Real Science Friday: 2011's List of Not So Old Things Pt. 2

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2011's List of Not So Old Things Pt. 2

This is the show from Friday February 11th, 2011.


* Concluding RSF's 2011 List of Not So Old Things: Real Science Friday co-hosts Fred Williams and Bob Enyart complete their annual tradition by updating their classic List of Not So Old Things! See last week's RSF show for Part 1.

* RSF's 2011 REAL SCIENCE FRIDAY - This growing list of scientific observations contains items that even old-earth geologists now admit did not form over millions of years, but rapidly. As reported by's Real Science Friday hosts CRS webmaster Fred Williams and Bob Enyart, many of these scientific finds demand a re-evaluation of supposed million-year ages:

* Soft Tissue T-Rex: Montana State University found soft tissue in a supposedly 65-million year old Tyrannosaurus Rex thighbone that remain supple: see startling photos!

* '155 million year old' - Squid - 'Still Inky': Which two of those three claims are irrefutable? The British Geological Survey's Dr. Phil Wilby gets two right. It was a squid. And it was still inky! See the report of the find and the drawing of the squid drawn by the squid's very own ink!

* Scablands: cover thousands of square miles of eastern Washington and against fierce geologists claims of slow formation over millions of years, there is now overwhelming evidence as presented even in a NOVA TV show that the Scablands formed rapidly from catastrophic, regional flooding.

* Heart Mountain Detachment: near Yellowstone, didn't occur slowly by uniformitarian processes, but in only about 30 minutes a mountain of rock covering 425 square miles broke into 50 pieces and slide apart over an area of more than 1,300 square miles. The evolutionist source reports, "Land Speed Record: Mountain Moves 62 Miles in 30 Minutes."

* MORE SOFT DINOSAUR TISSUE!: Ho-hum… sooo boring. According to National Geographic, just another dinosaur with soft-tissue, this time, a hadrosaur, with soft blood vessels and connective tissue and… what’s this? Looks like blood cell protein amino acid chains that have already been partially sequenced at Harvard. This supposedly 80-million year-old non-fossilized duck-billed dinosaur tissue was discovered by a team led by researchers at North Carolina State University.

Seems they wanted to get some soft dino tissue, so they put together a team, and just went out and got some. (Consider all the potential soft dino structures, and perhaps even DNA, lost to humanity because of the false evolutionary timescale which so biased paleontology that they never even would look for non-decomposed, non-fossilized biological tissue inside of dinosaur bones.)

And still more: And in the summer of 2010, scientists report the presence of original biological material in archeopteryx feathers and bones, that have survived for 150 million years!

* Rare School of Jellyfish Fossilized: Previously, seven sedimentary layers had been described as taking a million years to form. And because jellyfish have no skeleton, it is rare to find them among fossils. But now, a school of jellyfish fossils have been found in those same seven layers showing that they were not deposited over a million years, but during a single event and quickly enough to trap a school of jellyfish.

* Yellowstone Petrified Tree Strata: The National Park Service took down their deceptive sign that had claimed petrified trees in a dozen different strata had proved that millions of years had passed during the rise and fall of successive forests. But the petrified trees there had no root systems, and the trees were clearly transported by water and settled into rapidly deposited sediments just as had occurred in Spirit Lake after Mount St. Helens erupted. Bob Enyart had the honor of working with the head ranger at a National Park (had dinner at his home; discussed how this sign could be removed), and he corresponded with his colleagues at Yellowstone and urged them to correct or remove the sign. They removed it. (See also AIG.).

* European vs. Asiatic Honeybees: these two populations of bees have been separated supposedly for seven million years. A researcher decided to put the two together to see what would happen. What we should have here is a failure to communicate that would have resulted after their "language" evolved over millions of years. However, European and Asiatic honeybees are still able to communicate, putting into doubt the evolutionary claim that they were separated over "geologic periods." For more, see Real Science Friday at, Nov. 7, 2008 and Creation Magazine, September 2008 and PLoS ONE (Public Library of Science) 4 June 2008.

* Carlsbad Cavern: New Mexico, Nat'l Park Service sign said 260 MYA, then 8MYA, then 2MYA, and then they took down the sign claiming formation took millions of year. On Bob Enyart's family vacation in 2005 the official audio tour states, "rate of formation depends on the amount of available water." See RSF 11-7-08 at KGOV.

* Lihir Gold Deposit: in Papua New Guinea, evolutionists assumed the more than 20 million ounces of gold in the Lihir reserve took millions of years to deposit, but geologists can now demonstrate that the deposit could have formed in thousands of years, or far more quickly!

* Box Canyon, Idaho: Geologists now think Box Canyon in Idaho, USA, was carved by a catastrophic flood and not slowly over millions of years with 1) huge plunge pools formed by waterfalls; 2) the almost complete removal of large basalt boulders from the canyon; 3) an eroded notch on the plateau at the top of the canyon; and 4) water scour marks on the basalt plateau leading to the canyon. Scientists calculate that the flood was so large that it could have eroded the whole canyon in as little as 35 days. Creation Magazine, Sept. – Nov. 2008 page 7 from Science 23 May 2008, pp. 1067-1070

* Manganese Nodules: which allegedly form only over "geologic time periods" have formed "around beer cans" according to a World Almanac documentary, of course disproving the million-year requirement! There are also reports of manganese nodules forming on old World War II ships.

* Mitochondrial Eve: by quantifying the differences in the human genome of mitochondrial DNA and tracking its mutation rate, scientists calculate that there is not millions of years worth of mutations among mankind but only thousands of years. Initially, by admittedly including chimpanzee DNA among their data, evolutionists calculated that Eve lived more than 200,000 years ago, but using actual human mutation rates, she is now dated as just tens of thousands, and even only six thousand years old! See also's "A shrinking date for 'Eve'" and Science magazine's "Calibrating the Mitochondrial Clock."

* Super Nova Remnants: an explosion appeared in the night sky in 1054 A.D. as a supernova remnant (SNR) in the Crab Nebula. Evolutionary scientists have measured and calculated the expected rate that stars would explode. However, if the universe is billions of years old, the vast majority of SNRs (like the Crab Nebula) that should exist, are missing! Instead, the number of SNRs corresponds well to the expected number if the universe is less than 10,000 years old, especially considering that astronomers have not found a single SNR at Stage 3 (a great diameter)! Of course, if the universe is young, there should be no State 3 SNRs! Listen to this Real Science Friday program at!

* Fossils with Protein, DNA and Bacteria: As listed in 2008 by Dr. Walt Brown…
- allegedly 17 million year old magnolia leaf contains DNA (Scientific American 1993)
- allegedly 100 million year old dinosaur fossil contains protein (Science News 1992)
- allegedly 120 million year old insect fossil contains DNA (Nature 1993)
- allegedly 200 million year old fish fossil contains DNA (Science. News 1992)
- allegedly 30 million year old bee fossil contains LIVING bacteria (Science 1995)
- allegedly 600 million year old rock contains LIVING bacillus (Nature 2000).

* Saturn’s Rings: do not show the stability predicted by their presumed 50 to 100 million year-old age, but have changed significantly since man’s first mappings. See RSF 4-10-06 at KGOV.

* Earth's Magnetic Field Reversals: Disproving any notion that magnetic reversals must occur over long periods, as documented by Dr. Walt Brown, Evidence Suggesting Extremely Rapid Field Variations During a Geomagnetic Reversal, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 1989; Earth's Field Flipping Fast, New Scientist, 1992; New Evidence for Extraordinarily Rapid Change of the Geomagnetic Field During a Reversal, Nature 1995. "At one time the orientation of the earth's magnetic field changed rapidly?by up to 6 degrees per day for several days," Brown, 2008.

* Polystrate Fossils: In a thousand locations including the Fossil Cliffs of Joggins, Nova Scotia, polystrate fossils such as trees span many strata disproving the claim that the layers were deposited slowly over millions of years. See CRSQ June 2006, ICR Impact #316, and RSF 8-11-06 at

* Carbon-14 Unexpectedly Found… Everywhere: Carbon-14 decays in only thousands of years, and therefore, cannot last for millions of years. Thus evolutionists are shocked to find Carbon-14 EVERYWHERE it shouldn't be if the earth were old. Carbon-14 is found in diamonds, coal, oil, dinosaur fossils, and amber! In a recent find, Fall 2007 CRSQ, radiocarbon exists even in supposedly million-year-old two-mile deep natural gas wells: "Once again, fossil gas is not carbon-14 dead. Thus, the age of the gases is on the order of thousands, not millions of years.” See RSF 3-28-08 at KGOV.

* Spiral Galaxies: after their alleged billions of years the spiral arms of “pinwheel” galaxies should now be deformed, since as has been known for decades, the speed of the arms does not align with the galaxy centers, so there is “missing billions of years” of deformation in spiral galaxies. Atheistic astronomers have great difficulty even explaining where our own Moon came from, let alone the entire universe, and they admit they can’t even figure out which formed first, stars or galaxies, showing that their Big Bang theory does not merit the absolute trust that millions put in it. Thus far from being able to explain how the universe could form apart from God, they are groping in the dark. See RSF 7-25-08 at KGOV.

* Rocks Harden in Days: According to scientists at Murdoch University, experiments prove that rocks don't need eons to harden but by adding bacteria to "soft sand," they end up with "something resembling marble more than sandstone." See Science Alert and Creation Magazine, September 2010.

* Even Faster Rocks: As listed in Dec, 2010 Creation Matters, radiometric dating by Rubidium-Strontium gives a 1.3 billion year age for lava atop the Grand Canyon which would be 300 million years older than the precambrian basalt at the bottom of the canyon, as reported by Steven Austin, Ph.D. And the Potassium-Argon dating method incorrectly indicates that certain minerals hardened into stone 350,000 years ago, when in reality they solidified just recently, in 1986 at Mount St. Helens, and some of the mineral within the then ten-year old rock was wrongly dated as two million years old.

* Yikes! Millions of Years are MISSING Here: According to evolutionary geologists, there are MORE THAN 100 MILLION YEARS MISSING in the extraordinarily regular and straight layers of the Grand Canyon!

Supposed geological layers entirely missing from the beautifully formed Grand Canyon strata include the Ordovician and the Silurian. The flat boundaries between strata provide hard evidence proving that millions of years of erosion DID NOT OCCUR, and that therefore, those millions of years DID NOT PASS, neither in the canyon nor anywhere on Earth, for they are an atheistic fiction.

* Special Editions of Real Science Friday:
- BEL's famous List of Not-So-Old Things
- Bob's debate with Christian Darwinist British author James Hannam
- PZ Myers blogs against Real Science Friday so Bob hits back with the Trochlea Challenge
- Waiting for Darwin's Other Shoe: Evolution mag's cover story Darwin Was Wrong on the Tree of Life
- Microbiologist in Studio: Bob talks with the Creation Research Society Quarterly editor about new genetic findings
- Caterpillar Kills Atheism: describe how a bug could evolve to liquefy itself and then build itself into a flying creature
- And see RSF Offer of $2,000 to get 16 letters of the alphabet in their correct places; $500 pd in 1998; $1,500 in 2010!

For our RSF Friends: in case you miss other BEL programs, here are some of the atheists Bob Enyart has debated:
- ABC's Reginald Finley, called The Infidel Guy, from ABC's Wife Swap program; 3-26-07;
- TheologyOnline's psychologist Zakath in a 10-round moderated written online debate, also available in soft cover;
- TOL's member who calls himself Fool; 3-28-06;
- John Henderson who wrote the book 6-15-2006;
- Carlos Morales, Fox News, Huffington Post, etc. reports on U of Texas atheists Bible-turn in program, president of Atheist Agenda 7-14-10
- Freedom from Religion Foundation's Dan Barker (put the atheist sign near the Nativity at the capitol in Seattle) who was involved with the ministry of Kathryn Kuhlman, one of a group of so-called faith healers. (See a BEL listener who initially compared Bob to Benny Hinn until...) The BEL show was on 12-11-08;
- Michael Shermer, an editor with Scientific American and the Skeptic Society who in in this famous 73-second excerpt on BEL denied that the sun is a light, illustrating that it's tough debating atheists when they're hesitant to admit to even the most obvious common ground. 8-28-03

* Today's Resource: Have you browsed through our Science Department in the KGOV Store? Check out especially Walt Brown's
In the Beginning and Bob's interviews with this great scientist in Walt Brown Week! You'll also love Dr. Guillermo Gonzalez' Privileged Planet (clip), and Illustra Media's Unlocking the Mystery of Life You can consider our BEL Science Pack; Bob Enyart's Age of the Earth Debate; Bob's debate about Junk DNA with famous evolutionist Dr. Eugenie Scott; And the superb kids' radio programming, Jonathan Park: The Adventure Begins! And Bob strongly recommends that you subscribe to CMI's tremendous Creation magazine!

* BEL's February Telethon to Keep Bob On the Air: So far we're at 76 folks! (of our goal of 100) giving $20 a month and $2,600 of our vital $20,000 goal! Please consider donating, pledging or subscribing to keep Bob Enyart Live on air for another year, on Denver's 50,000-watt AM 670 KLTT -- America's #1 most-powerful Christian radio station. In return, we pledge to use these funds to continue to reach more and more people around America and around the world with:
- the truth of God's existence
- the strongest evidence against evolution
- the moral clarity of God's Word
- the right strategy to re-criminalize child killing, and
- the mountain of evidence for the resurrection of Jesus Christ!

So please help BEL stay on the air for another year by giving whatever you can afford toward our goal of raising $20,000 or 100 people pledging $20 a month (including those who currently selflessly give to BEL who might increase their giving by $20)! You can give online, either a one-time donation, a monthly pledge, or subscribe to Bob's monthly Bible Studies, BEL Televised Classics, sermons, or topical videos.
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New member
More arguments from personal incredulity from Pastor Bob and his favorite sciency guy.

Using the argument that if I come to a red light and it changes to green in 5 seconds then next time it will do the same. Officer, why did you give me a ticket? Yesterday, the light changed 5 seconds after I got there, so I expected it to do the same today. Can you blame me?

Bob Enyart

Staff member
More arguments from personal incredulity from Pastor Bob and his favorite sciency guy.

Jukia, I guess you're contrasting that with the infinitely pliable personal credulity of Darwinists. Here's something new they've been forced to believe without question: that organic material in "fossils" can survive for tens of millions of years. And I guess that's not surprising to them since tiny quantities of Carbon 14 have survived that long too in coal, oil, gas, fossils, amber, and diamonds. Jukia, if you have enough personal credulity, that adds up to gullibility.

See also

Using the argument that if I come to a red light and it changes to green in 5 seconds...

Well we'd have to correct ourselves if we used that argument Jukia. Generally, both sides should openly acknowledge their assumptions, which should only be tolerated if they are justifiable of course. Can you be specific?


New member
Jukia, I guess you're contrasting that with the infinitely pliable personal credulity of Darwinists. For here's something new they believe: that organic material in "fossils" can survive for tens of millions of years. And I guess that's not surprising to them since tiny quantities of Carbon 14 has survived that long too. Jukia, you have enough personal credulity and that adds up to gullibility.

Well we'd have to correct ourselves if we used that argument Jukia. Generally, both sides should openly acknowledge their assumptions, which should only be tolerated if they are justifiable of course. Can you be specific?

Here's the choice, the universe was created 6000 years ago, or not. I'll take not. All else tends to follow from that, not some cobbled together book about a magic sky person

Bob Enyart

Staff member
Here's the choice...

Jukia, it doesn't really matter how appealing the choices are. On this score, what matters is whether biological material can survive in rock for tens of millions of years without decaying and whether bits of C-14 will not decay for millions of years. That's what matters.


New member
Jukia, it doesn't really matter how appealing the choices are. On this score, what matters is whether biological material can survive in rock for tens of millions of years without decaying and whether bits of C-14 will not decay for millions of years. That's what matters.

Psst, Pastor Bob, the earth goes around the sun, the sun does not go around the earth. Another amazing discovery denied by the Bible. Go figure.

Lets just agree to disagree. Your science is woeful.

Bob Enyart

Staff member
Jukia, the trend in the recent literature regarding the history of science is that rather than being a hindrance, Christianity provided the world's most fertile ground for the explosion of scientific investigation. Also, it was Aristotelian cosmology, and not the Scriptures, that insisted that the sun orbited the earth. And since history sometimes repeats itself, if the Lord tarries, then when this information age eventually utterly dispels Darwinism, the Vatican will be blamed for the absurdity of both geocentrism AND evolution.

Bob Enyart

Staff member
Evidence of Widespread Personal Credulity Among Evolutionists

Evidence of Widespread Personal Credulity Among Evolutionists

Does this provide evidence of personal credulity, that is, of widespread gullibility among millions of evolutionists including thousands of Darwinist scientists?

See the Evolution of the Gullible
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New member
JUKIA, forgetting that I had admin authority in this forum, I accidentally edited your post here. Can you restore it to it's original content. I did my best:

Jukia, the trend in the recent literature regarding the history of science is that rather than being a hindrance, Christianity provided the world's most fertile ground for the explosion of scientific investigation. Also, it was Aristotelian cosmology, and not the Scriptures, that insisted that the sun orbited the earth. And since history sometimes repeats itself, if the Lord tarries, then when this information age eventually utterly dispels Darwinism, the Vatican will be blamed for the absurdity of both geocentrism AND evolution.

Ah yes, the Christian basis for science. Nice try.

Can't wait for the information age to utterly dispel a 3-4 billion year old earth and to support Noah and the magic ark.

Christianity also provided the most fertile ground to destroy indigenous peoples, but we don't want to remember that.
...all the little babies who your god killed in that big flood you believe in.
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New member
Hall of Fame
Quote mining the likes of Noam Chomsky and Richard Dawkins might make Enyart feel better (or something) but it certainly does a complete disservice to both men and their lifework.


Active member
I'm glad to know real science is working to find the evidence to support what you want to believe. That makes life so much easier.

Bob Enyart

Staff member
I'm glad to know real science is working to find the evidence to support what you want to believe. That makes life so much easier.

PH, one benefit of Darwinism is that it has led to the investment of hundreds of billions of dollars by godless institutions to study the creation, and if they would have realized all along that they were documenting the brilliance and power of God, they would never had put in the effort. So, for those who love God, and for those being won over by His creative genius, even Darwinism has it's silver lining!


Well-known member
PH, one benefit of Darwinism is that it has led to the investment of hundreds of billions of dollars by godless institutions to study the creation,
Public institutions are by definition "godless" since the government is not run by any religious organization.

and if they would have realized all along that they were documenting the brilliance and power of God, they would never had put in the effort. So, for those who love God, and for those being won over by His creative genius, even Darwinism has it's silver lining!
It's funny that I actually agree with you here, partly. Scientific study is carried out by people of all faiths and many of them DO believe they are documenting God's creative power. It's just a pity you can't acknowledge HOW God actually did create.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Atheists - willing to discuss anything but the material presented since 1999.


New member
… the infinitely pliable personal credulity of Darwinists. Here's something new they've been forced to believe without question: that organic material in "fossils" can survive for tens of millions of years.
Without question? Really? I just did a google search using the phrase “dinosaur soft tissue”. Of the first 11 nominally scientific sites (meaning not beholden to support any particular religion’s dogma) 4 of them discussed the possibility that what was found was not dinosaur tissue at all. Whether it turns out to be dino tissue or not, one thing that is not true is to claim that science has been forced into believing that such tissue can last for tens of millions of years.

An interesting contrast to the ongoing debate in the science community is that in that same google search, the pro-Christian sites were universal in saying it was dino tissue (but of recent origin). Amazing that those with the microscopes are debating the question, and doing more research, while the Bible thumpers don't need microscopes or such to know that it is really dino tissue and not some form of contamination.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
* Soft Tissue T-Rex: Montana State University found soft tissue in a supposedly 65-million year old Tyrannosaurus Rex thighbone that remain supple: see startling photos!

From the link;
Schweitzer said that after removing the minerals from the specimen, the remaining tissues were soft and transparent and could be manipulated with instruments.

Does anyone other than me see a big difference between;
found soft tissue
after removing the minerals from the specimen, the remaining tissues were soft and transparent ?

When reading about the rex it seems to me that they were able to de-mineralize the structures using a solvent, so they "unfossilized" them.

Bob makes it sound like they cracked it open and found it full of steaming dino burger (fire up the grill)

So, to be accurate Bob needs to change the wording of this particular mantra (especially if he's going to paste it again and again and again.)


New member
From the link;

Does anyone other than me see a big difference between;
found soft tissue
after removing the minerals from the specimen, the remaining tissues were soft and transparent ?

When reading about the rex it seems to me that they were able to de-mineralize the structures using a solvent, so they "unfossilized" them.

Bob makes it sound like they cracked it open and found it full of steaming dino burger (fire up the grill)

So, to be accurate Bob needs to change the wording of this particular mantra (especially if he's going to paste it again and again and again.)

Say it ain't so. A misrepresentation?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Product does not match discription

Product does not match discription

So, Bob says;

* Rare School of Jellyfish Fossilized: Previously, seven sedimentary layers had been described as taking a million years to form. And because jellyfish have no skeleton, it is rare to find them among fossils. But now, a school of jellyfish fossils have been found in those same seven layers showing that they were not deposited over a million years, but during a single event and quickly enough to trap a school of jellyfish.

But when we go to the link;
We find it says;
The medusae jellyfish fossils have so far been found in seven layers in the quarry, representing some 12 vertical feet of rock and corresponding to a span of time of about one million years.

Nothing about them being a school or being rapidly buried.
Isn't the reference supposed to support your point and not contradict it?


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
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