Real Science Friday- Caterpillar Kills Atheism
This is the show from Friday March 28th, 2008.
* Challenge to Atheists: RSF co-hosts Fred Williams, with Creation Research Society, and Bob Enyart, challenge atheists to give a rough description of how evolution could possibly explain (
it cannot) a caterpillar liquefying itself and re-creating itself into a butterfly. Evolution uses random mutations, small incremental changes, and natural selection. The chrysalis stage is an
impassible gulf that small random changes
cannot cross. A caterpillar species needs to begin digesting itself, turning itself into a "bag of rich fluid," and then forming all new tissue and organs, including wings, legs, antennae, heart, muscles and nervous system, building a brand new organism, and then starting the process all over again.
So, Bob and Fred invite any atheist to spend the next 25 years trying to come up with a rough algorithm of how Darwinism can cross the Chrysalis divide!
* Evolutionist Criticizes Bob: Go figure. The last time Bob described the caterpillar liquefying itself and then re-forming itself, a feat
impossible for Darwinism to accomplish, ...