Riots in Ferguson MO. USA

Christ's Word

New member
They know anna. And anyone reading them knows there's no love in them, only frustration and anger focused through whatever is handy.

You began using the hero word first and repeatedly in your mocking those Christ honored in scripture:

"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13

But then you have a history of that. Every post, really, given your username and your stand against his divinity. So nothing you do beyond that should surprise.

Those are Christ's words, and you don't understand them, too bad. Christ also said to fear nothing other than His Father in Heaven. But your heroes can't meet that standard, so you don't talk about that......:think:

Christ's Word

New member
The more I think about it, the more tragic it becomes for both sides.

A real life hero, THall tried to explain to Town that real heroes don't jump on the person they love most when someone throws a grenade in the room, they jump on the grenade (with a sense of agape). But town did not listen. The idiot who never served, and never awarded a Navy Cross, and never had to testify or document another man's valor and bravery, was too smart to listen to the man who has been there and lived it. Typical behavior of a corrupt lawyer who thinks he knows it all, and really knows nothing.


New member
Hall of Fame
A real life hero, THall tried to explain to Town that real heroes don't jump on the person they love most when someone throws a grenade in the room, they jump on the grenade (with a sense of agape). But town did not listen. The idiot who never served, and never awarded a Navy Cross, and never had to testify or document another man's valor and bravery, was too smart to listen to the man who has been there and lived it. Typical behavior of a corrupt lawyer who thinks he knows it all, and really knows nothing.

What are you babbling about, you jerk?

Thunder's Muse

Well-known member
A real life hero, THall tried to explain to Town that real heroes don't jump on the person they love most when someone throws a grenade in the room, they jump on the grenade (with a sense of agape). But town did not listen. The idiot who never served, and never awarded a Navy Cross, and never had to testify or document another man's valor and bravery, was too smart to listen to the man who has been there and lived it. Typical behavior of a corrupt lawyer who thinks he knows it all, and really knows nothing.

Well, TH is a friend of mine, so I won't comment on that part...

But, yes... Police Officers have a job most of us couldn't do.


Well-known member
Temp Banned
The more I think about it, the more tragic it becomes for both sides.
It's a tragedy that has been playing out here in the U.S. for a very long time. We just can't seem to find our way past it even though many of us would very much like to.

Thunder's Muse

Well-known member
It's a tragedy that has been playing out here in the U.S. for a very long time. We just can't seem to find our way past it even though many of us would very much like to.

I've been educating myself since reading this much I didn't know about.


like marbles on glass
A real life hero, THall tried to explain to Town that real heroes don't jump on the person they love most when someone throws a grenade in the room, they jump on the grenade (with a sense of agape). But town did not listen. The idiot who never served, and never awarded a Navy Cross, and never had to testify or document another man's valor and bravery, was too smart to listen to the man who has been there and lived it. Typical behavior of a corrupt lawyer who thinks he knows it all, and really knows nothing.

"Real life heroes" are capable of exhibiting an amazing lack of character when posting on internet forums, as THall has so ably demonstrated in his time at TOL.

"Jumping on a grenade" isn't comparable to what happened at Aurora.

There are "idiots" who serve.

TH isn't an idiot, and he's not corrupt, and he's the honorable man here, because he understands what love for one's fellow man truly is.

All you and Thall seem to understand is braggadocio.


Well-known member
A real life hero, THall tried to explain to Town that real heroes don't jump on the person they love most when someone throws a grenade in the room, they jump on the grenade (with a sense of agape). But town did not listen. The idiot who never served, and never awarded a Navy Cross, and never had to testify or document another man's valor and bravery, was too smart to listen to the man who has been there and lived it. Typical behavior of a corrupt lawyer who thinks he knows it all, and really knows nothing.

Is there a possibility of you not getting so much drool all over TOL as you fawn over THall?

Christ's Word

New member
"Real life heroes" are capable of exhibiting an amazing lack of character when posting on internet forums, as THall has so ably demonstrated in his time at TOL.

"Jumping on a grenade" isn't comparable to what happened at Aurora.

There are "idiots" who serve.

TH isn't an idiot, and he's not corrupt, and he's the honorable man here, because he understands what love for one's fellow man truly is.

All you and Thall seem to understand is braggadocio.

You are in denial of how a lethal threat is properly dealt with, and refuse to learn from those who do know, so just keep kissing up to your friends and remain in your ignorance. Anyone who thinks abominations like homosexual marriage should be legal, is not honorable, nor do they understand love for one's fellow man. Sticking your privates into the sphincter of another man is not love for one's fellow man, and the disastrous health records of those that behave that way is irrefutable truth. Inexcusable for someone who attempts to prop himself up a lawyer, much less a Christian lawyer.

Christ's Word

New member
I've been educating myself since reading this much I didn't know about.

A lot of people in Ferguson have been educating themselves, they have finally figured out that the Police can't protect them and are now taking actions to protect themselves........what a great life lesson. I hope you have learned the same thing.

Thunder's Muse

Well-known member
A lot of people in Ferguson have been educating themselves, they have finally figured out that the Police can't protect them and are now taking actions to protect themselves........what a great life lesson. I hope you have learned the same thing.

Well, protecting yourself is a little different in Australia :chuckle: but yeah, I can handle myself....

I did learn more about America's history and law etc. Also, forensics specific to gun shots :)


like marbles on glass
You are in denial of how a lethal threat is properly dealt with, and refuse to learn from those who do know, so just keep kissing up to your friends and remain in your ignorance. Anyone who thinks abominations like homosexual marriage should be legal, is not honorable, nor do they understand love for one's fellow man. Sticking your privates into the sphincter of another man is not love for one's fellow man, and the disastrous health records of those that behave that way is irrefutable truth. Inexcusable for someone who attempts to prop himself up a lawyer, much less a Christian lawyer.

No. Anyone who calls the victims of the Aurora shooting cowards because they didn't "jump on a grenade" is the one without honor, and all the medals in the world won't cover it over.

And there ought to be a Godwin's law for bringing up homosexuality in an discussion completely unconnected to it.


TOL Subscriber
One issue is still the same relative to a Christian forum regarding scripture and its understanding.

It's all because of high-context English thinking that this passage is determined to be primarily about laying down physical life.

"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13

"Life" is "psuche", and refers to "soul life". It may include laying one's physical life down if necessary, but that isn't the primary meaning at all.

And if it isn't according to true agape love, it's phileo. Mistaking even a heroic act of phileo love for agape love is to diminish the love of God in Christ.

No human phileo is equivalent to agape. And laying down physical life, though it may be included, is not laying down one's psuche (soul) life.

A completely unregenerate person without salvific faith can do the very noble deed of laying down his physical life for someone. Only the redeemed can lay down their very soul life and put on Christ.

Thunder's Muse

Well-known member
Yes, Australians are on average much more self reliant than poor African Americans.

Less gun violence. What is a problem is people getting King Hit at random with no warning...we call it The Cowards Punch. So many young men have died. It's become such a problem, new laws have been introduced.

Christ's Word

New member
No. Anyone who calls the victims of the Aurora shooting cowards because they didn't "jump on a grenade" is the one without honor, and all the medals in the world won't cover it over.

And there ought to be a Godwin's law for bringing up homosexuality in an discussion completely unconnected with the subject.

You are wrong, and you know nothing of the proper way to deal with threats because you have no training. Stop pretending you know what honor is, or what a hero is, you don't. Heroes act out of unselfishness, a love for mankind, and in lethal situations they do what is best for the group, not what is best for their best friend, and let everyone else die. If you had to go through the process of deciding whether or not to award medals, and had to read the testimony of those that survived lethal encounters, and analyze those situations, and then make recommendations that are subject to the harsh criticism of those you serve with, then you would understand what I am saying, and what THall was trying to teach you. Unfortunately you have no real world experience in these matters and have chosen an emotional argument to defend a friend rather than the truth.

The fact that you would slander a man who has displayed unthinkable courage in situations so dire you can't even imagine them, just shows your ignorance, and foolishness, and is not to your credit.