
patrick jane

an interesting question

with two sexual partners - who is providing the service to whom?

I've never sought a prostitute, but I see folks on COPs get busted all the time. If I ever did seek one, I would agree on a situation whereby, we are adults and decide to have relations. I will loan the woman 500 to be repaid in 50 years, IF we are still in touch.

That eliminates prostitution, 2 adults have consenting sex, and the john gives a personal small loan to be repaid in 50 years, no interest. The money and the sex are 2 separate things. :devil:
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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior View Post
There is a reason why prostitution is and has been illegal in the vast majority of states, counties and cities here in the US.

Make your case as to why it shouldn't be.

I don't think it should be legalized.
I do not think prostitution is a good thing.

But... I'm interested in what secular case can be made against prostitution. It seems that, in our current cultural climate, the issue is bound to find its way to the supreme court, leading to its nation-wide legalization.

How might the opposition make the case against it?

On many many fronts, but first you have to address where a society's moral code should come from: God's or man's.

1). Legalizing prostitution doesn't acknowledge that God's design for human sexuality (marriage) is not only the greatest thing in human relationships, but for nations as well (i.e. it turns something beautiful into something cheap).

Now turning to the secular argument against the legalization of prostitution:

2). Because many people have different sexual "appetites", there will be a "supply and demand" factor:

Bill likes 22 year old female prostitutes, but John likes 12 year old boys from Thailand.

Sex trafficking is already a huge problem, if civil government says that prostitution is ok (even though they would set some kind of boundaries) they're saying that paying for no strings attached out of wedlock sex is permissible.

3). Allowing inherently immoral behavior means more government. As I talked about in earlier posts, legalizing prostitution would make government officials "pimps". They'd be responsible for making certain that the prostitutes aren't beat up (which happens frequently in that seedy world), aren't using drugs (who can have sex with a filthy sweaty perverted guy without being high on drugs?); etc. etc. etc.

There are many more reasons, I could go on for days.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Ideally, both. It should be an act of giving of oneself. It should be exclusive, and between committed (married) people.

That's my belief, and probably yours. But not our government's.

In a society that accepts and even promotes adultery and promiscuity, how can we argue against prostitution?

if they legalize it, they have to regulate it

in a business arrangement where both are gaining the same thing (a sexual experience), who pays who?


Well-known member
if they legalize it, they have to regulate it

in a business arrangement where both are gaining the same thing (a sexual experience), who pays who?

Certainly one party is seeking the experience, while the other is providing it. There's a clear buyer-seller relationship there.

No different than if I paid someone to be my chess partner for a game. We both are getting "the chess experience," yet I am the one who sought the service.

Many closer parallels could be drawn, I'm sure. Escort services for example. Both parties get the "date" experience.


Certainly one party is seeking the experience, while the other is providing it. There's a clear buyer-seller relationship there.

No different than if I paid someone to be my chess partner for a game. We both are getting "the chess experience," yet I am the one who sought the service.

Many closer parallels could be drawn, I'm sure. Escort services for example. Both parties get the "date" experience.

(Did I just read what I thought I'd read? gj just compared playing chess with prostitution? Some people really need to get out more and experience the real world).


Well-known member
(Did I just read what I thought I'd read? gj just compared playing chess with prostitution? Some people really need to get out more and experience the real world).

Hello Warrior,

Remember, I am only playing Devil's Advocate here. I'm trying to elicit secular reasons against legalized prostitution.

Ok Doser said that it would be unclear who the buyer is, and who the seller is. I disagree. I think it would be very clear. Do you think so, too?

I would like to know what case I could make, if any, against prostitution from a purely societal standpoint. Specifically, in the current state of our union, in which adultery, pornography, and fornication are legal and rampant.


Well-known member
he must play chess differently than i do :idunno:

Was my point unclear (I do not mean to be rude)?

Take the example of the escort service instead. It is very apparent who the buyer is, and who the seller is. Even though both get the "date experience." It is still quite obvious who the paying party is.

Do you disagree?


Well-known member

Is it illegal to have or use any form of the Poppy plant under any circumstances?

This is a great point.

The substance itself, the poppy plant, is only illegal when its use has been perverted and made into something destructive to people and society.

This same argument could be made for sex. When it has been perverted, and made into something destructive, it should not be permitted.

But... there are many destructive forms of sex in our country that are permitted by our laws. So on what basis do we prohibit prostitution?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
(Did I just read what I thought I'd read? gj just compared playing chess with prostitution? Some people really need to get out more and experience the real world).

Hello Warrior,

Remember, I am only playing Devil's Advocate here. I'm trying to elicit secular reasons against legalized prostitution.

Work on your analogies.

Ok Doser said that it would be unclear who the buyer is, and who the seller is. I disagree. I think it would be very clear. Do you think so, too?

It's irrelevant as to who is buying or selling. The act itself is immoral, and in the vast majority of US jurisdictions illegal:

Buyers and Sellers

Depending on the state, solicitation of prostitution can mean either when a prostitute advertises his or her availability to perform sexual acts for compensation, or when a potential patron offers to pay for sex.

I would like to know what case I could make, if any, against prostitution from a purely societal standpoint. Specifically, in the current state of our union, in which adultery, pornography, and fornication are legal and rampant.

I addressed it in an earlier post.

1) Society has to decide whose moral's legislation should be modeled after: God's or man's.

2). What is the proper role of government.

3). Different appetites when it comes to sex. Bill's and John's.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
The substance itself, the poppy plant, is only illegal when its use has been perverted and made into something destructive to people and society.

This same argument could be made for sex. When it has been perverted, and made into something destructive, it should not be permitted.

See how easy that was? The products produced by poppy plants can do wonderful things. That doesn't mean it is a free-for-all. Nor should it be.

Sex is God's bond for a married couple.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
See how easy that was? The products produced by poppy plants can do wonderful things. That doesn't mean it is a free-for-all. Nor should it be.

Sex is God's bond for a married couple.

but the US government doesn't recognize God

and in choosing to not recognize God, it has increasing decided consciously to convince itself that Godly values must also be rejected

see: town's defense of homosexual "marriage"


Well-known member
See how easy that was? The products produced by poppy plants can do wonderful things. That doesn't mean it is a free-for-all. Nor should it be.

Sex is God's bond for a married couple.

No disagreement here! :up:

But fornication isn't illegal. Adultery isn't illegal. Pornography isn't illegal. So why should prostitution remain illegal?

I can't help but worry that it won't be for much longer.

The Horn

European countries such as Germany and the Netherlands have had legalized prostitution for a long time and it hasn't done any harm to those societies .
They have far lower rates of rape and sexual crimes in fact .


European countries such as Germany and the Netherlands have had legalized prostitution for a long time and it hasn't done any harm to those societies .
They have far lower rates of rape and sexual crimes in fact .

You will have failed your job as a secular humanist De Horn if you didn't talk about progressive Sweden where child pornography was also legal (brought to you by the same degenerates that brought homosexual 'marriage' to Sweden: the LGBTQ movement).

San Fransicko had it on their city's ballot to legalize prostitution a few years back. For some reason they voted it down, perhaps their reasoning was

"Why pay for AIDS when you can get AIDS for free in a 'gay' bathhouse or public park restroom?"


Well-known member
European countries such as Germany and the Netherlands have had legalized prostitution for a long time and it hasn't done any harm to those societies .
They have far lower rates of rape and sexual crimes in fact .

It seems like the legalization of prostitution in Amsterdam has only served to increase purchased sex (of course), human trafficking, and tax evasion. Amsterdam has had to shut down nearly half of its "legal" brothels, because of all the illegal activity they produce and attract.


New member
Hall of Fame
Legal prostitution:
