Resurrection "Easter" reminder


New member
This is beyond ridiculous! Christians have had it all wrong for 2000 years but Samie is here to save the day.
Reminds one of Copernicus when he stood against the geocentric model of the solar system and presented the heliocentric model instead. Almost every one else believed in the geocentric model then. But we now know Copernicus was right.

I could be wrong. But I need to be shown from Scriptures why.

patrick jane

I don't think you were alive since 2000 years ago you knew all Christians believed in a Sunday resurrection.

Mark 16:9 tells us Jesus resurrected on πρωῒ πρώτῃ σαββάτου. And that's referring to Saturday early morning. In the Septuagint, all occurrences of the genitive σαββάτου are from the Hebrew shabbath and NEVER from shabua which is Hebrew for week.

Does it matter what day it was ? It was a day that the Lord made. No matter the day Christ is Risen


New member
He is risen, Indeed!
Yes. And that was early morning Saturday. Translators tweaked the translation from Greek and bingo. Saturday resurrection became Sunday resurrection.
This is beyond ridiculous! Christians have had it all wrong for 2000 years but Samie is here to save the day.
Reminds one of Copernicus when he stood against the geocentric model of the solar system and presented the heliocentric model instead. Almost every one else believed in the geocentric model then. But we now know Copernicus was right.

I could be wrong. But I need to be shown from Scriptures why.
You are wrong.
Your mouth is NOT Scriptures, brother, is it?


New member

Mark 16:9 tells us Jesus resurrected on πρωῒ πρώτῃ σαββάτου. And that's referring to Saturday early morning. In the Septuagint, all occurrences of the genitive σαββάτου are from the Hebrew shabbath and NEVER from shabua which is Hebrew for week.

But translators tweaked the translation from Greek and bingo, Saturday resurrection became Sunday resurrection.


New member

Mark 16:9 tells us Jesus resurrected on πρωῒ πρώτῃ σαββάτου. And that's referring to Saturday early morning. In the Septuagint, all occurrences of the genitive σαββάτου are from the Hebrew shabbath and NEVER from shabua which is Hebrew for week.

But translators tweaked the translation from Greek and bingo, Saturday resurrection became Sunday resurrection.
Mark 15:42 tells us Jesus was crucified on Friday. (Preparation day / day before Sabbath)...So, how is it possible Jesus rose the following day, yet scripture tells us it was the third day....which would be Sunday.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Amen! - Nice thread. Our Saviour lives.

So do we.

3 Or do you not know that as many of us as were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into His death? 4 Therefore we were buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.


New member
interceding for us at the right hand of the Father- Romans 8:34.

Sustaining His creation- Hebrews 1:3

Receiving worship from angels - Philippians 2:10

Yes, and directing his true church on Earth in the Kingdom preaching work which will be completed just before the end of the age. (Matt.24:14) Are you aware of how that's been going?


New member
I understand your distress, knowing that your beliefs are wrong. Has it been a tough Easter for ya ?

My beliefs are wrong? Ha ha. Not so. I wonder....why do you ignore the scriptures I quoted and the point I made about Jesus' Father and God not being recognized in all of this Easter stuff? What do you think Jesus is more concerned with---his Father's name and recognition, or a pagan goddess's Easter celebration?