The context has been: whether evolution requires an increase in information!
The context has been: whether evolution requires an increase in information!
I wrote above that “evolution requires billions of instances of genetic information INCREASE” and I criticized evolutionists who “point to diseases caused by mutation as excellent examples of Darwinism.”
To that, Johnny responded: “sickle cell disease. That is evolution.
Evolution is not about ‘an increase in information’. It's about reproductive advantage. … Evolution. This business about increasing information or loss of information is just creationist fodder…” (Emphasis mine, error his.)
Ha! Johnny should retract that also, that "This business about increasing information or loss of information is just creationist fodder…”
That's an absurdity, Stratnerd, and you're just an enabler if you let this substance abuse continue with your affirmation. Genetic information increase and decrease is just creationist fodder? Right. In fact, "
Evolution is not about ‘an increase in information.'" -Johnny."
We all know the context, and Johnny should just retract his statement. It wasn't misunderstood. It was wrong.
I then challenged him: “Johnny, if you fully retract the claim you just made, I will stop quoting you in my signature. –BE”
To which Johnny replied: “Quote me if you like.
I stand 100% by my statement.”
So Johnny doesn’t need to finesse this, he needs to retract it.
Hey, it’s not that hard to admit gross overstatement or outright error. Just ask Phy, he’s slammed me into admitting error from Orion’s Belt
to the Dead Sea 
with a post titled, ThePhy's right again.
Johnny’s finessing is here: “Bob should note that
I am not saying that there hasn't been a trend towards increasing complexity or increasing organization (both of which might be defined as increases in information)--because there has been a strong trend in that direction…”
No, Bob shouldn't note. Because that's a lie. That's EXACTLY what Johnny was saying. And you all know it, and you're covering for him.
That’s exactly what’s under debate in this thread, whether science can actually document “a trend towards increasing complexity… which might be defined as increases in information.” Which, I might add, is at the heart of the neo-darwinian claim of molecules to man evolution. So, therefore, Johnny needs to retract his statement that, “Evolution is not about ‘an increase in information.’” This was just an emotional taunt. It’s not worthy of defending.
It’s like arguing with someone who’s conquered Everest:
Johnny: “We’ll, during your seven-day ascent, didn’t you ever have to walk downward at times?”
Climber: “Well, of course, the trail goes uphill and downhill…”
Johnny: “AHA! That’s it. The truth is, ascending Everest HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH CLIMBING!”
Climber: “… Huh? … Johnny, … what in the world are you talking about? What pickaxe do you have to grind…?”
[Later, Johnny's enabler friends come to his side...]
Stratnerd: (stroking Johnny's sweaty forehead) "Johnny was only talking about the parts of the trail that go downhill. Really. He's not emotional about this subject. He was only talking about the parts of the trail that go downhill. ... Of course he knows that to climb Everest, you have to go uphill, once in a while..."
When Johnny wrote “Evolution is not about ‘an increase in information,’ that’s not only a gross overstatement, it’s just flat out wrong, even more obvious by the context of our discussion which included my statement that: “it’s not true that insertions, substitutions, transpositions, etc., that break functionality are an increase in the genome.” That’s what he was replying to!
Here’s Johnny’s comment, in his original paragraph, is: “It's really simple, actually. The HbS allele confers malarial resistence to erythrocytes, thus providing a survival advantage for the population which carries the allele which would not normally exist if the population did not carry the allele. In short, more people survive to the age of reproduction with the HbS allele than would without it--even if we assume that one out of every four live births has sickle cell disease.
That is evolution. Evolution is not about ‘an increase in information’. It's about reproductive advantage. An allele which reproduces itself more often than another allele will find its frequency in a population increased as a function of time. Evolution. This business about increasing information or loss of information is just creationist fodder--which we will see when you define an ‘increase in information’.” (Emphasis mine, error his.)
-Bob Enyart
[My wife's asking me what in the world I'm doing, rather than packing for our trip tomorrow. Yikes, I better get out of here... -Bob]