Impossible. Literally this is impossible.
Since when do we formulate our doctrines on extra-biblical sources, Idolater? Hmm?
I'm not formulating a doctrine, I'm floating a theory. I literally said and I quofe, “ Trumpets may have been fulfilled in AD 70 ”, emphasis on MAY.
When I say "may", it means also, by implication, "may not".
They definitely were NOT expecting any such thing. Had they done so, they would not have agreed with Paul to stay in Jerusalem and minister only to the circumcision. In other words, they understood that Israel, as a nation, had been cut off and their promised kingdom wasn't coming - not anytime soon anyway.
You're presupposing your eschatological point of view.
No, you're bonkers if you believe this unbiblical nonsense.
Those of you reading my post, note that the "un-Biblical nonsense" is that Peter and Paul anticipated Trumpets would be fulfilled soon. That's what he's saying is "un-Biblical".
Those of you reading my post, notice how Idolater just moves effortlessly from the flat out lie of "all scholars agree..."
It's hyperbole.
But also this isn't a big part of the argument it's only establishing plausibility. It could be that both Paul and Peter show in their epistles an expectation that Trumpets would be fulfilled soon. That's what I'm arguing is plausible, and I'm basing it on the fact that one of the, and perhaps the most, popular theory among Biblical scholars, is that both Paul and Peter individually appear to expect Trumpets to be fulfilled so soon, that it might be within both of theirs lifetimes.
But it wasn't. “ Trumpets may have been fulfilled in AD 70 ”
to now expecting you to accept
That's not in there, this is a discussion, I am proposing an idea. “ Trumpets may have been fulfilled in AD 70 ” I don't "expect you to accept" anything. This is a discussion.
that idiotic claim as the gospel truth.
It's an idea, a theory, a hypothesis. A notion. A possibility. It's a candidate for an established fact or factoid, or truth. “ Trumpets may have been fulfilled in AD 70 ”
My feeling is that he didn't even notice that he had done this when he wrote it. He is conditioned to believe whatever he's told to believe by his priest.
It's prima facia that it's neither!
No it isn't. You're presupposing your eschatology. You can't just say or act like you're right. This is discourse. And there are enough plausible holes in your theological theory Acts 9erism that we should be able to discuss it rather than just you treat non-Acts 9ers as all retards who don't deserve plain explanations ever. This gives us all the impression that Acts 9erism is all vibes, as the children say. It's built on sand and a house a cards.
Your idea is stupid if you're wrong.
Let's see how this works....
The Wright brothers, both of whom lived in the early 20th century, eagerly anticipated the development of commercial space travel. They both believed that flight technology was advancing rapidly and that human space travel could happen at any time. And all historians agree that they expected further breakthroughs in aviation, like any day now. But they both died before the Moon landing in 1969. So were they both bonkers? Or were they both right?
If it's plausible that Peter and Paul both anticipated Trumpets would be fulfilled very soon, like within their lifetimes maybe, then it occurring in AD 70 would be like the Wright brothers in your analogy. If the Wright brothers however had lived in like 100 BC, and it's c. AD 1900 and we still don't even have passenger jets, then I'd say the Wright brothers were getting a little ahead of themselves.
Do you see how ridiculous your form of argument is? You present a false dilemma based on an appeal to authority fallacy that is also obviously false in an attempt to support a theological idea that has no utility whatsoever
That's your opinion.
and that flat out cannot possibly be true anyway. Is this really the way you do your theology? Present an impossible idea and supported on a stool with two falsehoods for legs?
All I did was establish plausibility, which is a very mild way to analyze a proposition. First off, how plausible is this? If it's got low initial plausibility, that doesn't mean it's wrong, but it does mean you've got to do more work. And secondly, what are the other available proposals which compete against this idea I'm floating? How plausible are they? This is just a preliminary survey of the propositional landscape.
This conclusion doesn’t follow even from own argument. Even if Peter and Paul expected something to happen soon, that doesn’t prove it did happen. That’s like saying, "Since people in the 1800s expected the end of slavery worldwide, slavery must have been fully eradicated by then." That's obviously ridiculous.
Further,Hebrews speaks about Jesus as the fulfillment of the sacrificial system (e.g., Hebrews 9-10) but does not say that every Levitical feast has been completely fulfilled.
I know. Because Hebrews was written before AD 70. “ Trumpets may have been fulfilled in AD 70 ”, not before.
Even if Yom Kippur (i.e. the Day of Atonement) finds fulfillment in Christ’s atoning work
Which it does, explicitly. So that's, for the record, the Passover, Matzos, First Fruits, Pentecost and Yom Kippur, which are specifically said to be fulfilled in the New Testament. We're only needing Trumpets and Tents or Tabernacles to complete the set.
, that does not mean Trumpets was fulfilled in the first century. Hebrews 4 speaks of a "Sabbath rest" for God's people, but this is clearly pointing to a future, ultimate rest, not saying that the Sabbath was
entirely fulfilled in the past. If anything, Hebrews 4:9 suggests that fulfillment is still incomplete.
Hebrews 4:9 There remains therefore a rest for the people of God
Also, your argument seems to at least imply that no future prophetic events remain, but do you also believe the resurrection, judgment, and restoration of all things already happened? If so, you're embracing full preterism, which denies
fundamental Christian doctrine. If not, then you have no reason to assume the feasts are all fulfilled either because the same logic would apply.
I believe in the Creeds. Christ will come again in glory to judge, and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the World to come.