I realize that you believe that, but that doesn't make it true.
This is the problem with opinion for opinion's sake, and here is a comment typical of those who follow opinion instead of being prepared to learn from the Bible, regardless of where it leads. And it is the largest contributor to the disunity of the Church that is so often the reason given by unbelievers for dismissing Christianity.
Never did I say that my believing something made it true, yet here is a feeble attempt to make it seem as if I did. This person made the bald assertion, from ignorance, that the only place in the Bible that the abomination of desolation was mentioned was in Daniel and Revelation. I provided 3 verses from the gospels that proved this to be incorrect yet there is no acknowledgement. This person would rather everyone forget that they were proven wrong by the very words of scripture because it weakens their standing as believable contributors.
In addition, God's Word gives clear instructions in the first 3 verses of Revelation about how the book should be approached but because this does not fit with a pre-conceived notion it is considered unimportant.
In order to steer the conversation away from objective truth and the ignorance they have been caught in, a lie is surreptitiously invented that I am so enamored with myself that my believing it makes it true. But my only appeal has been to scripture; something that this person only has respect for if it plays into their interpretive system. The third verse tells us to read, hear and keep the things that are written. If this is not done in the first 3 verses, you can be sure the conclusions will be wrong.