Religious Zealotry

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Sort of like FAUX News. We know they are mistaken/confused or flat out lying so … best to ignore their *content*.
It's a shame really because there's room for honest debate with differences without any need for it. There have been several conservatives who I've enjoyed debating with who don't resort to anything like that sort of tactic. Vegas Cowboy springs to mind. We might not have always agreed but it was invigorating argument and with a good natured and honest side to it despite differences of opinion.


Hall of Fame
It's a shame really because there's room for honest debate with differences without any need for it. There have been several conservatives who I've enjoyed debating with who don't resort to anything like that sort of tactic. Vegas Cowboy springs to mind. We might not have always agreed but it was invigorating argument and with a good natured and honest side to it despite differences of opinion.

Ah, the good old days.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
So what? Regardless of your opinion of our legal system (and there's a lot of room for improvement) it is the law. If you're charged with a crime or hit with a lawsuit, when you're standing in a courtroom, you're going to be facing charging documents, complaints, whatever fits the situation. The judge isn't gonna sit down and open a Bible.
You aren't making any sense. What does that have to do with anything?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
The religious zealot, as opposed to other kinds of zealotry, is peculiar and especislly dangerous because they believe they are being mandated by God to achieve their moral obectives, so they cannot/will not even entertain the idea that they may be wrong in doing so. Or that others have a right to reject or oppose their objectives.
Missed this somehow. You've encapsulated the dangers of religious zealotry to a tee here. Thankfully, at least in our respective nations, there's zero chance of it coming about.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The religious zealot, as opposed to other kinds of zealotry, is peculiar and especislly dangerous because they believe they are being mandated by God to achieve their moral obectives, so they cannot/will not even entertain the idea that they may be wrong in doing so. Or that others have a right to reject or oppose their objectives.
I agree with you 100%



like marbles on glass
There are no other holy books.
The whole trial setting is a sham.

Other religions have holy books. There are a lot of religions and no religion represented in this country; none need to swear on book that doesn’t represent their belief or non-belief. This isn’t a new thing.


Well-known member
It doesn’t need to be. Judgment should depend on the act and the individual. Repeat offenders=harsher sentence.
That is a good start.
If everyone had the same money for their "council" it would be more fair too.


Well-known member
Nope. Pleading the fifth OR refusing to testify is an indicator of guilt. The person’s character is forever tarnished regardless of conviction.
That wouldn't matter if your "rep" was already beyond redemption.

Maybe we should go to a TV jury, like the "Dancing with the Stars" do?


Well-known member
Other religions have holy books. There are a lot of religions and no religion represented in this country; none need to swear on book that doesn’t represent their belief or non-belief. This isn’t a new thing.
"Other religions" have books.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
It's a shame really because there's room for honest debate . . . .
The fault for that lies soley on your side.
That's the sort of dishonest remark that ironically neutralizes the potential for honest debate.

Except it is not dishonest, it is a fact. For at least six years now everything the Left has said here has been a total lie, from Russia Collusion, to the GOP being racist when it is truly on the Left, to all the other lies about Trump, you lie about the babe in the womb being a human being with human rights, etc. . . . you have told all lies. I have watched, here, and in other forums.

These are facts:

Democrats are the party of sodomy (gay marriage)
Democrats are the party now of full infanticide, up to killing a baby at the time of birth
Democrats defend pedophile teachers/groomers (see below)
Democrats are for open borders
Democrats destroyed our energy independence and now gas is through the roof
Democrats are openly socialists, and that is bad
Democrats lie about a coup/insurrection. We all know there was none.

Need I go on? If you deny any of these things then you prove me correct.

Democrats defend pedophile teachers/groomers (see below)

Yes. Pedophiles. What is a pedophile: Oxford Languages says its "a person who is sexually attracted to children."

Why do pervert teachers want to engage their kids with sexual speech? I do not care if it is physical or mental, if a teacher feels the need to engage a child sexually, either with speech or touch, they are a pedophile.

Teacher after teacher in Florida literally feel grieved that they cannot talk to kids about gay sex. They refer to them as "my kids". These people are SICK and you democrats have supported them, and not only tat, you attacked the governor who was defending children.

Now, go ahead and lie about that too.

Leftist zealotry, not religious zealotry, is the danger to civilization.

And I don’t think I can bear to see the students struggle and want to ask me about these things and then have to deny them that knowledge,” she added. “That’s not who I am as a teacher.

This pervert thinks its her place to discuss things with kids that only a parent should discuss.


Well-known member
Except it is not dishonest, it is a fact. For at least six years now everything the Left has said here has been a total lie, from Russia Collusion, to the GOP being racist when it is truly on the Left, to all the other lies about Trump, you lie about the babe in the womb being a human being with human rights, etc. . . . you have told all lies. I have watched, here, and in other forums.

These are facts:

Democrats are the party of sodomy (gay marriage)
Democrats are the party now of full infanticide, up to killing a baby at the time of birth
Democrats defend pedophile teachers/groomers (see below)
Democrats are for open borders
Democrats destroyed our energy independence and now gas is through the roof
Democrats are openly socialists, and that is bad
Democrats lie about a coup/insurrection. We all know there was none.

Need I go on? If you deny any of these things then you prove me correct.

Yes. Pedophiles. What is a pedophile: Oxford Languages says its "a person who is sexually attracted to children."

Why do pervert teachers want to engage their kids with sexual speech? I do not care if it is physical or mental, if a teacher feels the need to engage a child sexually, either with speech or touch, they are a pedophile.

Teacher after teacher in Florida literally feel grieved that they cannot talk to kids about gay sex. They refer to them as "my kids". These people are SICK and you democrats have supported them, and not only tat, you attacked the governor who was defending children.

Now, go ahead and lie about that too.

Leftist zealotry, not religious zealotry, is the danger to civilization.

And I don’t think I can bear to see the students struggle and want to ask me about these things and then have to deny them that knowledge,” she added. “That’s not who I am as a teacher.

This pervert thinks its her place to discuss things with kids that only a parent should discuss.
Is there ANY possibility that you could be wrong about ANY of this? Or are you presuming your views and opinions here to be absolutely true and inerrant (as though you are now God's equal)? And if you COULD be wrong, which of these accusations that you're slinging at other people (most of whom you have never even met) do you think you might be wrong about?

Also, I am curious why you are SO intensely focused on the presumed sinfulness of others, which you have no control over, and yet are so unmindful of your own, which you do have some control over. This doesn't seem logical, or effective, especially when it appears that in doing this you are becoming more and more unloving and unforgiving of others. Is this how you think your life as a Christian should be lived?


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Is there ANY possibility that you could be wrong about ANY of this?
No there isn't.

He isn't making a prediction nor is he giving an opinion, he's reporting what HAS happened and what is happening now.

Or are you presuming your views and opinions here to be absolutely true and inerrant (as though you are now God's equal)?
There is no such idiotic presumption, except on YOUR part!

One does not need to be God's equal to know what's going on in the society around him.

And if you COULD be wrong, which of these accusations that you're slinging at other people (most of whom you have never even met) do you think you might be wrong about?
He isn't wrong about any of them and YOU know it.

Also, I am curious why you are SO intensely focused on the presumed sinfulness of others, which you have no control over, and yet are so unmindful of your own, which you do have some control over.
Says the hypocrite accusing someone of thinking themselves to be God's equal!

How is it possible for someone this obtuse to continue breathing? You'd think he'd forget to eat!

This doesn't seem logical, or effective, especially when it appears that in doing this you are becoming more and more unloving and unforgiving of others.
Psalm 139:21 Do I not hate them, O Lord, who hate You? And do I not loathe those who rise up against You?

Is this how you think your life as a Christian should be lived?
It's exactly how I think a Christian life should be lived!

"There can be no compromise on basic principles. There can be no compromise on moral issues. There can be no compromise on matters of knowledge, of truth, of rational conviction. In any compromise between food and poison, it is only death that can win. In any compromise between good and evil, it is only evil that can profit." - Ayn Rand

Yes, I quoted an atheist! 😲



Well-known member
No there isn't.

He isn't making a prediction nor is he giving an opinion, he's reporting what HAS happened and what is happening now.

There is no such idiotic presumption, except on YOUR part!

One does not need to be God's equal to know what's going on in the society around him.
But you don't really know what's going on in society around you. Do you. All you know is what the media you listen to tells you is going on. And we all know that they are often wrong, and that they lie, for various reasons. Do you really think the media you listen to is absolutely true and inerrant as well? Because if it's not, then I don't see why you presume yourself to be. And not one of us can see into the hearts and minds of another. Which is why as you judge others, so shall you be judged, and why as you forgive others, so shall you be forgiven.
He isn't wrong about any of them and YOU know it.
I don't know anything of the sort, and neither does he, or you. But for some sad reason, you both have convinced yourselves that you do. Maybe because it helps you to feel so much more wise and righteous than those you judge and condemn. Sort of like that guy that sit's in the front of the church thanking God for making him more wise and righteous than those poor sinners sitting in the back of the church having to beg for God's forgiveness.
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