God's Truth
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I will not userp Jesus' authority to self claim to be saved unlike you guys.
You better watch out for your arrogance.
I agree that you definitely cannot claim to be saved.
I will not userp Jesus' authority to self claim to be saved unlike you guys.
You better watch out for your arrogance.
You are the one who followed me around tonight saying hateful things.
Fruit of Spirit is so high standard and no one can achieve it. It is life long endeavor.
That's why no one should boast to be sinless and saved.
I have a rule reading Paul, and when somebody quotes Paul. I ask myself, have I read the whole book, because Paul always has a train of thought, and individual quotes can sound like they are going against the whole train of thought.
Paul tries to tell us that the law has a purpose, like a screwdriver has a purpose, and that purpose is not to get us made righteous or saved. Using the law for this purpose would be like using a screwdriver as a hammer - something which I have tried to do when no hammer is available.
That's the thing though, they are changing Paul's word to suit their doctrine. Paul said that through faith we will establish the law. He also says that those born of God have the laws written in the hearts and in their minds. But we don't here these verses mentioned here often, or any of the verses where Paul talks about works (as seen on my post above) I believe that Paul would have spoken hard against some if he saw how they listen to what he says and ignore what Jesus says. Jesus gospel is the gospel, and I know that Paul preached the same gospel. To ignore the teachings of Jesus and not live by them is going against the Holy Spirit, which is blasphemy. Jesus' words are Spirit and they are life, and to say "they are not for me" is wrong. They are for all of us, and those who belong to the body of Christ are Israel, all those circumcised of the heart are true Jews.I understand what you are saying but his word is being used to divide His followers.
Those under the law can be saved if they have faith, but the law cannot save without faith. Paul never went against Gods laws or doing works, he means that doing works without faith are dead works.
Marhig what you say is correct. Have you any ideas why God emphasises faith so much?
Faith is a strange character trait. In a dog we may value loyalty, or obedience, or some other trait of a particular breed. But why faith?
When God led Israel out of Egypt, they saw more miracles and proof of God than any other people. When the spies brought back a bad report, they could not muster the faith, and God rejected that generation. Without faith it is impossible to please God.
There must be something God has planned for the future which requires all those saved to have faith forever into the future. Faith is required where there is a leap into the unknown. It's also required so that one does not sit questioning God for all eternity. If He says for us to do something, we will have to do it even if there is a voice silently saying "why? in our heads.
Yes, and to have true faith is to go through our lives completely trusting in God and we should listen to our conscience and obey him and his word and follow Jesus in baring witness to the truth.Marhig what you say is correct. Have you any ideas why God emphasises faith so much?
Faith is a strange character trait. In a dog we may value loyalty, or obedience, or some other trait of a particular breed. But why faith?
When God led Israel out of Egypt, they saw more miracles and proof of God than any other people. When the spies brought back a bad report, they could not muster the faith, and God rejected that generation. Without faith it is impossible to please God.
There must be something God has planned for the future which requires all those saved to have faith forever into the future. Faith is required where there is a leap into the unknown. It's also required so that one does not sit questioning God for all eternity. If He says for us to do something, we will have to do it even if there is a voice silently saying "why? in our heads.
Perhaps it is when we begin to do what He says that we begin to find out "why", (and perhaps that is why so many do not understand very many of the "why's", lol).
Yes, and to have true faith is to go through our lives completely trusting in God and we should listen to our conscience and obey him and his word and follow Jesus in baring witness to the truth.
Then I have come to the perfect place. So I will ask you Daqq "Have you any ideas why God emphasises faith so much?"
I believe one of the reasons is because true belief works its way out through genuine patience over the long run and ultimately proves faith and love. Faith therefore is proven by deeds and actions just as the epistle of James teaches. Father Abraham truly believed the Word which was spoken to him in Gen 15, and it was accounted unto him as righteousness: but that belief was put to the test when he was commanded to offer up Isaac, many, many years later, (in Gen 22). The events of Gen 22 were well over twenty years later in the life of Abraham, and yet, look what James says concerning the matter:
James 2:21-24 KJV
21 Was not Abraham our father justified by works, when he had offered Isaac his son upon the altar?
22 Seest thou how faith wrought with his works, and by works was faith made perfect?
23 And the scripture was fulfilled which saith, Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he was called the Friend of God.
24 Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only.
1) Was not Abraham our father justified by works? (offering up Isaac, his deeds)
2) See how faith "worked together" with his works? (and by his deeds his faith was perfected).
3) ONLY THEN was the scripture finally fulfilled, (many years later after long patience and endurance), which says, Abraham believed Elohim, and it was accounted unto him as righteousness, (Gen 15:6).
4) By deeds, actions, working out ones faithfulness by walking with Elohim in His Word, through long and patient endurance, the patient endurance of the saints, (or "holy ones", the faithful), by these works and deeds a person is justified, (James 2:24 and many other scripture passages).
The Heb 11 "faith chapter" has a work associated with each hero of faith.
Meshak, please don't judge Paul on what others say falsely,
I am sorry but I do believe he is not a good teacher of Jesus' gospel.
I am sorry but I do believe he is not a good teacher of Jesus' gospel.
Paul was the only preacher of the Gospel and justification by faith. Paul received his Gospel directly from Jesus Christ, Galatians 1:11, 12.
It is the Gospel that justifies the ungodly, Romans 4:5 and reconciles us and the world unto God, 2 Corinthians 5:18, 19.
I have a lot things to say about it but I will not, lest to be banned.