I went back and tried to fix it."She?" I thought Sonnet was a guy.
She said she/he wasn't a believer/Christian. Did that change recently?
Not a bad signature. As far as it depends on us, we can live in peace with all men, but I know at times I give offense specifically because a difference in life-philosophy is absolutely at odds with those who reject Him. -Lon
I have to sign off, but I will study this tomorrow.The reality
The model for Christians:
John 18:20
“I have spoken openly to the world,” Jesus replied. “I always taught in synagogues or at the temple, where all the Jews come together. I said nothing in secret.”
However, let's recapitulate John Piper's model - he preaches the Gospel to the unsaved:
"...embrace the gospel that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the righteous one, died for your sins..."
Here, we have all Piper's auditors believing that nobody is excluded from salvation - but Piper's actual teaching which is not revealed to them is:
"We do not deny that Christ died to save all in some sense. Paul says in 1 Timothy 4:10 that in Christ God is “the Savior of all people, especially of those who believe.” What we deny is that the death of Christ is for all men in the same sense. God sent Christ to save all in some sense. And he sent Christ to save those who believe in a more particular sense. God’s intention is different for each. That is a natural way to read 1 Timothy 4:10."
I think we all need to be careful, for this poster (NIG) will not admit to being an American citizen, and the language posted is strained to say the least.
We have no idea who might be in our midst, or for what nefarious purposes.
Be on guard of who you befriend these days . . .
What we have in the midst of Christianity is a fifth column espousing limited atonement thus crucifying the very essence of the Gospel message.
How convenient for you gt, to pick and choose which part of the Law to OBEY.
James 2:10 - For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.
I think we all need to be careful, for this poster (NIG) will not admit to being an American citizen, and the language posted is strained to say the least.
We have no idea who might be in our midst, or for what nefarious purposes.
Be on guard of who you befriend these days . . .
Who's this we you speak of?
"We do not deny that Christ died to save all in some sense. Paul says in 1 Timothy 4:10 that in Christ God is “the Savior of all people, especially of those who believe.” What we deny is that the death of Christ is for all men in the same sense. God sent Christ to save all in some sense. And he sent Christ to save those who believe in a more particular sense. God’s intention is different for each. That is a natural way to read 1 Timothy 4:10." (John Piper)
Does this even make sense? Piper is in total confusion brought about about by his own theology.
The context of 1 Tim 4:10 is salvation so we can't then redefine 'save' as Piper does so that he can maintain his theology.
Who cares what that guy says.
Why would either one of you take that verse out of context.
Paul is speaking about believing being key, not marriage status, or abstaining from meats.
And the word is specially not especially.
10 For therefore we both labour and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Saviour of all men, specially of those that believe.
Which in context would make it read: God is the savior of all men, specifically those that believe.
specially /ˈspɛʃəli/ adverb
Learner's definition of SPECIALLY
: for a special purpose : specifically
dresses made specially for a wedding
The speech was written specially for the occasion.
The room was specially designed to be used as a library.
specially trained troops
: to a special or unusual degree : particularly or especially
I was specially pleased with your gift.
people who are not specially gifted
[more specially; most specially] : in a special manner
I don't want to be treated specially.
It's his type of view that this thread is against.
By the way, there is only one of me.
'Especially' is okay to use.
This is what the Bible declares:The Bible is clear that there is an elect, who are chosen in contrast to those who are not- those who will be damned. Election does not mean 'the whole world'- that is a rubbish argument that fails under even the most elementary of observations.
It is clearly stated as well that the elect are predestined.
The arguments posed here are by extension going against Christianity altogether- you may as well be creating your own god in trivializing or bending these things.
I answer you sister, (didn't know and mistakenly called them brother... For this I apologize)
I confess that the very Spirit that created all, created humanity as His cherished bride and crowned her with free will, because He is not of tyranny, is He of the Triune.
I confess that His Bride rebelled as one of His High elected Angels encouraged that rebellion.
I confess that He had already omnipotently evoked a plan as seen in the Protoevangelium.
I confess that He showed His plan through Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Judah, Moses, Joshua, David, Solomon and alas.......
The Groom (Spirit) spiritually became One with His cherished bride (humanity) through Mary.
Mary was The Expression of the womb of He that always was and always will be in flesh.
Creation and Father One, to bare the Cherished Son.
I confess that He walked amongst us the finite expression of Our eternal infinite Elohim.
(I'm adding... Finite as in bound to time or creation by election to express Himself in Flesh, Yet the Eternal Spirit in His Soul of the Eternal Father that is Beyond Creation and time, in case I confuse any with the word finite)
I confess that He and the Father were One.
I confess that the Son of Man and Son of God was Y-H-W-H with us.
I confess that He Is the Spiritual Rock that Moses Struck in response to the Cries of Israel for water.
I confess that He revealed the true purpose of the Law.
I confess He commanded that we Love ALL as He Loves us.
I confess that the rulers and authorities tried Him and He failed not once.
I confess that He was crucified Under the Law, though He transgressed it never.
I confess that He freed the captives of Sheol and was exonerated before His accuser in Spiritual form, for He cried.... Father, into thy hands I commend my Spirit.
I confess He rose on the third day and thus displayed that the powers errored by having Him Crucified.
I confess that I believe on Him and He is my propitiation.
I confess that He reigns with all Authority and Power.
I confess that His Theological Revilation is my Theological Light.
I confess that He is the Spirit I have Been blessed with, by his death and resurrection.
I confess Him King of Kings, Lord of Lords.
Holy, Holy, Holy!!!!!
He alone is worthy to be praised.
I Confess Christ the Right Hand of YHWH.
I confess Him YHWH.
I confess the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit I was baptized under to be: Yahushua in Hebrew, Shortened to Jesus by transliteration of the Greek enunciation, and thus known as Yeshua to the Jews.
I confess Yeshua Bar Yoseph to also be Yeshua Bar YHWH
I confess Him fully YHWH.
I confess Father, Son and Spirit one.
Ice, Water and Vapor....
All of the same singular eternal Spring of Life.
He is the Water.
He is the Bread.
He is the Rock.
We are clearly not brothers, not in faith, nor any other sense. I confess the Nicene Creed, a historic Creed of Christendom. It is obvious that you don't. I wasn't sure what you were professing so, I asked a Christian friend. Their conclusion is that you are Arian.
"After nearly a century of debate at various early church councils, the Christian church officially denounced Arianism as a false doctrine. Since that time, Arianism has never been accepted as a viable doctrine of the Christian faith. Arianism has not died, however. Arianism has continued throughout the centuries in varying forms. The Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons of today hold a very Arian-like position on Christ’s nature. Just as the early church did, we must denounce any and all attacks on the deity of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ." (Google search)
http://biblehub.com/1_timothy/4-10.htm - most have especially or specially.
I don't advocate lazy in witness and study. If I take the time to write it, I expect any who seek to debate to take the time read it, and research to fully understand it.
I offer the same respect in return, and seek to do so in all debate and discussion.
Signature: "If I've offended you, that's me getting in the way of Jesus. If you search the Scriptures open to only the guidance of God's Spirit to Theologically level me..... I've succeeded."