Rapture Ready


Well-known member
What do ya get when you combine Interplanner with Tweetybird?

Josephus and the Puddy Tats :chuckle:

Hi Danoh , so why scare them , we need them , RIGHT !

At my age I am almost ready as I am in the Body of Christ !!



New member
Hi Danoh , so why scare them , we need them , RIGHT !

At my age I am almost ready as I am in the Body of Christ !!


Nah; we MADS don't need THEM.

None of us do.

It is iron that sharpens iron; and theirs is ever a card board cut out of a sword.


Well-known member
Nah; we MADS don't need THEM.

None of us do.

It is iron that sharpens iron; and theirs is ever a card board cut out of a sword.

Hi and we need them so others can see how they TWIST scripture as Unlearned ,and Unstable , as 2 Peter 3:16 records , so those who are guests , NOT DO THE SAME THING !!



Well-known member
If he will separate Paul from the Twelve, the scriptures will open up right before his eyes.
He seems hell bent on mixing them, however. His muddy confusion will remain.

I don't because you are dialing back in time and trying to treat a finished product as though it was not. it was once and for all delivered to the saints. God has finally and completely spoken in his son. Any turbulence by those in Judaism about what they were supposed to do is incidental, not part of the final statement of the new covenant to the world. We have the final.

What you are doing reminds of some divorces: one of the parties wants to go back to how things were 5 or 10 years ago and say that is how the other person is supposed to be, and how they had nothing to do with how the last 10 years went--as though they were absent! We don't get that choice or option, in a rational world. But of course, people are not always rational.


Well-known member

He was a prophet.

No sir, he was speaking protectively about his followers and how he was going to get them through the worst chapter of Israel. AND IT WORKED! That is the inexplicable thing about you people!!! Here we are today and we are here because of something that almost didn't work!!! They nearly did not get out from under the zealots and out of the area. You make Christ into a space case, and you sound like one yourself by not knowing the gritty, amazing, phenomenal, supernatural detail that is the historic event of the destruction of Jerusalem, the final sledge of wrath against Israel fulfilling all the prophets, Lk 21.

You, inc. Danoh who knows, never go over the 7-8 astounding signatory or 'signs and wonders' that took place in the event IN DETAIL. There is always the lazy dismissal of course, but the detail. He (J) really didn't want to report many of them, but he kept running into independent accounts of the same thing and he believed he had to: the cannabilism, the sword hanging over the city, the intense heat at the base of the temple which was still there several years later stopping reconstruction, the sound of roaring like a wind, the voice that made a play on the Hebrew 'ichabod' about departing from this place, etc, etc, etc.

I would think you would use these things to their fullness, but all I ever he is the know-it-all dismissal by people like Danoh and several others, because of the precious 2P2P principle, or some dastardly belief that 'if it is not in the Bible, it is irrelevant or never happened.' Etc.

Well, the arrogant Thoreau ordered Bible pages to be used to wipe yourself with in the toilet, only to learn later that Biblical knowledge flourished by doing so. So God kicked butt. It's not in the Bible, so...is it therefore to be disregarded? What sort of stupid mentality is that? There is absolutely no event in antiquity that was as astonishing and no record as extensive as the DoJ, but you people with your experts in 2P2P and your plans and your gospels just act like it is trash by comparison.


The second coming is different. The rapture will already have occurred.

Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left.

Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left [Matt. 24:40–41].

"I can hear someone saying to me, “Well, preacher, you have finally painted yourself into a corner. You said the church and the Rapture are not in the Olivet Discourse, but here they are. Two shall be in the field; one shall be taken, and the other shall be left.”

Well, my friend, He still is not talking about the Rapture. After all, what is our Lord talking about here? “As the days of Noe were.” Who was taken away in the days of Noah? “They knew not until the flood came, and took them all away.” They perished in the Flood. This is not referring to the Rapture when the church will be taken out of the world. Rather, this pictures the removing from the earth by judgment those who are not going to enter the millennial Kingdom." McGee, J. V. (1991). Thru the Bible commentary: The Gospels (Matthew 14-28) (electronic ed., Vol. 35, p. 146). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.


New member
The second coming is different. The rapture will already have occurred.

Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left.

Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left [Matt. 24:40–41].

"I can hear someone saying to me, “Well, preacher, you have finally painted yourself into a corner. You said the church and the Rapture are not in the Olivet Discourse, but here they are. Two shall be in the field; one shall be taken, and the other shall be left.”

Well, my friend, He still is not talking about the Rapture. After all, what is our Lord talking about here? “As the days of Noe were.” Who was taken away in the days of Noah? “They knew not until the flood came, and took them all away.” They perished in the Flood. This is not referring to the Rapture when the church will be taken out of the world. Rather, this pictures the removing from the earth by judgment those who are not going to enter the millennial Kingdom." McGee, J. V. (1991). Thru the Bible commentary: The Gospels (Matthew 14-28) (electronic ed., Vol. 35, p. 146). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.

Now take the above and ask yourself 'okay, now how did McGee arrive at that; if I were to look a his conclusion for what principles of study it indicates he was following; what might said principles look like in written form?'

And then write them out as principles that you yourself can begin to apply.

Do that with any school of thought you encounter...

So that you can begin to not only liberate yourself from ever having to pick up a book external to the Scripture for your answers, and can study a thing out on your own in Scripture itself, but also; so you can begin to get in the habit of asking that same question when a writer of Scripture itself asserts one thing or another.

The best towards you in this...


New member
The church has already been raptured. Those who took the mark are not going into the Millennium.

My bad...

I'd meant generic principles; as they allow one to see far much more than a specific principle like the one you responded with will allow...

For example, the spefic principle you responded with is actually based on the more generic principle that "there are things in Scripture that differ from one another..."


1 Thess 4:16-17, Eph 1:10, 2 Thess 2:1, Heb 12:22-24


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Well lookie who strolled into my rapture ready thread, [MENTION=16629]patrick jane[/MENTION]. Do tell what Trump's :greedy: name means prophetically in this thread.



Well-known member
The church has already been raptured. Those who took the mark are not going into the Millennium.

Hi and you of course , know what happened to Abraham , ISAAC , and Jacob and where David's throne is and what happened to the 12 APOSTLES ?

san p
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Well-known member
"I'm Waiting!" ~ Vizzini, The Princess Bride Gal. 5:22 ESV

Hi and why do you post a verse and not tell what it means and your POINT ?

I am going to leave very soon and I will pick it up on Saturday , God willing !!

Before I leave there is only one verb and IT is " IS " and it is in the Present tense of the Dispensation of Grace and in the Indicative Mood of a FACT !!

The one FACT it is ONE FRUIT and NOT many fruit !!

dan p
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