Rapture Ready


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"Lk 21:34 that Day. I.e., the day of His return. See note on Matt. 24:37. When Christ mentions His return, he invariably enjoins watchfulness (cf. 12:37–40; Matt. 25:13; Mark 13:33–37)...

...Mt 24:37 as the days of Noah were. Jesus’ emphasis here is not so much on the extreme wickedness of Noah’s day (Gen. 6:5), but on the people’s preoccupation with mundane matters of everyday life (“eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage”—v. 38), when judgment fell suddenly. They had received warnings, in the form of Noah’s preaching (2 Pet. 2:5)—and the ark itself, which was a testimony to the judgment that was to come. But they were unconcerned about such matters and therefore were swept away unexpectedly in the midst of their daily activities.

24:40, 41 one will be taken. I.e., taken in judgment (cf. v. 39) just as in Noah’s day (“took them”; v. 39). This is clearly not a reference to the catching away of believers described in 1 Thess. 4:16, 17.

24:43 the thief. As no one knows what hour the thief will come, no one knows the hour of the Lord’s return or the Day of the Lord that accompanies His coming (cf. 1 Thess. 5:2; 2 Pet. 3:10). But the believer is to be ready at all times." MacArthur, J., Jr. (Ed.). (1997). The MacArthur Study Bible (electronic ed., p. 1440). Nashville, TN: Word Pub.

Also see:

What do partial preterists believe?

What is the preterist view of the end times?

But if the original expectation was for the 2nd coming of judgement to be 'right after' the DofJ, it makes sense. It was all expected that generation. That is why (seeing it did not happen) we need 2 Peter 3 which is the official explanation for the delay. The delay is hinted in things in Mark and Matthew, but only in 2 Peter 3 do we have it officially explained. The delay never seems to be considered by Paul.


...(seeing it did not happen) we need 2 Peter 3

You can thank him for his longsuffering. :idunno:

"Section Outline Three (2 Peter 3)
Peter describes three “worlds.”

I. THE ANCIENT WORLD (3:5b–6): This world was destroyed by the great Flood in the days of Noah.

II. THE PRESENT WORLD (3:1–5a, 7–12, 14–18)
A. The documents (3:1–2): Peter has written both his epistles admonishing his readers to remember the great truths.
1. The truths spoken by the Old Testament prophets (3:1–2a)
2. The truths spoken by the New Testament apostles (3:2c)
3. The truths spoken by the Savior himself (3:2b)
B. The derision (3:3–5a): Peter warns that scoffers will appear during the last days.
1. They will falsify the facts concerning the future fire judgment (3:3–4): They will say, “Jesus promised to come back, did he? Then where is he?”
2. They will deliberately forget the facts concerning the past flood judgment (3:5a).
C. The destruction (3:7, 10, 12b)
1. The fact of this destruction (3:7): The same God who once sent the flood will one day send fire.
2. The fury of this destruction (3:10, 12b): It will utterly consume both earthly and heavenly elements.
D. The delay (3:8–9)
1. The timelessness of God (3:8): A day to him is as a thousand years, and a thousand years is as a day.
2. The tenderness of God (3:9): He is patient, not wanting anyone to perish.
E. The dedication (3:11–12a, 14–18): In light of all this, two biblical writers admonish believers to live godly and holy lives.
1. Peter’s exhortation (3:11–12a, 14, 17–18): Grow in favor with the Lord.
2. Paul’s exhortation (3:15–16): The Lord is waiting to return so that more people will have time to be saved.

III. THE NEW WORLD (3:13): This future earth will become the home of universal righteousness." Willmington, H. L. (1999). The Outline Bible (2 Pe 3). Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers.


Well-known member
You can thank him for his longsuffering. :idunno:

"Section Outline Three (2 Peter 3)
Peter describes three “worlds.”

I. THE ANCIENT WORLD (3:5b–6): This world was destroyed by the great Flood in the days of Noah.

II. THE PRESENT WORLD (3:1–5a, 7–12, 14–18)
A. The documents (3:1–2): Peter has written both his epistles admonishing his readers to remember the great truths.
1. The truths spoken by the Old Testament prophets (3:1–2a)
2. The truths spoken by the New Testament apostles (3:2c)
3. The truths spoken by the Savior himself (3:2b)
B. The derision (3:3–5a): Peter warns that scoffers will appear during the last days.
1. They will falsify the facts concerning the future fire judgment (3:3–4): They will say, “Jesus promised to come back, did he? Then where is he?”
2. They will deliberately forget the facts concerning the past flood judgment (3:5a).
C. The destruction (3:7, 10, 12b)
1. The fact of this destruction (3:7): The same God who once sent the flood will one day send fire.
2. The fury of this destruction (3:10, 12b): It will utterly consume both earthly and heavenly elements.
D. The delay (3:8–9)
1. The timelessness of God (3:8): A day to him is as a thousand years, and a thousand years is as a day.
2. The tenderness of God (3:9): He is patient, not wanting anyone to perish.
E. The dedication (3:11–12a, 14–18): In light of all this, two biblical writers admonish believers to live godly and holy lives.
1. Peter’s exhortation (3:11–12a, 14, 17–18): Grow in favor with the Lord.
2. Paul’s exhortation (3:15–16): The Lord is waiting to return so that more people will have time to be saved.

III. THE NEW WORLD (3:13): This future earth will become the home of universal righteousness." Willmington, H. L. (1999). The Outline Bible (2 Pe 3). Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers.

OK...yes...it is all there in plain language. I don't know how the outline helps such simple statements... The important thing to notice is that there is NOTHING, NADA, ZIP about events in Israel that 'need' to happen so that the 2nd coming can proceed. This is the largest, longest complete statement about the 2nd coming in ordinary (non-symbolic) language.

Lazy afternoon



Heb 9:28 So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.

So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation [Heb. 9:28].

"This is not speaking of the Rapture, but of His coming as sovereign to judge the earth. (However, believers will not come into judgment.) When He appears the second time it will not be to settle the sin question. He is not going to come the next time to walk around the Sea of Galilee or through the streets of Jerusalem to see what men will do with His sacrifice. He is coming in judgment.

Therefore today we can put it very simply: there is just one of two places for your sin—either your sin is on you, or it is on Christ. If you have not accepted the sacrifice of Christ, if you are not trusting Him as your redeemer, if He is no authority to you, then there is nothing ahead of you but the judgment of the Great White Throne. No one who appears there is going to be saved, but everyone will be given a fair chance to present their works and discover that God was right all along. And I have news for you: God is always right. So today if your sin is on you, there is nothing that can remove it but the death of Christ.

When Christ comes the next time it will be “without sin unto salvation”—that is, He will complete salvation at that time. Our salvation is in three tenses: I have been saved; I am being saved; I shall be saved. “Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is” (1 John 3:2). Now that is going to be a great day. It is going to be a great day for Vernon McGee, so don’t you be dissatisfied with me, will you not? God is not through with me.

Down in Mississippi a dear little lady wearing a sunbonnet got up in a testimony meeting under the brush arbor and said, “Most Christians ought to have written on their backs, ‘This is not the best that the grace of God can do.’” Well, that should be written on the backs of all Christians. God is not through with any of us. Thank God for that! He is going to appear the second time without sin unto salvation—He is going to deliver us. But, my friend, He will not come to settle the sin question for anyone who has not accepted Him—to them He is coming as judge." McGee, J. V. (1991). Thru the Bible commentary: The Epistles (Hebrews 8-13) (electronic ed., Vol. 52, p. 46). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.

Lazy afternoon

So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation [Heb. 9:28].

"This is not speaking of the Rapture, but of His coming as sovereign to judge the earth. (However, believers will not come into judgment.) When He appears the second time it will not be to settle the sin question. He is not going to come the next time to walk around the Sea of Galilee or through the streets of Jerusalem to see what men will do with His sacrifice. He is coming in judgment.

Made up.

Lazy afternoon

Proponents of Pre-trib rapture so often deny clear statements of scripture showing it to be untrue,

and then present verses which never say it exists.

It just means that they follow one another and never get a clear word from Christ, who would show them if they were walking with Him.


SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Proponents of Pre-trib rapture so often deny clear statements of scripture showing it to be untrue,

and then present verses which never say it exists.

It just means that they follow one another and never get a clear word from Christ, who would show them if they were walking with Him.

