Not just democrats. Democracy/republicanism in general.
Both Democrats and Republicans have been terrible in repealing laws that infringe the right of the people to keep and bear arms. Republicans are implicated due to their compromises with Democrats, that are defensive, and delaying in the nature of their effect. If we're the right ones, then let's act like it, and rethink how we're going to do guns in this country.
Democrats are clear, they want to repeal the Second Amendment, which would abolish the biggest obstacle to implementing their gun hating agenda. Every last one of the other Western democracies has done away with any legal barriers to passing any gun related laws the lawmakers see fit to pass into law, immediately, and with the full force of the armed forces, and law enforcement. It's like communist China, every last one of those other countries, wrt guns. It's spooky that each one of those countries would be completely hopeless if for one reason or other, the central power decided that everybody's guns were going to be confiscated, post haste, with any subsequent possession penalized severely.
Without a Second Amendment to protect them, they are legally unarmed against their government, against their courts, their armed forces, and their law enforcement. If their central power wants to do that, nothing can stop them. There is no counterbalancing power like the Second Amendment, which prevents 'communist China' type activities, like what happened in Australia. The majority wanted to confiscate assault weapons, and that means that a minority did NOT agree, but their guns were taken away too!
No Second Amendment = 'communist China' no difference, same difference. Even illegal aliens here are defended by dwelling in a nation that is so well armed, and that we are generally so good, peaceful, innocent, and law abiding.
The best type of government is one that honors God. The one that does that the best, is a monarchy. It is the most pure form of government.
The best government is the monarchy of our Lord Jesus Christ, and all those who believe in Him are all, varyingly loyal subjects of His kingdom. He is seated at the right hand of the Father. I agree with Rome, that the best way to administrate civil government "is the principle of the 'rule of law,' in which the law is sovereign and not the arbitrary will of men." The United States is the first proof that even without monarchs, that a constitutional monarchy can work just as well, and even better---the 'constitutional' part being the key.
And the key to our constitution is the Bill of Rights defending against the powerful federal government that it specifies, counterbalancing it with the First & Second Amendment, as the bedrock and footing for all the other antifederalist protections in there. 'Communist China' can't happen to America IF we defend the Second Amendment. If need be, to the death.