Comments directed to a Christian who is engaged in science:
- I am sick and tired of letting science determine how the Bible ought to be interpreted.
I will answer your post. I don't want to get into an extended dialogue. I have some health issues I must deal with.
Actually, unless the Bible and God exist, no science is possible.
- Why isn’t science ever asked to rethink it’s conclusions in light of the Bible? Why is the Bible always the loser?
I wondered that mself. When a T-Rex bone is cut in two and red tissue is found, shouldn't scientists be asked to reconsider their argument that dinosaurs died out 65 millions years ago. After all, dinosaurs are mentioned in Job.
When Crick and Watson cracked the DNA code, a reporter asked: Now that we know that DNA is information, and information can't come from chemicals, can we assume there must be a God (paraphrased). Crick, instead of agreeing with Genesis, answered that outer space visitors did it.
This is why I argue that evidence does not matter. It will be interpreted through one's worldview.
- If I am now asked to yield on the on the interpretation of Genesis 1 or the flood story, they won’t science soon be asking me to give up the resurrection of Jesus Christ? Won’t the gospel of God’s grace in Christ and my own salvation ultimately have to be abandoned in the face of science?
I know you're being facetious, but in your facetiousness you are showing more insight than most theists. Darwin's bulldog, Sir (I forget his name), used this argument against Christians, i.e. if Genesis is not true, then what else is not true?
- I must not allow science to dictate my understanding of the Bible
If I give up my Ultimate Standard, then what will I stand on and defend? My Ultimate Standard gives me a rational reason to believe in laws of logic, morality, uniformity of nature, reliability of my senses, and that my thinking is rational. My beliefs are not arbitrary or irrational.
An atheist uses laws of logic but has no rational basis within his worldview to do so. He must borrow from my worldview.
- The Bible is the infallible Word of God, and Christians ought to take God at his word by accepting the clear and plain teaching of the Bible.
You're not Brian. What have you done with Brian?
- Genesis should control my scientific theorizing, not the other way around.
If Genesis were not true, then atheist scientist could not do science or know anything. Before an atheist or theist scientist can do science, he must assume that the laws of logic are absolute, invariant, and universal. He must assume that his senses are reliable and can be trusted. He must assume that he has the ability to reason and reach truth. He must assume that the physical laws will operate in the future as they have in the present and the past. He must assume that the abstract (honesty) will govern his endeavors and those assisting him. He can assume none of these things within his worldview, for none of these comes from the dust of the earth. Adam was made from the dust of the earth, but life was breathed into his nostrils by God. Laws of logic, thought, morality are not physical, and not part of the physical world.
- I am encouraged not to trust the unreliable efforts of fallible, sinful, human scientists.
On the contrary, I trust atheist scientists. I'm glad that Crick cracked the DNA code. In doing so, he strengthened the theistic argument and weakened atheism. Atheist scientist can make great discoveries. But to do so, they must be inconsistent within their worldview when they use laws of logic, rely on their reasoning, trust that the physical laws are law like. Even though they deny the One who makes all this possible, still they can make great discoveries.
- Science has made mistakes and is always changing its mind.
Actually, it's the scientist who makes mistakes--the atheist and the theist. Aristotle argued that the earth was the center of universe. But later, Galileo proved Aristotle wrong. It was not those with a strong belief in the Bible and God that opposed Galileo. It was the Catholic intellectuals who worshipped Greek philosopers (influenced by Augustine) who persecuted Galileo.
If scientists are always changing their minds, then why do they still argue that the last dinosaur died out 65 million years ago?
-The world of scientific theorizing is dominated by unbelievers.
This is not true. I've been watching the debates on Fixed Point between Professor John Lennox and the two Richards. The host of the show, Dr. Taunton related the following: In 1916, a psychologist named James Luba poled 1,000 scientists about their religious status. Forty percent believed in God. Luba theorized that with the advance of education there would be a corresponding decline in scientists who believed in God. To test his theory, researchers did a similar test in 1997. The results were the same as the test in 1916--40 percent believed in God.
- Science (is) secular by definition, controlled by those who are opposed to Christ and his Word.
This is not true. The cradle of modern science is Christianized Europe in the 16th and 17th century. And all of the fathers of sciences were Christian. From Galileo to Newton--all were Christian. C.S. Lewis wrote that the reason for this is that Christians believed that the universe was govrned by physical laws that we could understand because there was a Law Giver Who gave us a mind with which to understand it.
- My attachment to “secular science” and my desire to reinterpret Genesis are sinful.
In the atheist worldview, nothing can be sinful.
- Not a few people have urged me to repent of my sinful intellectual endeavors.
To be sinful or intellectual, you must borrow from the Christian worldview. You are inconsistent, irrational, and arbitrary when you make any attempt to be intellectual or sinful. Now atheists can be intellectual and can feel guilt because God gave them a mind and a conscience. They just deny God as the source of these things.
I'm presently reading a paper by the late Christian apologist Dr. Bahnsen on Van Till's theory that man can deceive himself (self-deception). Paul wrote of this in Romans: "For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts and their foolish hearts were darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools" (Rom. 20-22). And Jesus said that "the human heart is deceitful above all things."
If you want to read an interesting debate on the existence of God, google The Great Debate between atheist Dr. Stein and Dr. Bahnsen.