Religion is the biggest hoax ever sold to mankind


New member
The world is about making money. Can anyone name a bigger money maker than religions. NO. Religions are responsible for more human deaths than any disease, country, war or man. The bible is a work of fiction. It was written by a group of people who wanted a way to control people and make money off of them. Matthew, Luke and James didn't recite their books in the bible. It was a work of fiction.
Let's get serious ok. Do you actually think that a sea, or as some have said a lake, was actually parted and people with children and horses and carts just ran through the mud?Seriously! Do you actually believe that a stick turned into a snake? Do you actually believe that a few loaves of bread fed thousands? Come on people. We have brains. All this **** is impossible. It can't happen. The Vatican is naming new saints, supposedly because they performed a miracle. Can we all please see these miracles? I mean everyone has a camera on their phone now, so let's see these miracles.


Well-known member
The world is about making money. Can anyone name a bigger money maker than religions. NO. Religions are responsible for more human deaths than any disease, country, war or man. The bible is a work of fiction. It was written by a group of people who wanted a way to control people and make money off of them. Matthew, Luke and James didn't recite their books in the bible. It was a work of fiction.
Let's get serious ok. Do you actually think that a sea, or as some have said a lake, was actually parted and people with children and horses and carts just ran through the mud?Seriously! Do you actually believe that a stick turned into a snake? Do you actually believe that a few loaves of bread fed thousands? Come on people. We have brains. All this **** is impossible. It can't happen. The Vatican is naming new saints, supposedly because they performed a miracle. Can we all please see these miracles? I mean everyone has a camera on their phone now, so let's see these miracles.

Religion isn't of God, but of man. God teaches that it's wrong to make money out of him he says that we can't have two masters, God and wealth don't mix. If we love God, then money means nothing to us as we are willing share. I wouldn't believe in any religion that has huge bank accounts when there are still hungry people in the world. If you read the Bible then you will see that God tells us not to care about money but to care about the people and to share and love.

There are deeper meanings in the Bible, for instance the bread of life is also Christ, and when those who break the bread speak, they share the word of God and bring the life of Christ to others. But I do believe that God is capable of anything and that includes separating the waters and turning a stick into a snake as you put it. :) But all of this does have a deeper meaning too!

Anything that causes war and hatred isn't of God, God is love. And if the world followed Jesus then we would listen and do what he says we are to do, and that is, love God with all our heart, mind, soul and strength, and our neighbour as ourselves. Can you imagine what the world would be like of we truly followed Jesus and listened to him and we all did this? But man puts his flesh first, and this is why God wants us to turn from the things of this world, so that he can renew our hearts to be more like his son and care and love those we meet, whoever they are.

I don't believe in any religion, I believe it's been corrupted through time by man. But I do believe in God and that God has his people everywhere and there are many who love him from there heart and they bring his love to all they come across.

I hope you find him one day, I've never felt peace like I do now. He is there and he just wants us to turn to him, he wants us all back.


New member
Your opening statements have a significant amount of hyperbole in them, but you are right. Religion is a product of man's effort to approach God and because it is populated by man religion - churches - take on the coloring of the world around them. Pastors and other leaders measure their "success" by the number attending services, the size of their buildings, the total of their offerings. It has always been interesting to me that Jesus never counted the money that Judas was raking in. He never counted the number of people at each of his gatherings. He never took on the trappings of power and pride that are sometimes so prominent among Christians. The Apostle Paul the same way. He never recorded his "take" from the churches;never counted the number of converts he had made; never tried to erect any monuments to his great work.
Jesus said that what Christianity was all about had nothing to do with what the world was all about. We are to approach God through faith and faith alone. Nothing else matters to God. Now, if you don't believe in God, then that is another matter that really has nothing to do with money or buildings or power,etc..
As far as the miracles go, I wasn't there. But Jesus was. And he did not tell his followers, look out for those silly stories in the Old Testament. They can't possibly be true because you have a rational brain and rationality declares all miracles invalid. But if you believe in God, then by definition lhe can do whatever he wants when and where he wants. Our only requirement is to believe in him. We won't be judged on his ability to enter into and overpower the laws of nature - only on our faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Messiah.


TOL Subscriber
The world is about making money. Can anyone name a bigger money maker than religions. NO. Religions are responsible for more human deaths than any disease, country, war or man. The bible is a work of fiction. It was written by a group of people who wanted a way to control people and make money off of them. Matthew, Luke and James didn't recite their books in the bible. It was a work of fiction.
Let's get serious ok. Do you actually think that a sea, or as some have said a lake, was actually parted and people with children and horses and carts just ran through the mud?Seriously! Do you actually believe that a stick turned into a snake? Do you actually believe that a few loaves of bread fed thousands? Come on people. We have brains. All this **** is impossible. It can't happen. The Vatican is naming new saints, supposedly because they performed a miracle. Can we all please see these miracles? I mean everyone has a camera on their phone now, so let's see these miracles.
Which topic that you brought up above do you want to discuss? Try and nail it down to one and then maybe we can all have a conversation. Also, a heads up: it is against the rules here to use profanity. Masking a word with asterisks isn't going to fly either. Try and refrain and you'll last longer.


New member
The world is about making money. Can anyone name a bigger money maker than religions. NO. Religions are responsible for more human deaths than any disease, country, war or man. The bible is a work of fiction. It was written by a group of people who wanted a way to control people and make money off of them. Matthew, Luke and James didn't recite their books in the bible. It was a work of fiction.
Let's get serious ok. Do you actually think that a sea, or as some have said a lake, was actually parted and people with children and horses and carts just ran through the mud?Seriously! Do you actually believe that a stick turned into a snake? Do you actually believe that a few loaves of bread fed thousands? Come on people. We have brains. All this **** is impossible. It can't happen. The Vatican is naming new saints, supposedly because they performed a miracle. Can we all please see these miracles? I mean everyone has a camera on their phone now, so let's see these miracles.

What have Atheist done to make the world a better place to live in? Here is a short list of modern day Atheist leaders.

Adolf Hitler acknowledged that he abhorred organized religion. There is evidence that he engaged in “nazi mysticism” or occultism. Adolf Hitler was raised a Catholic, he became a illuminist, and while the dictator of Germany he became an Atheist.

Joseph Stalin (Russian Dictator)
Mao ZeDong (Chinese dictator)
Pol Pot (Cambodian dictator)
Slobodan Milosevic (Serbian Dictator)
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (Russian dictator)
Benito Mussolini (Italian dictator)
Friedrich Nietzsche (Philosopher)
Napoleon Bonaparte: He claimed that “all religions have been made by men”

Kim Jong Il: Atheist, although in North Korea he and his father are deified. A strange twist.

Jim Jones: Jim Jones was quoted as saying he used his church to bring people to atheism.

Tito (Yugoslavia 1945-1987)
Suharto (Communists 1967-66)
Ante Pavelic (Croatia 1941-45)
Ho Chi Min (Vietnam 1953-56)


New member
Atheist have faith that Atheism is the answer to having a civil world. They believe that religion is the cause for the worlds social ills.

Atheist do not take into account that living by Godly precepts also benefits them. Godly precepts have their origins in the religion of Judaism, not Atheism, it is a matter of historical fact.


New member
The world is about making money. Can anyone name a bigger money maker than religions. NO. Religions are responsible for more human deaths than any disease, country, war or man. The bible is a work of fiction. It was written by a group of people who wanted a way to control people and make money off of them. Matthew, Luke and James didn't recite their books in the bible. It was a work of fiction.
Let's get serious ok. Do you actually think that a sea, or as some have said a lake, was actually parted and people with children and horses and carts just ran through the mud?Seriously! Do you actually believe that a stick turned into a snake? Do you actually believe that a few loaves of bread fed thousands? Come on people. We have brains. All this **** is impossible. It can't happen. The Vatican is naming new saints, supposedly because they performed a miracle. Can we all please see these miracles? I mean everyone has a camera on their phone now, so let's see these miracles.
As an atheist even I don't find your post compelling. You're too scattered and using lots of arguments from incredulity.

Slow down and pick a point to discuss otherwise you'll achieve nothing and get nothing but hostile responses from the people you are talking to. That and you'll probably get the ban hammer pretty quick though it is possible by the way to argue for atheism on this site and not be banned if you try (I say this as an atheist here for 7 years and well over a thousand posts [server glitch destroyed many olds threads I posted in and hundreds of my posts] and I've received all of 2 infractions and no bans)