Real Christianity

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I know you don't agree with me about him.

That's why you stalk him and slander or mock him.

very important distinction to be made here - there's a critical difference between the man who is controlled by the demon and the demon controlled man who posts here as Squeaky

i pray for the man who is ensnared by the demon

i mock the demon possessed man who posts here


very important distinction to be made here - there's a critical difference between the man who is controlled by the demon and the demon controlled man who posts here as Squeaky

i pray for the man who is ensnared by the demon

i mock the demon possessed man who posts here

Christians who are dedicated to spread what they leaned about the scripture is not demon possessed.

God's Truth

New member
very important distinction to be made here - there's a critical difference between the man who is controlled by the demon and the demon controlled man who posts here as Squeaky

i pray for the man who is ensnared by the demon

i mock the demon possessed man who posts here

Meshak is going against our speaking to Squeaky and trying to help. She tries to shame us for trying to help. She is doing the work of Satan.

God's Truth

New member
What Meshak the ensnared worker for Satan spreads:

You a fake Christian.
You no real Christian.
You read what Paul the condemned bad teacher says.
Military is evil and I take their money because it is given to me.
No one can know if they are saved and you are prideful Christian if you say you are saved; get saved.
No one obeys, but I am here to preach obey. Not even I, Meshak obeys.
You, Meshak, are simple minded and worse.


it's clear that you're just playing games

games that your controlling demon won't let you disguise, because he wants people to know you're possessed

I said
ROFLOL You have tried to turn the truth around before and it didn't work then either.


I do think that but you said they want others to know.
Others do know but many 'others' don't even know their own demons.
What I mean is Squeaky speaks of things he/she claims are from God; but then why is squeaky so taken captive to the work of demons when it can stop?
I have been judged as having problems before I was saved and that done by people with worse problems than I, but they couldn't see it in themselves.
So I don't agree that demons want us to see something good.

I said
Do you know your own demons?


nothing that comes from squeaky is good - it is all deception

and squeaky's demon wants him to be destroyed, forces him to expose his game-playing nature

squeaky's only hope is our prayer, that he be released from his demon and that he turn to Christ

but his pride won't allow him to recognize that his demon is controlling him

I said
lolol Still trying to turn the truth around I see. If your prayer is my only hope, why do you get all emotional and harass?


This is what I always preach and have been gone against by just about everyone.

We have to do what Jesus says to do to get saved.

We have to do what Jesus says to get rid of those demons.

Squeaky must obey by humbling himself.

Do you agree with that?

I said
Well I agree that we all must humble ourselves to come to the revelations of Jesus Christ. I know because I have done that, and now I have the revelations of Jesus Christ. Have you made it yet?



but squeaky's pride won't let him humble himself - he's constructed this elaborate tale of milk/meat/the revelations of squeaky, in which he's at the pinnacle of understanding and "lol your an idiot" to everybody else

been here as long as he has and used to think he was a teenage troll playing an elaborate hoax

came to realize over the years that he's possessed

I said
lol Well atleast you admit you haven't done it yet. But I already knew that. So has everyone else.


Yeah I do.

I said
Well who is worried here. Not me. You seem to be very worried about me. Okloser seems to be very worried about me. Here is the definition of neurotic. From all these replies it sure looks like you and okloser are very worried that I am right. And you two are wrong.

1 neurotic /nʊˈrɑːtɪk/ Brit /njʊˈrɒtɪk/  adjective

Learner's definition of NEUROTIC

[more neurotic; most neurotic]
medical : having or suggesting neurosis

◾The psychiatrist diagnosed the patient as neurotic.

◾neurotic symptoms

2 often or always fearful or worried about something tending to worry in a way that is not healthy or reasonable