SaulToPaul 2
Well-known member
That late Rom 11 quote is not about the 2nd coming. It is about the net result down through history of those who believe, but not the 2nd coming. The Isaiah passage is being quoted as fulfilled already.
That late Rom 11 quote is not about the 2nd coming. It is about the net result down through history of those who believe, but not the 2nd coming. The Isaiah passage is being quoted as fulfilled already.
And this (MAD going back and forth with MAD) sure beats going back and forth with incompetents like dodge and his endless kind.
MAD believes all scripture.I know Madsit consider it "incompetence" to read and believe any scripture except for what Paul wrote is for the BOC.
MAD does not ignore Jesus and the other apostles.Incompetence is ignoring Jesus and the other Apostles to stay is your delusion.
MAD believes all scripture.
MAD does not ignore Jesus and the other apostles.
I'm calling you out on your bogus accusation. Answer the question and get on with it or shut up.
I'm not sure it's ignorance, but it is appalling.Dodge's ignorance is appalling.
You're wrong. It's the reason Paul was sent to the Jew first and also to the Greek all the way through the Acts period.
I study daily. And please don't call me "your heirness". It's a term that is used by others who actually appreciate my contribution to the ministry here.
Heir wrote:
It's the reason Paul was sent to the Jew first and also to the Greek all the way through the Acts period.
What's interesting about this expression 'all the way through' is that the reflective view of the apostles (their report about it) is that God went to the Gentiles early and Peter went to the Gentiles first.
You still don't get it.
What you amateurs don't get is that the whole movement was going to eventually reach the nations, and that is what is being said about the 'history' of the church so far here in Acts 15. About 'some time ago.' that's why there were people from every nation under heaven at Pentecost, so that when those people went home with this totally transcultural message, those people around them back in all the nations would get to hear.
You're warped with Israel's kingdomism instead of the mission of Christ to all nations.
What you amateurs don't get is that the whole movement was going to eventually reach the nations, and that is what is being said about the 'history' of the church so far here in Acts 15. About 'some time ago.' that's why there were people from every nation under heaven at Pentecost, so that when those people went home with this totally transcultural message, those people around them back in all the nations would get to hear.
You're warped with Israel's kingdomism instead of the mission of Christ to all nations.
It's pathetic to have studied the Bible for 40 years as you have, and still remain in a complete muddied mess of a belief system, and remain a skeptic rather than a believer.
The Kingdom of God will be full of believing "amateurs" and hell will be filled with ye scholarly skeptics.
You still don't get it.
"Getting" is what MAD propagandizes people into doing. They "get" MAD; they don't get Scripture. The meaning of the text is right there.
Poor IP, he gets his "books", but not the Holy Book.
You can't demonstrate that. Instead tonight, I've written out 5 demonstrations that you don't know what a passage is saying or why. You 'get' MAD, but not any of these five passages.
Divide those five into two each. That way, you'll have ten threads you can start all on the same day like you often do - all on the same issue; all on the same road to nowhere :chuckle: