.
One on One: Romans 9