Real Science Friday: Anti-Creationist AronRa YouTube Star

some other dude

New member
I figure he really believed that this guy was a leading anti-creationist.

Well, here's your opportunity to correct him. You've felt strongly enough about his characterization of AronRa as "a leading anti-creationist on the web" to make fifteen posts about it in this thread alone.

Here's your chance to be a hero, not a zero. Set aside that cowardice. Calm the butterflies in your stomach.

Be a man and explain to Bob why he's wrong.

eta: and I see Jeff's made it even easier for you barbie.

Thanks Jeff! :thumb:

The ball's in your court barbie. Do you stand behind your words, or do you weasel your way out of what might be a frightening experience for you?

The Barbarian

If anyone has anything to add, they can certainly add it here. You've pretty much settled the matter with your Google search.

And I thank you. Perhaps, since you're the one who discovered it, you'd like the honor of telling Bob. Enjoy.

The Barbarian

Yeah, Eugenie Scott would make the cut, I think. But the quality of a scientist isn't related to his or her ability to speak persuasively.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Would Eugenie Scott be considered a leading anti-creationist? Because AronRa is certainly a stronger debater than she is.


Hey ... I thought Barbie was supposed to be ignoring Dude. :think:

some other dude

New member
So far, it looks like barbie lacks the courage of his convictions.

Still, it's several hours until the 5:00 call in. :think:

Will barbie grow a backbone in the next couple hours, or will he be content to be shown to be a snivelling coward?

Stay tuned!


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Will barbie grow a backbone in the next couple hours, or will he be content to be shown to be a snivelling coward?

Gee, Dude. You're so unfair! What's wrong with all these evolutionists being able to mock without a reply? :chuckle:

some other dude

New member
It just seems odd. He's made a plethora of posts (I can't keep count anymore - fifteen? seventeen?) kvetching about what he, and only he perceives to be Bob's mis-characterization of this fellow.

Given the opportunity to talk to the guy himself, he turns tail and runs.

What's up with that? :idunno:

Is Bob that scary?

Bob? Are you out there?

Would you promise not to be mean to barbie if he calls in?


If Bob promises not to be mean, will you stiffen your spine and call him?


New member
Hall of Fame
If anyone has anything to add, they can certainly add it here. You've pretty much settled the matter with your Google search.

And I thank you. Perhaps, since you're the one who discovered it, you'd like the honor of telling Bob. Enjoy.

All Enyart did was try to make a somebody out of...a nobody.

some other dude

New member
and we all know that Granite's too much of a coward to say that to Bob directly.

Heck, Granite's too much of a coward to defend his words on this site without hiding behind ignore. :chuckle:
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The Barbarian

Hey ... I thought Barbie was supposed to be ignoring Dude.

Nope. I forgave him for all the things he said about me that weren't true, and I've asked his forgiveness for anything I did to him. I have no resentments against him, and I hope he'll be able to reciprocate, eventually.

I've unilaterially ended the feud. But I may still disagree with him from time to time.

Of course, if Bob wants to discuss it here in front of everyone else, I'd be happy to do that. He's always been respectful and decent on the forum, even when we've disagreed about things.

If he's not interested, that's O.K., too. I'm hardly a leading evolutionist on the net, anyway... :chuckle:

some other dude

New member
I'd be more interested in why barbie is comfortable making statements like this on an anonymous internet discussion board, but when given the opportunity to talk to Bob directly, chooses to run and hide:
The Barbarian said:
...this person (AronRa), who might be very knowledgeable, is not actually a leading anti-creationist on the web

The Barbarian said:
AronRa is hardly a leading anti-creationist on the web.

The Barbarian said:
Four mentions of AronRa, all from Bob Enyart. No one else seems to think he's one of the leading anti-creationists on the web or anywhere else, for that matter.

What kind of a coward would be afraid of defending his words? :idunno:

The Barbarian

(I mentioned that I forgave Sod for any and all false accusations, and asked his forgiveness for any wrongs I did him)

What did you do to him?

I'm not really sure. It seems to date back to when he was posting here as "Koban." Something seems to have caused enough hurt to have him follow me around. I'm hoping my forgiveness of him and asking him for forgiveness for me, might help the healing a little.

That might take some time. But as they say, "be kind to your enemies; you made them."

If it seems a bit of a pain to everyone else, I'm pretty sure it's not much fun for him, either.

The Barbarian

I'd be more interested in why barbie is comfortable making statements like this on an anonymous internet discussion board, but when given the opportunity to talk to Bob directly, chooses to run and hide

If Bob wants to talk to me, as he has in the past, I'm good with that. He just needs to ask.

Am I going to give up my anonymity (such as it is)? I'm not sure I'm comfortable with giving some people here a better chance to know my phone number.

Maybe in a few months, if things get better.

some other dude

New member
If Bob wants to talk to me, as he has in the past, I'm good with that.

But until then, you're comfortable refuting him from your cowardly hiding place?

He just needs to ask.

Dude, there's an 800 number. Call and ye shall be answered.

Am I going to give up my anonymity (such as it is)? I'm not sure I'm comfortable with giving some people here a better chance to know my phone number.

Ah, so it is a matter of cowardice. It's OK that you know Bob's phone number, but you don't want him to know yours?


lucaspa: "However, instead of focussing on the who, why don't you try focussing on the arguments and evidence presented?"

I live in the US of A, I can focus on whatever I like; it's a free country. Take your fascism and go away, communist.
Ah. The Red Herring fallacy. I asked why you don't try focussing on the arguments and evidence. You didn't give an answer to that, did you?

Yes, it's a free country. But it doesn't really matter to truth whether AronRa is a "famous anti-creationist" or not, does it? We determine truth based on evidence and arguments, not on who says them.

That you want to focus on the "who" instead of the arguments and evidence is an indication that you can't face the truth in AronRa's evidence and arguments.

BTW, I suggest you look up what "facism" and "communism" are. Your calling me both in the same sentence shows you do not know what they are.