Racism, Bigotry and Misogyny at TOL

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I have to say: I think it's incredibly amusing that AB is still going after my comments on the punishment owed to certain categories of offenders. He hasn't commented on the song lyrics to "Here Comes Jesse." Ha.

I wonder if you'd laugh so much if you were beaten up and put in hospital, or even worse...

Something tells me, no you wouldn't.


New member
All of you liberals annoy me. None of you can be bothered actually to have a serious debate on any of these issues. Instead, you just content yourself with making off hand, snide remarks.

Sure, AnnaBenedetti will go out of her way to look up various of my remarks and copy/paste them on to a thread.

But actually provide arguments against them?
Actually engage me on the issues without basing herself on her visceral emotive reactions?
Actually think through the issues rather than simply resort to saying "boo" over and over again?

No, no. That's apparently too much to expect from that crowd.

The social liberal presence on this thread is one of sheer quasi-moral outrage. Which is, of course, positively amusing to me.
And you conservative morons annoy me. You are actively and intentionally standing in the way of scientific and social progress. And for what? Nothing. Dated traditions and tunnel vision opinions rooted in hate that we can only hope die with you.


And you conservative morons annoy me. You are actively and intentionally standing in the way of scientific and social progress. And for what? Nothing. Dated traditions and tunnel vision opinions rooted in hate that we can only hope die with you.

Thank you for proving my point.


Originally Posted by Arthur Brain
I wonder if you'd laugh so much if you were beaten up and put in hospital, or even worse...

Something tells me, no you wouldn't.

Is that a threat, AB?

Not to worry Trad, I looked into it and there have been no cases where anyone was seriously injured while being hit by a purse.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Too bad he didn't wait for your reply before taking the cowards way out by pleading to the powers at be to give you a vacation.

If the guy thought my post was a legitimate threat (from myself or anyone else) he wouldn't have even bothered asking the question.



Well-known member
And say what you want about Johnny Rebel's choice of words. The song is hilarious.

Traditio also thinks that the Aurora theater shootings were hilarious.

He's a full-on racist, a self-described fascist, a mysoginist twit, and despite that he's absorbed himself in learning about ancient philosophy, he's exceptionally ignorant. He has a delusional sense of self-esteem and a superiority complex. Fortunately, he's pretty much locked out of having too much meaningful interaction with the outside world and instead is trapped in his two-dimensional comic book world, obsessing over Judge Dredd, Metallica and Plato, posting on TOL about how it's acceptable for husbands to beat their wives to death.

Finally, I wish to point out that my words should not be construed as practical advise for any offended married person. My words should be understood at the level of theory, not practice.

Your words should be held up on display for everyone to see as crap, then chucked into the gutter. Unfortunately, there are plenty of other pigs around at TOL to root around in it with you. It's pretty sick watching you wallowing together and happily smearing it all over one another. Then, it's just as sick watching the people who see your demented posts and look the other way.
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...He's a full-on racist, a self-described fascist, a mysoginist twit, and despite that he's absorbed himself in ancient philosophy, he's exceptionally ignorant...Unfortunately, there are plenty of other pigs around at TOL to root around in it with you.

(My my, someone is very angry).

Lighten up zoo, Trad never made it on your list of TOL homophobes did he?


Traditio also thinks that the Aurora theater shootings were hilarious.

That was like 4 years ago.

Plus, if I recall correctly, my comments on its being "hilarious" were highly qualified. I don't even remember the rationale for it.

At any rate, chances are, if asked today, I wouldn't say the same thing. :idunno:

and despite that he's absorbed himself in learning about ancient philosophy, he's exceptionally ignorant.

That's just liberal code for "someone I just so happen to disagree with."

posting on TOL about how it's acceptable for husbands to beat their wives to death.

You liberals ain't big on nuance, eh?


Quote: Originally posted by zoo22
..posting on TOL about how it's acceptable for husbands to beat their wives to death.

You liberals ain't big on nuance, eh?

Actually, domestic violence is a huge problem in the community that zoo22 represents.

Regarding racism: Ask him about all of the unborn black babies that his tolerant loving progressive movement murder each year.



Actually, domestic violence is a huge problem in the community that zoo22 represents.

Regarding racism: Ask him about all of the unborn black babies that his tolerant loving progressive movement murder each year.

Actually, now that you mention it, that is hilarious:

The liberals take issue with my saying that it is not unfitting that a husband be permitted to beat his wife to death if she has the audacity to move her lover into their household.

But they're perfectly fine with the murder of unborn children.

That's rich. :p


Actually, now that you mention it, that is hilarious:

The liberals take issue with my saying that it is not unfitting that a husband be permitted to beat his wife to death if she has the audacity to move her lover into their household.

But they're perfectly fine with the murder of unborn children.

That's rich. :p

Liberals are cowards, they only pick on people who can't fight back.