Rob Ford died ? From a big crack hit ?the cbc was talking about belgium, the death of rob ford and how this weather s gonna affect the maple sap flow
When it comes to Cruz, aCW is guilty of circumstantial speech and Word Salad
I recently heard a newscaster acknowledge that there's been a near black-out of coverage, and then suggest that it had worked to Sanders's advantage. As if it was a tactic Sanders chose rather than something imposed by the media, or an excuse for the media to push a blatantly biased obsession with Drumpf and Clinton.
what makes you think he hates african-americans?
From what he posted, which I put into the post you responded to.
What Idiot Would Want TRUMP I-F the Cursed ""Mormons"" AND Blacks were all On His SIDE????????
(( Watch Your N-E-W-S ))!!
PAUL, DAVID -- 032316
timmy said:The reason I inserted the his post, which proves that he is a racist
merriam webster said:racism
: poor treatment of or violence against people because of their race
: the belief that some races of people are better than others
Donald Trump Threatens To “Publish Heidi Cruz’s Nude Pictures” If Ted Keeps Attacking Melania
Donald Trump and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) clashed on Tuesday as the legislator asked his Republican rival to debate on Fox News’ O’Reilly Factor while Trump threatened Cruz online. “Lyin’ Ted Cruz just used a picture of Melania from a G.Q. shoot in his ad,” Trump posted on Twitter. “Be careful, Lyin’ Ted, or I will spill the beans on your wife!” As The Blaze reported, Trump actually posted the threat twice; the original version included Cruz’s Twitter address.
Commenting on Sen. Cruz’s twitter jab, the billionaire businessman said, “And they say I’m the one who plays dirty. Let me tell you something, I understand how my rivals’ minds work. I know they feel like failures with me coming into the race at the last minute and soaring to leadership almost immediately, but you can’t really blame others for something that’s your own fault, now can you? And the way they’re trying to get back at me and bring me down with them is by making it personal, which I’m not afraid to do, as you all know. So, I don’t mind when people like Ted Cruz want to get personal. But see, the thing is, if you wanna play that way, you have got to be ready for the consequences. And I specialize in consequences.”
“My wife is smoking hot, that’s no secret,” Trump boasted. “She was a super model, for God’s sake. Ted’s wife, on the other hand, not so much. I think we all agree on that one. But be that as it may, I’d like to say that Ted Cruz better watch how personal he gets with Melania because he forgot to clean up his own backyard. I mean, I have friends everywhere, in the business world, in media, now also in politics. I can dig up anything about anyone, literally anything about anyone. And let me tell you, Heidi Cruz looks like a woman who likes to take pictures. Combine that with her daddy issues, which she obviously has since she’s married to a pathological liar and traditionalist like Ted Cruz, and you’ve got yourself a selfie-crazy wife, I’m telling you.”
The media mogul went on to repeat his warning: “So I say again – you better watch how far you want to take this Ted, you know I never wear gloves in an argument. I don’t even own gloves, for that matter.” Trump then added one more jab before finishing the interview, saying, “And you know what I think? Heidi’s nudes wouldn’t even be a problem if she was hot like my wife. Then I’d break ‘em out either way. This way, I’m worried about people’s health, there’s going to be a lot of heart attacks and epilepsy seizures if I dig up and post her un-Photoshopped bathroom selfies. And as future President of the United States, it’s my job to worry about the nation’s health. So, Heidi, a little friendly advice: either hit the gym or control your husband.”
Here they are, folks! The new heroes of the Christian right ...
i don't see any proof that he's a racist
Oh, right. For a minute I forgot how stupid you are.
timmy said:He said that a person would be an idiot if they supported Trump if the Blacks were on his side.
What Idiot Would Want TRUMP I-F the Cursed ""Mormons"" AND Blacks were all On His SIDE????????
(( Watch Your N-E-W-S ))!!
PAUL, DAVID -- 032316
timmy said:I can see how YOU wouldn't think this is racist.
merriam webster said:racism
: poor treatment of or violence against people because of their race
: the belief that some races of people are better than others
timmy said:The reason is your stupidity.
On a different note, I can't see anything remarkable that Trump is doing right to win all these votes. Is it charisma, anger against the establishment, Trump's speaking ability (which is not good) or a combination of all those things and more ? what else do people see ? A leader ? The best available ? It's baffling but The Trump Train Rolls On.
It's Pavlovian. A conditioned response. Trump has mastered the abrasive echo chamber effect that the conservative media has become so enamored of.
That coupled with his "reality TV" hucksterism.
It's a dumbed down America, a reality TV America, everything is dramatized
Should the party award the nomination to the candidate who won the most delegates in total -- as Trump himself has advocated -- or stick to the rule that a candidate must win at least 1,237 delegates in order to be the nominee?
Trump will have to get the 1237 or he's out ?
A majority of Republican insiders say Donald Trump should not get the GOP presidential nomination if he falls short of winning a majority of delegates – even if Trump amasses more than any of his opponents.
That’s according to The POLITICO Caucus – a panel of strategists, activists and operatives in seven key swing states. Roughly six-in-10 Republicans said the party should nominate another candidate if Trump finishes with a plurality, rather than the required 1,237-delegate majority necessary to claim the party nomination.
“Rules is rules. You have to get a majority,” said a Virginia Republican who, like all respondents, completed the survey anonymously. “That's the problem with our country: No one ever wins anymore.”
Story Continued Below
The question is central to the GOP calculus before the Cleveland convention: Should the party award the nomination to the candidate who won the most delegates in total -- as Trump himself has advocated -- or stick to the rule that a candidate must win at least 1,237 delegates in order to be the nominee?
The majority of insiders who want the party to choose someone else if Trump only wins a plurality of delegates said they are motivated by questions of electability, Trump’s capricious campaign style and personality.
“I'm firmly in the ‘Never Trump’ camp,” said a New Hampshire Republican. “The GOP gets killed if he's the nominee. We probably get killed if he doesn't support a different nominee anyway. So if it makes no difference to the eventual outcome, my conscience will be clear going down with a responsible nominee instead.”
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