Cross Reference
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All scripture condemns mankind as fallen creation.
Just turn on the news and you have an instant confirmation.
Only the unique, unconditional Love of Jesus, reveals the reason that Jesus is indeed YHWH.
I'm not trying to convert you, because I can tell His Spirit speaks through you in the name of Love.
I here the Spirit in many places most would deny as a source.
Love is the currency of the Universe that creates and Hate is the currency that purchases destruction.
Jesus answers this equation!
The brothers and sisters bound to doctrines of men have a limited light and Love.
They are too afraid of losing their salvation to open their hearts as Jesus did.
You can see that man, government and religion have tried to stand in the place of the unconditional Love of our only TRUE Father that Loves all of His Children, just the way they are.
Jesus destroyed all of that.
It's not His fault that man's greed and pride have continued to do what men never fail to do.
Jesus created His Bride with Love, crowned her with free will, because He is a humble and wise King, and died to purchase the cost of that free will.
Sent from my iPad using TOL ~Jesus is the Theology and the Counselor is the Commentary
Try substituting in the word "separation" instead of condemnation", using the two words to read like this: Because of Adam's transgression, man was "condemned to eternal separation from God" which left him at the mercy of the law of his flesh which always seeks to be gratified/pacified..