Randy Brown and Brian Rohrbough Expose Columbine Pt. II

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Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
fool said:
Why are people pissed at the shooters? I thought Michael Moore showed everyone that it was all K-Marts' fault, and Marilyn Manson, and the NRA, and Charlton Heston.
What happened to the armed cop at the school?
That's funny
Get used to that, they think it's Christ like.
To verbally put somone in their place when they need it. You bet!

Nathon Detroit

fool said:
I consider rebuke to be telling someone their wrong and showing them why.
Insults will get you socked in the melon anyplace but an internet forum.
Sounds like a statement from experience. :eek:


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Fool is no mans fool. For a proclaimed athiest he is one of the more civil voices on this thread!

Delmar had a rebuke and should have left it at that. By calling me an idiot as well Delmar weakend his rebuke to the point that I felt no rebuke at all.


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
fool said:
I consider rebuke to be telling someone their wrong and showing them why.
Insults will get you socked in the melon anyplace but an internet forum.
So you think I could have left off the "your an idiot" part and CabinetMaker still would have gotten the point? :think:


Well-known member
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Nineveh said:
Looks to me as if Delmar covered that, got something relevant to gripe about? :)
Why add the insult then? It only takes away from the message.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Delmar said:
To verbally put somone in their place when they need it. You bet!
It only lowers you.
I consider a strong rebuke to be calling someone a liar, or dishonest. But calling them an idiot or retarded has no bearing on anything. They may be retarded, their question still stands.

Nathon Detroit

fool said:
Why add the insult then? It only takes away from the message.
I disagree.

Cabinet Maker has said some idiotic things on this thread. When it walks like a duck and talks like a duck... it's an idiot. :)


Well-known member
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Delmar said:
So you think I could have left off the "your an idiot" part and CabinetMaker still would have gotten the point? :think:
Yes. But now he'll disregard the point because of the insult.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Knight said:
I disagree.

Cabinet Maker has said some idiotic things on this thread. When it walks like a duck and talks like a duck... it's an idiot. :)

Mr. Knight, would you please point out out what is idiotic about what I said? If I am in need of rebuke I would like to learn from that rebuke.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Knight said:
I disagree.

Cabinet Maker has said some idiotic things on this thread. When it walks like a duck and talks like a duck... it's an idiot. :)
Why not be specific about it? Name the form of idiocy that he's useing. If He's dishonest say that, if He's focusing on one thing and ignoring the other aspects then say that.

Nathon Detroit

fool said:
Why not be specific about it? Name the form of idiocy that he's useing. If He's dishonest say that, if He's focusing on one thing and ignoring the other aspects then say that.
Done, done and done. Go back a read the thread.

Nathon Detroit

CabinetMaker said:
Mr. Knight, would you please point out out what is idiotic about what I said? If I am in need of rebuke I would like to learn from that rebuke.

I have done all that. If you can't read that's your problem.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Knight said:
Of course.

You have a perverted and hypocritical notion of what love is.

This is a typical response from you Knight. You accuse me of having a perverted and hypocritical notion of love and provide no support anywhere in the thread, even when asked directly, for your accusation. Other people who have joined this thread late seem to have the same problem with your posts.

What is idiotic about extending compassion to a family in need?


Merely Christian
fool said:
Why add the insult then? It only takes away from the message.

Why hide the fact? If CM is an idiot, perhaps s/he should be told so they may change it, unless of course s/he likes being an idiot, in which case s/he should be proud others can tell right away they are indeed an idiot.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Nineveh said:
Why hide the fact? If CM is an idiot, perhaps s/he should be told so they may change it, unless of course s/he likes being an idiot, in which case s/he should be proud others can tell right away they are indeed an idiot.

Okay Nineveh, now you too have called me and idiot and made no effort to support that rebuke. If you are going to call me and idiot, support it. (bettcha' can't :bannana: )
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