question for MADIsts.


New member
According to Clete, the Spirit of Jesus died on the cross, YET that SAME SPIRIT IS THE SPIRIT WHO CRIES OUT ABBA.

Galatians 4:6 Because you are sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, "Abba, Father."

Jesus cried out Abba on the cross!

That is the who cried out, and the SPIRIT THAT IS GIVEN TO US WHEN WE ARE SAVED, but CLETE says that Spirit dies!

Jesus cried ABBA father, why hast thou forsaken me. God left him. Jesus could not feel the Father or talk to him during those moments. All that tremendous pain and not so much as a moan. But the moment the Father cannot be felt and is separate from him, that's the moment Jesus cries out. It's the same feeling the lost will feel at their death. It will be a great horror because everything that makes existence bearable is the presence of anything God has provided, including spiritual things. That experience is the realization of spiritual death. They were spiritually dead their whole life. Jesus was never spiritually dead while he was alive, just before he died, God seperated himself from Jesus. They had been one continuous being from eternity past. This separation was worse than all the realized spiritual deaths of the lost. That's why it was sufficient to pay for all sin for all time never to be laid again.

God's Truth

New member
Jesus cried ABBA father, why hast thou forsaken me. God left him.

God did NOT leave him. He IS God.
Jesus could not feel the Father or talk to him during those moments.
What? Just listen to what you are saying. Jesus WAS speaking to God when he was on the cross!

All that tremendous pain and not so much as a moan. But the moment the Father cannot be felt and is separate from him, that's the moment Jesus cries out. It's the same feeling the lost will feel at their death.
Jesus was saying what the scriptures in the Old Testament said. It does not mean Jesus did not feel the Father. God is love and Jesus was not without himself.
It will be a great horror because everything that makes existence bearable is the presence of anything God has provided, including spiritual things. That experience is the realization of spiritual death. They were spiritually dead their whole life. Jesus was never spiritually dead while he was alive, just before he died, God seperated himself from Jesus.
There you go, back to saying Jesus died Spiritually, but now you only mean separated from God.

It NEVER EVER HAPPENED. JESUS is GOD the Father come in the flesh. God is love. Jesus is love, and Jesus was doing the GREATEST LOVE THERE EVER IS, to die for someone els.

John 15:13 Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends.

They had been one continuous being from eternity past. This separation was worse than all the realized spiritual deaths of the lost. That's why it was sufficient to pay for all sin for all time never to be laid again.

As I asked you before...does Jesus forsake you when you are suffering?

You do not know what you are talking about.


New member
God cannot leave him because he is God? Do you realize there are three person in the Godhead? Two personalities can separate. Jesus took on humanity and divested himself of Divinity on earth. As a human, he certainly can be separate from God. He never stopped being God however. Just believe what the bible says and quite trying to comprehend it.


New member
Are you certain you are right and we are wrong? If so, you are not here to understand what anyone believes. It's impossible to truly listen to someone when your only purpose is to get them to believe as you do. I see no evidence you are trying to understand anyone much less actually succeed at it.

God's Truth

New member
God cannot leave him because he is God? Do you realize there are three person in the Godhead? Two personalities can separate.

There is only One God and the three are one and the same and cannot separate.

Jesus took on humanity and divested himself of Divinity on earth. As a human, he certainly can be separate from God. He never stopped being God however. Just believe what the bible says and quite trying to comprehend it.

You got that right about you not comprehending.

God's Truth

New member
Are you certain you are right and we are wrong? If so, you are not here to understand what anyone believes. It's impossible to truly listen to someone when your only purpose is to get them to believe as you do. I see no evidence you are trying to understand anyone much less actually succeed at it.

You just described yourself.


New member
Three...the Father who is invisible and lives in unapproachable light, the Father with a body called the Son, and the Father's Holy Spirit that goes forth without limit.

Jesus is the Fathers body? Scripture please. The Holy Spirit is merelg the spirit of the Father? Scripture please. I carefully read what you said and gave you my understanding. I've never seen you do that.

God's Truth

New member
You accused me of separating three Gods . Please show how you know this from reading my post. It is clear you are not understanding what I write. Why not try to understand what I really mean? You won't. You never have.

You are the one not trying to understand.

You separate the ONE GOD when you said Jesus was separated from Him. Jesus is God, how can he be separate from himself?

God's Truth

New member
There is a difference between skimming and not thinking about what you read and reading with the intent to understand. You never do the latter.

You are the one who does not do the later. I know exactly what you believe and I know which scriptures you misunderstand and use. You however are the one who still does not understand what I am saying even when I show you the scripture.

God's Truth

New member
Jesus is the Fathers body?

You keep claiming I do not pay attention. It is you who does not. Tell me, where did I say Jesus is the Father's body? I said Jesus is the Father with a body.

Scripture please. The Holy Spirit is merelg the spirit of the Father?


Scripture please.

The scriptures even says that Jesus is the Spirit.

2 Corinthians 3:17 Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.

The scriptures say that it is God's Spirit.

1 Corinthians 3:16 Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in your midst?

I have proven my beliefs from the scriptures.