Have we not recognized in that identifying with our sinfulness we are biting of the forbidden fruit of judgment? Is that not the downfall of mankind? It seems Adam and Eve but the fruit once and passed it down through the generations and here we are still biting. Without knowledge of the soul we will just continue to define ourselves by our sinfulness and reman stuck with it, unaware of the infinite eternal part of us which is the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world. Without the soul we feel worthless.
Part of the personality's function is to protect us from this worthless feeling. Notice how badly it is avoiding the emptiness it feels inside itself. It grasps for anything. It would rather have something than nothing. Therein lies the problem. We judge this "nothing" this "emptiness" as bad because again we can't quit biting the forbidden fruit. We don't understand that wide expanse of space, nothing, emptiness and stillness is part of us. It is the soul which is one with God but here we are trying to avoid it at all possible costs. Every time we confess this traditional Jesus is another time we deny the reality of what the story of Jesus points to. Just like Jesus told Peter he would deny him 3 times before the rooster crowed we will deny the soul many many times because we don't know any better. But the Lord in his everlasting patience and kindness and grace forgives us for we know not what we do.
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