Where's all the outcry for the several and consistent black officer assaults/shootings of whites?
Consistent? What shootings would you label "inconsistent"?

Truth is, the racist liberals (including those on this thread) present a scenario where only whites can be perpetrators in such scenarios, and can't ever be victims of such crime. And the lack of media coverage versus events like Ferguson are further proof of that irrefutable fact.
What lack of media coverage? Comparable coverage? How frequent is either? How unusual are the particular circumstances? In any event it's likely that white on black violence pushes buttons that aren't on par for any number of reasons we can get into.
Only whites can be racists, according to the absurd and godless liberal agenda.
No, but the usual primary usage of the word involves:
1. a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race. Merriam Webster
That tends to be a majority vs minority position, whatever the majority happens to be. So in Western societies among which our own numbers that tends to be about those of us who are white. Certainly there are members of minorities who will think themselves racially superior, but most of them, historically, have been powerless to do anything with that particularly ignorant belief. That's the why of the focus. It's not a plot or an agenda so much as a reflection of empowerment.
In South Africa at present you have everything you need to see the reverse in play, as you would in any number of African countries.
Odd how that agenda is represented by those professing to be Christians on TOL.
Or some people simply disagree with you without all that other high concept business attaching.