Those Christ lived and died for are made Righteous Rom5:19!
The y are made righteous by His obedience. Now are all made Righteous by His obedience ? Yes or No ?
Umm sure...just like He is a doorway...but we still have to choose to enter and follow His path...
He merely secured the door is open and path completed...we have to enter and begin to walk with fear and trembling...
He died and secured the opportunity to be saved for all...but narrow is that path and few they that take it...
The pattern and template is first then obedience...
Noah had faith and then built the ark...
Was found blameless before that...
Abraham had faith and then obeyed...having rejected his fathers idols before that
The idea that God would indeed kill the first born was believed and then the lamb was killed to be passed over...
They rejected the eyqptian gods before that and knew themselves as Hebrews...
Moses David Ruth Peter Paul all the heroes were given a chance to choose first then obey...after having been called after demonstrating a desire to obey...the cross merely guaranteed their choice...
"No one can come to me unless the Father draws Him" what would cause the God of the universe to draw one towards His Son?
A proven willingness to obey...