Romans 10 proves that Calvinism is false and un-scriptural.


Just a few sacks I recieved at the home of a friend. All in good fun. Tell me this arsnic

What will you ask the martyred?

Brother Ducky

New member
Read/study the history of John Calvin or should I call him, "The Pope of Geneva?" When he wasn't part of the executions of people who didn't believe the way he did, he was something of a witch hunter, as well. All totaled he participated in the "murder executions" of over fifty human beings or more.

One of his "victims" Calvin decided that he should suffer a tortuous and slow death, so he had the man burned at the stake with "green wood" which guaranteed a slow agonizing death. And, you guys think this Sadistic murderer is your hero. Shame on all of you. This man Calvin was a beast of a man.

OK. Who did he murder?


New member
If a Calvinist is liked by nonCalvinists then he is not doing his job. It is the duty of every Calvinist to convict non believers. In this usage of 'convict' it is meant sentencing them to punishment.

Paul told unbelievers, 'Christ died for our sins,' thus refuting any notion that Christ died for less than all.


Read/study the history of John Calvin or should I call him, "The Pope of Geneva?" When he wasn't part of the executions of people who didn't believe the way he did, he was something of a witch hunter, as well. All totaled he participated in the "murder executions" of over fifty human beings or more.

One of his "victims" Calvin decided that he should suffer a tortuous and slow death, so he had the man burned at the stake with "green wood" which guaranteed a slow agonizing death. And, you guys think this Sadistic murderer is your hero. Shame on all of you. This man Calvin was a beast of a man.

Did you live in the Late Ages?
Did you undergo the Inquisitions?
Do you have first hand experience in living in a world straight out of the Medieval era undergoing political and religious unrest?

Go ahead answer 'no' to all the above, and shut thy new age, 21st century donut chute :)

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
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OK. Who did he murder?
Some struggle with finding the willingness to actually study church history deeply. It is much easier for the intellectually lazy to parrot whatever they run across that meets their predispositions. No matter how often they are answered, they just revert to the same tired canards as it gets them noticed by the hoi polloi.

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Grosnick Marowbe

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I don't really blame Calvinists for not wanting to know the history of their esteemed mentor. That being, the late John Calvin. I'm sure they do their best to ignore any negative history about the man. After all, Calvin represents their "Belief System" more or less. His personal life was a travesty. As I've previously brought up, he was involved with the "Execution Murders" of over fifty some people that disagreed with his false doctrine. He even had a stint as a "Witch Hunter" during his reign of Terror as the "Pope of Geneva." (as he was called.) He retained a certain amount of his Catholic doctrines, as is told.

I'm sure that, more than likely Calvinists avoid reading about Calvin the man?

Brother Ducky

New member
I don't really blame Calvinists for not wanting to know the history of their esteemed mentor. That being, the late John Calvin. I'm sure they do their best to ignore any negative history about the man. After all, Calvin represents their "Belief System" more or less. His personal life was a travesty. As I've previously brought up, he was involved with the "Execution Murders" of over fifty some people that disagreed with his false doctrine. He even had a stint as a "Witch Hunter" during his reign of Terror as the "Pope of Geneva." (as he was called.) He retained a certain amount of his Catholic doctrines, as is told.

I'm sure that, more than likely Calvinists avoid reading about Calvin the man?

So, no answer yet on who Calvin murdered? I am sure that there are a number of good books on Church History that you could go to to find the answers.

And frankly, it does not matter. If you are not a Calvinist, fine. You would be wrong, but it is not a matter of salvation. If you wish to take on Calvinism, great!!! But attack the beliefs, not the people. We hold certain propositions based on Scripture. Deal with that.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
So, no answer yet on who Calvin murdered? I am sure that there are a number of good books on Church History that you could go to to find the answers.

And frankly, it does not matter. If you are not a Calvinist, fine. You would be wrong, but it is not a matter of salvation. If you wish to take on Calvinism, great!!! But attack the beliefs, not the people. We hold certain propositions based on Scripture. Deal with that.

No. You guys are not "intellectually honest" about your idol, John Calvin.In my opinion, he was a very evil man and not a good example of God's Grace towards humanity. Have you read up on his history?


New member
No. You guys are not "intellectually honest" about your idol, John Calvin.In my opinion, he was a very evil man and not a good example of God's Grace towards humanity. Have you read up on his history?
Can a Christian sort out teachings of a teacher and determine what He thinks is Biblical?
Can a Christian accept what a teacher, teaches from scripture, yet reject life style or comments from that person? IOW... Can a person generally accept what a teacher says, without making that person an idol?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Can a Christian sort out teachings of a teacher and determine what He thinks is Biblical?
Can a Christian accept what a teacher, teaches from scripture, yet reject life style or comments from that person? IOW... Can a person generally accept what a teacher says, without making that person an idol?

Work it out for yourself. Let me work out my own thoughts on this matter.

Brother Ducky

New member
No. You guys are not "intellectually honest" about your idol, John Calvin.In my opinion, he was a very evil man and not a good example of God's Grace towards humanity. Have you read up on his history?

The "no" as in no answer yet, but I am working diligently on it.


No, I will not work on it, I would rather grab something I want to believe off the interweb.

And I do not know that there is a strong attempt to view Calvin as anything other than he was.


New member
Work it out for yourself. Let me work out my own thoughts on this matter.
Col. 3:12 Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. 13 Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. 14 And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.

15 Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. 16 Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts. 17 And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him

Brother Ducky

New member
That's the one sentence I choose.

Choose any sentence you want. Do you have an answer regarding those Calvin murdered?

Again, if you wish to argue against Calvinism, use the real teachings of Calvinism. To argue the character or behavior of someone who holds the beliefs is inappropriate.

If Calvin and Paul are having a math bee and Paul says the square root of 9 is 4 while Calvin says it is 3--Calvin is right.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Choose any sentence you want. Do you have an answer regarding those Calvin murdered?

Again, if you wish to argue against Calvinism, use the real teachings of Calvinism. To argue the character or behavior of someone who holds the beliefs is inappropriate.

If Calvin and Paul are having a math bee and Paul says the square root of 9 is 4 while Calvin says it is 3--Calvin is right.

I have found that people usually mirror or reflect in their lives what they believe that God is like.

Look at Islam, they believe that God is a warring God, The Koran says, "Kill the Infidels" so they are busy doing their God's will. John Calvin had a perverted and twisted view of the nature of God, the result was he was the tyrant of Geneva.