question for MADIsts.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Because, in my opinion, it isn't really about being right, for most of them. It's actually about opposing the Truth by any means. There's much biblical warrant for this suspicion; suppressing Truth in unrighteousness for one. Such must recognize the Truth AS the Truth to do that.

GT has had the Truth shown to her many times over the years but she still rejects it as false.

GT has chosen to be under the law and not under Grace. She, as you stated, has rejected the Grace Gospel and desires to earn eternal life on her own. She's going down the wrong path.

God's Truth

New member
Because, in my opinion, it isn't really about being right, for most of them. It's actually about opposing the Truth by any means. There's much biblical warrant for this suspicion; suppressing Truth in unrighteousness for one. Such must recognize the Truth AS the Truth to do that.

GT has had the Truth shown to her many times over the years but she still rejects it as false.

Some would say it's more a matter of being blind to the truth, simply not seeing it. But after a while, not wanting to see it makes more sense than not being able to.

I could say the same thing about you.

Tell me this, what makes more sense to you, to tell someone they do not have to obey, or to tell someone to obey?


Well-known member
Paul didn't limit it. "All" means all. Col 2:13

A simple truth.

God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself. That reconciliation spanned far into the then-future, thereby covering you, me and people not yet born.

Given that scope, the Cross could and indeed must have accounted for every believer's sins, each and every one, including sins he hadn't committed yet.

But an even deeper truth than that:

The believer of the saving Gospel of grace is counted as co-crucified with Christ and raised to new, eternal life in Him. Because they are so raised, they're counted as forever dead to all condemning Law. Survey Romans and Galatians to see this fact for yourself.

End result: God sees the believer of the saving Gospel of grace as inseparably, eternally, organically united with His Son. And because He does, He not only has no grounds on which to condemn those who have already died (Law has no claim on the dead), He has no reason to do so since the now have His own righteousness in Christ!

Christ took care of it ALL.

That's what ALL means in Col 2:13.

What's this mean for you?

There is nothing your organization promises you that even comes close to matching the blessings of grace described above, all of which - and more! - God offers YOU this day (2 Cor 5:20-21).

Please take it!

:thumb: Excellent!


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Go ahead and say it right here and now that you believe we have to obey Jesus' commands in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

I am waiting.

Which ones?

They aren't all commands directed at me! I'm no Jew! Jesus taught circumcision and Sabbath observance and tithing and the like, He said to obey the priests because they sit in Moses' seat, at one point He commanded the Twelve not to speak of His death and resurrection, etc, etc, etc, etc.

Which commands are you referring too?

That we should love God and love and each other? (Mark 12) Is that the sort of command you're referring too? Of course, we should love God and love our neighbor as ourselves. I don't need Jesus' command to understand that but that doesn't mean I think we aught to disobey it.

That we should judge rightly? (Matthew 7) Is that what you're referring too? Absolutely we should obey Jesus' command to not be a hypocrite when we judge. Again, I don't need Jesus' command to understand that hypocrisy is immoral but that is no suggestion that we are to disobey that command.

In other words, I don't need commands (i.e. the law) to tell me right from wrong. I did, at one time, but no longer. When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

So then, you're turn. Show me the quote, the teaching, the inference or whatever your idiot mind can conjure from anyone on this site or anywhere else where a dispensationalist claims that we do not HAVE TO OBEY ANYTHING Jesus says when he walked on the earth.

Resting in Him,


New member
I could say the same thing about you.

Tell me this, what makes more sense to you, to tell someone they do not have to obey, or to tell someone to obey?

You tell people they must obey but never tell them what to obey. Other than the ten commandments, tell me ten different things in the bible you say that you obey.

God's Truth

New member
Which ones?

They aren't all commands directed at me! I'm no Jew! Jesus taught circumcision and Sabbath observance and tithing and the like, He said to obey the priests because they sit in Moses' seat, at one point He commanded the Twelve not to speak of His death and resurrection, etc, etc, etc, etc.

Which commands are you referring too?

That we should love God and love and each other? (Mark 12) Is that the sort of command you're referring too? Of course, we should love God and love our neighbor as ourselves. I don't need Jesus' command to understand that but that doesn't mean I think we aught to disobey it.

That we should judge rightly? (Matthew 7) Is that what you're referring too? Absolutely we should obey Jesus' command to not be a hypocrite when we judge. Again, I don't need Jesus' command to understand that hypocrisy is immoral but that is no suggestion that we are to disobey that command.

In other words, I don't need commands (i.e. the law) to tell me right from wrong. I did, at one time, but no longer. When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

So then, you're turn. Show me the quote, the teaching, the inference or whatever your idiot mind can conjure from anyone on this site or anywhere else where a dispensationalist claims that we do not HAVE TO OBEY ANYTHING Jesus says when he walked on the earth.

Resting in Him,

Do we have to obey ANYTHING that Jesus says in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John...Musterion already said NO.



New member
Here is an example. Do you refrain from smoking pot because you think it's a sin? Show me a command where Jesus said not to do it. Do you engage in lesbian sex acts? Show me a command where Jesus forbade it.

As a woman, it is indeed a sin to engage in either activity but you will search forever in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and never find any commands concerning it.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Tell us all right now if we have to obey what Jesus says in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Tell us right now. I am waiting....... Just say yes or no to our having to obey Jesus' teachings as stated in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

Tell us all right now if we have to obey what Jesus says in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, and, if we do, why you don't, you filthy little liar.

Just say yes or no to our having to obey Jesus' teachings as stated in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, and, if yes, why you don't:

-always obey God

-always obey Jesus…

-follow all of Jesus teachings

-obey everything that Jesus says

And define "everything...always...all of."

"Everything Jesus says stands forever…. Jesus' words are for everyone.....We always have to obey God ...We always have to obey Jesus….........I obey all of Jesus' teachings....I follow all of Jesus teachings, exactly as he says…..Faith is obeying everything that Jesus says.”-God’sUNTruth