That's not what God wants.
The law was never what God wanted.
And yet you, in deceit, in hypocrisy, punk, spam your "GAP" charge, against us, and satanically assert that the law was "nailed to the cross," and yet no scripture says that, but concede that the law continued for years "post cross," but, no, that was not a "GAP," it meant only that God did not "flip a light switch."
You are the most deceiving, subtil(Gen. 3:1 KJV) actress on TOL, being so obsessed with MAD, you engage in fraud, hypocrisy, habitual lying, and sophistry.
Now-answer-Did you say this, punk?:
Not to mention, Darby followers deny that Christ Jesus' one time sacrifice for sin was good enough. They claim people in the future will have to sacrifice animals for sin atonement."-Craigie Tet.
He won't reply. Or he will wine, as He does with Mayor STP, that he is "misquoted."
Spineless, cry baby Craigie.
"The law was never what God wanted."-Craigie
And the punk is clueless as to the purpose of the law. Go ahead, Craigie.
Tell us the purpose for which the law was given. Go ahead. Lay it out for us, teacher." And go on record, and assert that Paul was not shown the law, to bring him to Christ
, but lost people today are not. Go ahead.
I will pick you apart-and you know it.