Real Science Friday: Anti-Creationist AronRa YouTube Star


Yeah, I can just see him up there presenting awards and all of a sudden barbie rushes the stage, grabs the mike and starts blurting out "Yo AronRa, I'm really happy for you, I'ma Let you finish, but Joe Meert has one of the best rebuttals to intelligent design of all time!"
Kenneth Miller's is better in Finding Darwin's God. Not only does Miller go into the scientific refutation of ID, but he also shows a good bit of the Christian refutation of ID.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Ah. The Red Herring fallacy. I asked why you don't try focussing on the arguments and evidence. You didn't give an answer to that, did you?

Yes, it's a free country. But it doesn't really matter to truth whether AronRa is a "famous anti-creationist" or not, does it? We determine truth based on evidence and arguments, not on who says them.

That you want to focus on the "who" instead of the arguments and evidence is an indication that you can't face the truth in AronRa's evidence and arguments.

BTW, I suggest you look up what "facism" and "communism" are. Your calling me both in the same sentence shows you do not know what they are.

  1. If you've got 20 bucks I've got a sense of humor I can sell you.
  2. Have you ever heard of an internet celebrity?
  3. Do you really think I was paying that much attention to AronRa's evidence and arguments? I don't debate evolution v. creation. I can't stop laughing at the fallacies and idiocy of the evolutionists long enough to make my case.


New member
  1. If you've got 20 bucks I've got a sense of humor I can sell you.

  1. "A false balance is an abomination to the Lord..."

    [*]Have you ever heard of an internet celebrity?

    So AronRa is up there with the girl who can't sing who likes Fridays, the stunt ninja guy who hits himself on the head and falls over, and the blubbering Britney ninny? You should stop trying to help people out with your arguments and stick to eating paint chips.

    [*]Do you really think I was paying that much attention to AronRa's evidence and arguments? I don't debate evolution v. creation. I can't stop laughing at the fallacies and idiocy of the evolutionists long enough to make my case.

If that didn't sound so much like weaksauce excuse-making, it would be yet more evidence that any sense of humor you may have owned was foreclosed on years ago, and the vacant lot where once it stood is now home to a prairie dog colony. No, Lighthouse, this won't do.


New member
Hall of Fame
I'm guessing that getting my phone number or address might be a motivation. But I don't think I'll be providing that for the time being.

I'm not sure why Sod thinks Bob couldn't talk to me here if he wanted to. He certainly has done that before.

Exactly. Other than the fact that calling into the show would be a gigantic waste of time the thing is, some people on TOL already know more about me than I care for.

The Barbarian

When you're ready to talk, I'll listen, Sod.

Seriously. I've let go of any wrongs you might have done, and I'd like you to be able to do that, too. If you'd rather do it in PM, that's fine, too.


New member
"A false balance is an abomination to the Lord..."

So AronRa is up there with the girl who can't sing who likes Fridays, the stunt ninja guy who hits himself on the head and falls over, and the blubbering Britney ninny? You should stop trying to help people out with your arguments and stick to eating paint chips.

If that didn't sound so much like weaksauce excuse-making, it would be yet more evidence that any sense of humor you may have owned was foreclosed on years ago, and the vacant lot where once it stood is now home to a prairie dog colony. No, Lighthouse, this won't do.



The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
"A false balance is an abomination to the Lord..."

So AronRa is up there with the girl who can't sing who likes Fridays, the stunt ninja guy who hits himself on the head and falls over, and the blubbering Britney ninny?
Is Colm Meaney up there with Brad Pitt?

You should stop trying to help people out with your arguments and stick to eating paint chips.
You should try using the brain that God gave you.

If that didn't sound so much like weaksauce excuse-making, it would be yet more evidence that any sense of humor you may have owned was foreclosed on years ago, and the vacant lot where once it stood is now home to a prairie dog colony. No, Lighthouse, this won't do.
Weak and sauce are two different words, moron.

And to clarify there was only one argument to which I referred in this thread, initially, and that was the one on the shirt mentioned by another poster. Apparently AronRa was wearing it in some of the videos. I don't know, I never watched them.