This is what I'm talking about...."This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. 18 And this voice which came from heaven we heard, when we were with him in the holy mount".
Yeah, I know what you were saying, I was just stating some of the deeper implications of what the author is saying in that passage by the full context which you quoted. Essentially, he is saying that what happened at the transfiguration event, (topic of the thread), is in the holy Prophets, and that his interpretation cannot be overruled by modern day "Dispies", "separate Age of Gracers", "70AD Prets", or anyone else, (because theirs would be a private interpretation which does not understand the supernal and spiritual nature of what is written in the Prophets). But I suppose since it is not the thrust of the topic I will let it go so as not to distract from the current subject matter, (just wanted to note that point since it really is part of the overall discussion though not the main point of this thread).