Hi and in Gen 3:21 is the FIRST BLOOD SACRIFICE and the first case of ATONMENT !!\\
In Ex 23:18 shows that it is a blood SACRIFICE and the Hebrew word FAT / CHELEB points to the FAT OF GOD'S , SACRIFICE !!
And of course Heb 9:22
>>>I am sorry, can't see any blood or sacrifices in both verses.
blood sacrifice as the bible said was for unintentional sins as penalty.
God condemn it.
The prophets condemn it
Jesus condemn it.
The jews took the practice from their neighbor.
Do you agree there are no blood sacrifice for killing, cheating, working on the sabbath, disobeying your parents, stealing, .....and too many things. It was only for small unintentional sins. That's why the writer of Hebrew add the word "almost", to indicate what I said.