Hi Mr Godrulz,
I don't know even half of the things spoken of here on this forum by you and many others , such as MAD for example - I'm just now learning of that. And there are other terms too and names. Like I don't know what CARM is, nor do I really understand what Open Theism is.
But I'm not a scholar in the Reformed faith either, not knowing a lot of names or facts or things of that nature.
But I believe this: All Christian Theology comes down to understanding the Scriptures - and not just that - but understanding them in principle and concept too.
Open Theism is a more coherent, biblical form of free will theism.
So all I got out of what you said in the first part of your post was there is a "Biblical form of free will" that you hold to, yes?
Well, ok, I can work with that somewhat!
In some parts of the Bible - you have an apparent easy street with
this idea.
The place I have a problem is how you think man is different from Adam and Eve now after the fall?
The humanist answer is man is better.
Because that is what man and woman would have to be - yes?
In order to not make the mistakes Adam and Eve made?
And this is the term I wish you would consider - the term "humanist."
You see, sir, I fear that many modern believers are not aware of one major reason the reformers popped up like they did. What Humanists were easily believing and teaching others.
One time the devil told Eve everything man could be, have you looked at that lately?
He told her some great, great humanism propaganda. That is how he got her to eat the fruit. I believe she understood exactly what he was saying (except for the implication that God did not love them - I think she did not get that, but I don't know, maybe she did after all.)
Today what I hear is not on such a grand level, it is on a much smaller scale.
If I understand it correctly:
If you hear the Gospel you can decide whether you will believe it or not.
As a human, you will decide if you believe in God or not.
And because we are now The Great Humanity - what else is it we can do that makes us like our own gods in our lives? I fail to know.
You see, sir?
This is why I know you are a Calvinist just like I know all of the other believers are, deep down. You are just an offended one, because nobody talks to you about the lie.
Hope you are not angered by this, and in His love,