Riots in Ferguson MO. USA

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Good video :up:

Wish more minorities thought the same.

Many do but say nothing out of fear. Many do in politics but remain silent out of fear of having the RNC destroy them like they did to Herman Cain.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Completely incorrect (and a classic example of victim blaming). The public has been under attack by an out of control State for a long time, bybee. Put another way, they declared war on us a long time ago, not the other way around.

Just like Israel trying to defend themselves from rocket attacks by Hamas out of Gaza. The situation is intentionally portrayed as something other than Israel defending itself, which is what is going on.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
They can't figure out the very obvious fact that the enforcement class and the political class are the problem. Its not about rich v poor, as the marxists make it. Its about the State v its subjects, whether rich or poor....

Yet you continually vote or support that ruling class.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
All of those opposed to their local swat having the equipment necessary to defend against jihadists like the M4 carbine, a Bearcat or a MaxxPro, turn in your fire arms.

They can all be used for evil so nobody should have them. You might use your firearms for evil, so don't have it.

They will use the Bearcat to enforce a police state, so they can not have it. I know the left wants the equipment to take over, but that doesn't mean you disarm them. Just the same as you could use your firearm for a crime, so you should be disarmed.

And yes, the police in the McDonalds should themselves be arrested and out of law enforcement. Or any officer that arrests somebody or threatens it because they are being photographed or filmed. One idiot cop was trying to tell the guy it is illegal to film him. And the cop is an idiot if he really thinks it.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


And yes, the police in the McDonalds should themselves be arrested and out of law enforcement. Or any officer that arrests somebody or threatens it because they are being photographed or filmed. One idiot cop was trying to tell the guy it is illegal to film him. And the cop is an idiot if he really thinks it.

The photographing of police officers attempting to do their job has gotten way out of hand Nick, to the point where it frequently interferes with the officer's investigation or arrest.


New member
This is a complex question with a lot of facets to it. I'll suffice by saying that Ancient Israel had no professional police or soldiers and yet somehow they managed to deal with murderers and thieves.

That said, in modern times, specialization of labor has changed things a bit, so I don't necessarily advocate an elimination of all soldiers and cops. I do advocate that nobody join these careers while they are being run the way they are run. That's a critical distinction.

A good article:

A video that gets you started on law without government (Or more accurately, law without the State):

When should you shoot a cop:

(If you were offended by the title, that was intentional... actually watch before commenting.)

I don't read or watch anarchist junk. You're far too naive to even have this conversation. It will probably take a few years for you to grow up and appreciate how a society runs if the people want peace, safety, and quality of life. Those who provide the necessary services aren't perfect, so a single incident can be talked about for days or weeks. In the meantime, the system will be dealing with the incident appropriately. The system will also be handling millions of contacts every day with only a tiny percentage of misconduct. In short, they do a great job and deal appropriately with misconduct.


New member
The photographing of police officers attempting to do their job has gotten way out of hand Nick, to the point where it frequently interferes with the officer's investigation or arrest.

Yes it has been proven that matter acts differently when observed :)

we call it reality.
Just like Israel trying to defend themselves from rocket attacks by Hamas out of Gaza. The situation is intentionally portrayed as something other than Israel defending itself, which is what is going on.

If responding to someone spitting on you by blowing off their head with a high-powered machine gun can be considered "defending yourself."


Well-known member
I don't read or watch anarchist junk. You're far too naive to even have this conversation. It will probably take a few years for you to grow up and appreciate how a society runs if the people want peace, safety, and quality of life. Those who provide the necessary services aren't perfect, so a single incident can be talked about for days or weeks. In the meantime, the system will be dealing with the incident appropriately. The system will also be handling millions of contacts every day with only a tiny percentage of misconduct. In short, they do a great job and deal appropriately with misconduct.
I agree with this, but I think the reason people are upset with this particular incident is twofold. Locally, it's because this incident is endemic of the perceived ongoing mistreatment of people of color from the local police. And I would suspect that their complaints are based on actuality, seeing how their community is 78% black while their police force is only 10% black. Anytime you see that kind of disparity, there will very likely be racism behind it.

Nationally, however, I think people are upset for a very different reason; and that is that they have been seeing police forces all across the country, including their own, stockpiling military weapons and equipment, which can only have the purpose of being used against them, should they ever dare to protest the powers that be. And that, too, is based on actuality. There is no legitimate reason for local police to have those kinds of weapons and equipment.


New member
I agree with this, but I think the reason people are upset with this particular incident is twofold. Locally, it's because this incident is endemic of the perceived ongoing mistreatment of people of color from the local police. And I would suspect that their complaints are based on actuality, seeing how their community is 78% black while their police force is only 10% black. Anytime you see that kind of disparity, there will very likely be racism behind it.

Nationally, however, I think people are upset for a very different reason; and that is that they have been seeing police forces all across the country, including their own, stockpiling military weapons and equipment, which can only have the purpose of being used against them, should they ever dare to protest the powers that be. And that, too, is based on actuality. There is no legitimate reason for local police to have those kinds of weapons and equipment.

This is food for thought.
Also, however, there is a perceived bias, by some of us, in the media's reporting of police activities. So often some disgusting thug is passed off as a defenseless child minding his own business when the big bad cops decided to abuse him.
This is also food for thought.
If we could trust the media to report the facts, without bias or conjecture, then we could work toward solutions.


Well-known member
This is food for thought.
Also, however, there is a perceived bias, by some of us, in the media's reporting of police activities. So often some disgusting thug is passed off as a defenseless child minding his own business when the big bad cops decided to abuse him.
This is also food for thought.
If we could trust the media to report the facts, without bias or conjecture, then we could work toward solutions.
What coverage I've seen has been pretty unbiased, in that it has pointed out that the incidents of misconduct on BOTH SIDES have been generally very few. Most of the cops have behaved with reasonable restraint and most of the protesters are not looting thugs.

The far greater misperception is coming from racists and ignoramuses all across the country who are seeing photos of one or two people acting like thugs and criminals (on both sides of the line) and are using them to fuel their own bias, in either direction.

On another thread, ACW is spewing all sorts of blatantly racist gibberish because he has seen a few photos of black people behaving badly, and since he is a racist, and thinks like a racists, in his mind ALL the protester are thugs and criminals, because they are all black people, and so the police should use whatever force they deem appropriate, even killing people, to restore the rule of law.

On the other side, you get those 'libertarian' ignoramuses who are just as biased against any form of authority seeing a couple of photos of police using militaristic tactics on U.S. citizens, and they immediately assume that all the police are using the most extreme tactics against innocent citizens who are peacefully protesting previous heinous and murderous abuses by those same police.

The sad fact is that this country is still full of fools and bigots who see whatever they want to see, and believe whatever they want to believe, and all it takes to set them off is one photo with content that confirms all their hate-filled biases. And that is not the media's fault. Nor is it something the media can do anything to prevent.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
Yet you continually vote or support that ruling class.


The photographing of police officers attempting to do their job has gotten way out of hand Nick, to the point where it frequently interferes with the officer's investigation or arrest.

And considering how many things people are arrested for today, that's a good thing a fair chunk of the time.
I don't read or watch anarchist junk. You're far too naive to even have this conversation. It will probably take a few years for you to grow up and appreciate how a society runs if the people want peace, safety, and quality of life. Those who provide the necessary services aren't perfect, so a single incident can be talked about for days or weeks. In the meantime, the system will be dealing with the incident appropriately. The system will also be handling millions of contacts every day with only a tiny percentage of misconduct. In short, they do a great job and deal appropriately with misconduct.

You cannot expect a gang to punish its own members. They may throw you a bone every now and then to make you think they do, but whenever they can get away with it they don't. I could give you dozens of links that prove this point, but you wouldn't read them, so I won't bother.

I agree with this, but I think the reason people are upset with this particular incident is twofold. Locally, it's because this incident is endemic of the perceived ongoing mistreatment of people of color from the local police. And I would suspect that their complaints are based on actuality, seeing how their community is 78% black while their police force is only 10% black. Anytime you see that kind of disparity, there will very likely be racism behind it.

Nationally, however, I think people are upset for a very different reason; and that is that they have been seeing police forces all across the country, including their own, stockpiling military weapons and equipment, which can only have the purpose of being used against them, should they ever dare to protest the powers that be. And that, too, is based on actuality. There is no legitimate reason for local police to have those kinds of weapons and equipment.

You really think the system deals with misconduct every time?
What coverage I've seen has been pretty unbiased, in that it has pointed out that the incidents of misconduct on BOTH SIDES have been generally very few. Most of the cops have behaved with reasonable restraint and most of the protesters are not looting thugs.

The far greater misperception is coming from racists and ignoramuses all across the country who are seeing photos of one or two people acting like thugs and criminals (on both sides of the line) and are using them to fuel their own bias, in either direction.

On another thread, ACW is spewing all sorts of blatantly racist gibberish because he has seen a few photos of black people behaving badly, and since he is a racist, and thinks like a racists, in his mind ALL the protester are thugs and criminals, because they are all black people, and so the police should use whatever force they deem appropriate, even killing people, to restore the rule of law.

On the other side, you get those 'libertarian' ignoramuses who are just as biased against any form of authority seeing a couple of photos of police using militaristic tactics on U.S. citizens, and they immediately assume that all the police are using the most extreme tactics against innocent citizens who are peacefully protesting previous heinous and murderous abuses by those same police.

The sad fact is that this country is still full of fools and bigots who see whatever they want to see, and believe whatever they want to believe, and all it takes to set them off is one photo with content that confirms all their hate-filled biases. And that is not the media's fault. Nor is it something the media can do anything to prevent.

I don't think every cop uses militaristic tactics. But I think those who do by and large get away with it. And even those who don't aren't good. They're still helping to propagate the system. I'm not opposed to authority of all types. I'm opposed to aggression of all types.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
The photographing of police officers attempting to do their job has gotten way out of hand Nick, to the point where it frequently interferes with the officer's investigation or arrest.

Define "out of hand". Any citizen can stand next to a patrol car hiding in the dark looking for somebody going 42 in that 35 and film the officer. Any time, any where.

Don't like it? Then don't say you support the Bill of Rights. If somebody isn't blatantly obstructing justice in some way, there is nothing immoral or illegal about the action.
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New member
What coverage I've seen has been pretty unbiased, in that it has pointed out that the incidents of misconduct on BOTH SIDES have been generally very few. Most of the cops have behaved with reasonable restraint and most of the protesters are not looting thugs.

The far greater misperception is coming from racists and ignoramuses all across the country who are seeing photos of one or two people acting like thugs and criminals (on both sides of the line) and are using them to fuel their own bias, in either direction.

On another thread, ACW is spewing all sorts of blatantly racist gibberish because he has seen a few photos of black people behaving badly, and since he is a racist, and thinks like a racists, in his mind ALL the protester are thugs and criminals, because they are all black people, and so the police should use whatever force they deem appropriate, even killing people, to restore the rule of law.

On the other side, you get those 'libertarian' ignoramuses who are just as biased against any form of authority seeing a couple of photos of police using militaristic tactics on U.S. citizens, and they immediately assume that all the police are using the most extreme tactics against innocent citizens who are peacefully protesting previous heinous and murderous abuses by those same police.

The sad fact is that this country is still full of fools and bigots who see whatever they want to see, and believe whatever they want to believe, and all it takes to set them off is one photo with content that confirms all their hate-filled biases. And that is not the media's fault. Nor is it something the media can do anything to prevent.

True. I must continually examine my own heart so as to wait for facts to be presented.