Question for all regarding how we fought Nazism in WWII


Well-known member
Forgot to mention. The above is why many advocate cutting the head of the snake clean off as THE ONLY WAY to kill the whole thing. Mohammedans are united around the guarantee of eventual global domination by Islam. They're everywhere and no one can know exactly who are where all of them are until it's too late (Cologne, Paris, Nice...). And the responses they've gotten so far do NOTHING to dissuade them that they're not eventually going to win.

So since they're united around an idea, DESTROY THE IDEA. That will destroy their faith in their god, thereby destroying the idea that glues them together and causes them to fight.

That can be done in only one way: destroy the core holy sites that all of them believe to be indestructible.

Otherwise the West will keep trying to fight them by the old rules (if it tries to fight them at all) and the West will inevitably lose.


I think you are a bit confused WW2 cities were bombed and destroyed b/c they manufactured supplies and weapons. Also japan and Germany completely refused to surrender until the majority of their cities were destroyed.

Firebombing of Tokyo

The figure of roughly 100,000 deaths, provided by Japanese and American authorities, both of whom may have had reasons of their own for minimizing the death toll, seems to be arguably low in light of population density, wind conditions, and survivors' accounts. With an average of 103,000 inhabitants per square mile (396 people per hectare) and peak levels as high as 135,000 per square mile (521 people per hectare), the highest density of any industrial city in the world, and with firefighting measures ludicrously inadequate to the task, 15.8 square miles (41 km2) of Tokyo were destroyed on a night when fierce winds whipped the flames and walls of fire blocked tens of thousands fleeing for their lives. An estimated 1.5 million people lived in the burned out areas.
- Mark Selden, "Japan Focus"
- highest density of any industrial city in the world (103 000-135,000 per square mile)

- 15.8 square miles (41 km2) of Tokyo were destroyed in one night

- fierce winds whipped the flames and walls of fire blocked tens of thousands fleeing for their lives

The American government's deliberate attempt to underestimate the civilian death toll of the Tokyo bombing indicated that US public opinion would have questioned the "carpet bombing" of Japanese residential neighborhoods.


New member

- highest density of any industrial city in the world (103 000-135,000 per square mile)

- 15.8 square miles (41 km2) of Tokyo were destroyed in one night

- fierce winds whipped the flames and walls of fire blocked tens of thousands fleeing for their lives

The American government's deliberate attempt to underestimate the civilian death toll of the Tokyo bombing indicated that US public opinion would have questioned the "carpet bombing" of Japanese residential neighborhoods.

I don't see how underestimating civilian death tolls undercuts anything I said. The bombings did their purpose.

Damage to Tokyo's heavy industry was slight until firebombing destroyed much of the light industry that was used as an integral source for small machine parts and time-intensive processes. Firebombing also killed or made homeless many workers who had been taking part in war industry. Over 50% of Tokyo's industry was spread out among residential and commercial neighborhoods; firebombing cut the whole city's output in half.[18] The destruction and damage was especially severe in the eastern areas of the city.[citation needed]


You're a moron.

Victory in Jesus.


like marbles on glass
There you go folks. A healthy dose of STUPID.

You gotta' love'em. :)

If the thousands of people who have been raped, murdered and beheaded by ISIS could read your post I doubt they would care for you very much. Barbaric torture and murder is barbaric torture and murder is. Besides, they seem to be operating internationally quite well.

You're a moron.

Why didn't you address the excerpt from the CCC?

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Where is the morality in allowing the War on Terror to drag on decade after decade, slaughter after slaughter? You guys who think that a massive WWII-type onslaught to end it all once and for all is so immoral, yet you let it all drag on decade after decade, slaughter after slaughter, Nice after Nice, San Bernardino after San Bernardino, Belgium after Belgium, Major Nidal Hasan after Major Nidal Hasan......

......on and on, year after year, death after death, funeral after funereal.. ..that blood is on the hands of those who wet their pants over the thought of a final decisive blow and final victory and think they have the moral high ground. That's right, the blood is on YOUR hands, not mine.

Sleep well. I couldn't if I were you.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Where is the morality in allowing the War on Terror to drag on decade after decade, slaughter after slaughter? You guys who think that a massive WWII-type onslaught to end it all once and for all is so immoral, yet you let it all drag on decade after decade, slaughter after slaughter, Nice after Nice, San Bernardino after San Bernardino, Belgium after Belgium, Major Nidal Hasan after Major Nidal Hasan......

......on and on, year after year, death after death, funeral after funereal.. ..that blood is on the hands of those who wet their pants over the thought of a final decisive blow and final victory and think they have the moral high ground. That's right, the blood is on YOUR hands, not mine.

Sleep well. I couldn't if I were you.

I guess Sort-of-CatholicCrusader doesn't like what the catechism has to say about firebombing civilians.

...and yet you don't answer my question. I ask again:

Where is the morality in allowing the War on Terror to drag on decade after decade, slaughter after slaughter, Nice after Nice, San Bernardino after San Bernardino, Belgium after Belgium, Major Nidal Hasan after Major Nidal Hasan.... ......on and on, year after year, death after death, funeral after funereal.. you don't stop it, and you malign those who would. What is so"Catholic" about that.


like marbles on glass
...and yet you don't answer my question. I ask again:

Where is the morality in allowing the War on Terror to drag on decade after decade, slaughter after slaughter, Nice after Nice, San Bernardino after San Bernardino, Belgium after Belgium, Major Nidal Hasan after Major Nidal Hasan.... ......on and on, year after year, death after death, funeral after funereal.. you don't stop it, and you malign those who would. What is so"Catholic" about that.

We can't get any further in the discussion until you make it clear to what extent the CCC guides your thinking and your values.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
We can't get any further in the discussion until you make it clear to what extent the CCC guides your thinking and your values.

Pot meet Kettle. You contradictions to the Catechism over the years in this forum have been many and legend. You want to throw stones? You will lose.

Now, if you can't answer the question then just say so and move on, but stop trying to make ME the issue.

I ask again: Where is the morality in allowing the War on Terror to drag on decade after decade, slaughter after slaughter, Nice after Nice, San Bernardino after San Bernardino, Belgium after Belgium, Major Nidal Hasan after Major Nidal Hasan.... ......on and on, year after year, death after death, funeral after funereal.. you don't stop it, and you malign those who would. What is so"Catholic" about that.


like marbles on glass
Pot meet Kettle. You contradictions to the Catechism over the years in this forum have been many and legend. You want to throw stones? You will lose.

Throwing stones is saying "We can't get any further in the discussion until you make it clear to what extent the CCC guides your thinking and your values?" :chuckle:

It's such a simple request, why not explain your reasoning? You vigorously defend Catholicism elsewhere on the forum using the catechism, but when presented with the catechism's instruction regarding a Dresden-type situation, all of a sudden you have nothing to say.

Now, if you can't answer the question then just say so and move on, but stop trying to make ME the issue.

YOU asked the question, remember? I gave you the answer already, it's in the catechism. You just don't like the answer.

patrick jane

Question: Was the United States evil and bloodthirsty when we fire-bombed German cities into ruble in order to eradicate the evil of the Nazis? Was not Nazism evil enough that fie-bombings and nukes were warranted? Or were Roosevelt and Truman bloodthirsty extremists?
America did what we had to do -

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
[MENTION=10029]annabenedetti[/MENTION] - Blah blah blah.. ...tell it to God, not me, and while your at it tell him why you spit on His Word regarding gay marriage, and why you enable the slaughter of millions of babes by abortion by way of who you support in elections.


Well-known member
Throwing stones is saying "We can't get any further in the discussion until you make it clear to what extent the CCC guides your thinking and your values?" :chuckle:

It's such a simple request, why not explain your reasoning? You vigorously defend Catholicism elsewhere on the forum using the catechism, but when presented with the catechism's instruction regarding a Dresden-type situation, all of a sudden you have nothing to say.

It is so typical. Prime example of people who use religion as an illusory veil of holiness on their politics. They aggressively support that religion on all issues that have no impact on their own lives or cherished values, but silently ignore the religion on issues that challenge them. Men condemning abortion, heterosexuals condemning homosexuals. But nothing on warfare, imperialism and greed. (Or adultery in the case of this Trump supporter).

glassjester said:
Is machiavellianism a good foreign policy?

Seems to me that most fundamentalist Christians are in reality Machiavellians in their ontology. Notice how they speak of the necessity of interference, warfare and such. Peace is only possible through restriction and force. It betrays their ontology of conflict, rather than a classical Christian theological ontology of peace as the fundamental order of things.

It is wonderfully ironic. These so called true Christians (according to themselves) are really the ones advocating the philosophy and ontology of secular modernity in politics.


like marbles on glass
Who asked you egghead.

He was talking to me, Mr. Sweetness and Light.

It'll be rough going admitting you don't want to submit to the catechism. Keep working at it!

BTW, here's your link to the catechism you've recommended but don't want to talk about:

That's pretty good. Check this out too, I think you'll like it. You don't have to be Catholic to appreciate it: