New member
I don't consider tax dodgers who get their degrees from diploma mills or other mediocrities with degrees from a silo college to be qualified scientists. Hardly the best brains on campus, as it were. Creationists are hardly qualified to practice phrenology, let alone offer "insight" on paleontology, archeology, physics, or anthropology.
I don't know about YE creationists, but here's a Creationist who you may be able to respect - unless you thing MIT is a "diploma mill" or a "mediocrity" or a "silo college."
Here's an article by him that might make you spit:
Or it might make you change your mind about generalizing all creationists as under-educated hicks.
BTW, I have no particular affinity for either a young earth or an old one. I honestly don't think it makes a scintilla's bit of difference.
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