TOL Subscriber
Oh goodie, another Bible corrector!Starting this second thread, when the community didn't do so well on "pisteuo" probably isn't a good idea. But i want to shine some light from a different prospective on the "believing" that so many find hard to let go of.
I've shown that believe, believing, and believer are mistranslations for the Greek word "pisteuo used 248 times in the NT, thats a fact!
So lets look at another popular false understanding, concerning everyones favorite Scripture, Romans 10:17.
Romans 10:17 says, "So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing from the Word of God."
On the surface, and even to well trained theologians, Rom. 10:17 is cut and dry. God gives us the hearing to understand Scripture, and as a result, we recieve "faith".
There's one really big problem with this understanding.
The word "hearing" is "akoe" in the Greek texts. And "akoe" Has all the surface definitions that one would expect. But as for Rom. 10:17, the word "hearing" is associated with the fact that a "desicion is being made". And the strongs goes onto say "compare a courtroom hearing".
Well that should get your attention, because i don't know about you, but if my understanding includes putting Jesus on the stand with me as His jury, thats a big problem!
Who's on trial here? It's surely not Jesus, His work is finished. And who are we to put Him up on the stand to decide whether or not He's worthy of our surrender.
No! We are the ones on trial! And i can show how I think Rom. 10:17 should read as per the Greek definition. I'm going to add one letter, and it will bring Rom. 10:17 into the correct understanding.
Wrong understanding: Puts God on trial.
Romans 10:17 says, "So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing from the Word of God."
Right understanding: puts us (or our faithing) on trial.
Romans 10:17 says, "So then faith comes by "A" hearing, and "A" hearing from the Word of God."
All i've done is add the letter "A" in front of the word "hearing", and it takes Jesus off the courtroom stand, and puts our faithing (or surrendering) there in place of it. This also brings the word "hearing" or "akoe" to its correct usage, unperverting Gods Word.
In conclusion: Faith comes by "A" hearing, a courtroom hearing! And "A" courtroom hearing "BY" the Word of God, JESUS OUR CHRIST.
Oh, i almost forgot. Being in a constant state of "believing" is the same as putting Christ on trial. If continually in a state of believing, "We" are making the decision that Jesus is worthy of our Belief". Which is putting Him on trial, and is a false understanding.
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