Prostituting TOL

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Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I believe God shall supply all our need according to the riches in glory by Christ Jesus;

Philippians 4:19 But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

and He'll use men and women to accomplish it.

Romans 12:13 Distributing to the necessity of saints; given to hospitality.

He is able to make all grace abound toward us that we, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work.

2 Corinthians 9:8 And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work:

We have faith that God shall supply all our need as it comes from the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy.

1 Timothy 6:17 Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy;

Who donates, is frankly, none of your business.

keep the change



Hall of Fame
It is prostitution for Knight to take money from a JW, who is nothing but an enemy against the gospel truths of Triune God.

Standing for the Truths of God is more important than TOL existing for another year.


Outside of spreading your misery to anyone who will listen, why are you here?


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Taking their money so we can stand against them and destroy their false gospel is prostitution?


Hall of Fame
If I were Knight, I would be ashamed and embarrassed that his monetary support comes in great part from ungodly members.

But not too *ashamed and embarrassed* to remain on TOL for the sole purpose of running your mouth, huh?

You should be ashamed and embarrassed for insinuating that you are a Godly Christian while sowing discord on TOL and trying to tear it apart from the inside out.


Eclectic Theosophist
Opening the heart.......

Opening the heart.......

It is prostitution for Knight to take money from a JW, who is nothing but an enemy against the gospel truths of Triune God.

Hello Nang,

So glad to see you being your sweet little self ;):):p

All forum members may donate as they choose, regardless of their religious affiliation or lack thereof. Belief in the Trinity is not a prerequisite for participation.

'God' as a universal reality or divine personality is not limited to human terms, qualifications or concepts anyways, although all multiples spring from the primary unity that God 'source'. Recognizing the universal oneness of Deity or Spirit is the first fundamental, no matter how The One is variously personified.

Standing for the Truths of God is more important than TOL existing for another year.

A relative observation. It remains quite probable that TOL will go on with or without our 'belief-constructs' as long as supporters exist. If you look around you'll note the cosmos continues quite wonderfully with or without our belief in it or no matter what our belief system is.

Did you ever contemplate infinity? How about the concept of Infinite Love? Imagine that......God's LOVE being INFINITE.

Love enables one to see the beauty, goodness and value in every soul and the entirety of God's creation.


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Hello Nang,

So glad to see you being your sweet little self ;):):p

All forum members may donate as they choose, regardless of their religious affiliation or lack thereof. Belief in the Trinity is not a prerequisite for participation.

'God' as a universal reality or divine personality is not limited to human terms, qualifications or concepts anyways, although all multiples spring from the primary unity that God 'source'. Recognizing the universal oneness of Deity or Spirit is the first fundamental, no matter how The One is variously personified.

A relative observation. It remains quite probable that TOL will go on with or without our 'belief-constructs' as long as supporters exist. If you look around you'll note the cosmos continues quite wonderfully with or without our belief in it or no matter what our belief system is.

Did you ever contemplate infinity? How about the concept of Infinite Love? Imagine that......God's LOVE being INFINITE.

Love enables one to see the beauty, goodness and value in every soul and the entirety of God's creation.


You don't expect Nang to understand your junk, do ya? Wishful
dreamer, aren't ya? She's just the "Forum Grouch!" She won't
give ya the time of day! Why, she'd throw a drowning man, a glass
of water!


New member
In answer to the OP - NO!

Saying that you have to be a Christian to help pay the bills on TOL would be silly. It would be just as silly for many other worthy causes to limit who can donate (i.e. Red Cross, Salvation Army, food banks, etc.).


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
It is prostitution for Knight to take money from a JW, who is nothing but an enemy against the gospel truths of Triune God.

Standing for the Truths of God is more important than TOL existing for another year.

Stop being a jerk!


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
It is prostitution for Knight to take money from a JW, who is nothing but an enemy against the gospel truths of Triune God.

Standing for the Truths of God is more important than TOL existing for another year.


so you had a bad day

shouldn't start threads when you are having a bad day


New member
The term whore and all associated words whoredom etc appear in the scriptures 98 times. I would advise anyone who thinks they have a valid opinion on this matter to read each and every verse in context, in spirit and in prayer before baying like hounds.

I don't think the OP was meant to scratch itching ears and it has obviously had the opposite effect.

Remember 98 verses in context, in spirit and in prayer. Amen.


New member
Hall of Fame
Luke 5:32 And Jesus answered and said to them, "It is not those who are well who need a physician, but those who are sick. 32"I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance."

Matthew 5:46 "For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same?

There are loads of sites out there who only preach to the choir or want the choir only, seems a couple of you would be much happier there.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
My subscription came as an unsolicited gift.

Knight is fully welcome to revoke it and give the money back to the donor, if he so chooses.

If you disagree with how the site is run, you could just give it back.


The term whore and all associated words whoredom etc appear in the scriptures 98 times. I would advise anyone who thinks they have a valid opinion on this matter to read each and every verse in context, in spirit and in prayer before baying like hounds.

I don't think the OP was meant to scratch itching ears and it has obviously had the opposite effect.

Remember 98 verses in context, in spirit and in prayer. Amen.

Do you really believe Nang has a Jesus' spirit?

This is why I always say you don't know Jesus, You don't know the very basic of Christianity.

You don't know she is using Jesus' name in vein. She is full of herself.

She claims to be true and saved Christian yet she dishonor Him and work against Jesus. She is satan's helper.


Well-known member
It is prostitution for Knight to take money from a JW, who is nothing but an enemy against the gospel truths of Triune God.

Standing for the Truths of God is more important than TOL existing for another year.


Open rebuke is better that love carefully concealed . . . this is the well, clearly and openly stated position of this forum.

Truth is the strangest and most scarce thing today.

Your perception of what is for the Gospel of Truth is most likely against the Gospel of Truth.

This must be so for 'the Truth' in the gospel of Truth will be known only to a chosen few. Fact is many are called and few chosen because the very great majority of those called to Christianity are misled by false prophets who came in Jesus' name. People are called to Christianity in what commonly passes and are commonly accepted to be Christians institutions. It is there that the very great majority will be misled by false prophets who came in Jesus' name and therefore err and not be chosen. If you hold the views of such a church or institution, you cannot have it right. You cannot have 'the Truth' that is in the Gospel of Truth, simply because you stand with the billions and not the few.

I am sure that your ideas are the every day ones which are held by billion of people who perceive themselves to be Christians. You all cannot be the chosen few who have it right.

Therefore the passage to 'the Truth' in the Gospel of Truth will inevitably offend the sensibilities of traditional Christians (like you) who are at least a billion strong and cannot be the few who are the chosen few. However you would be the among the ones most desperately in need of help.


New member

Open rebuke is better that love carefully concealed . . . this is the well, clearly and openly stated position of this forum.

Truth is the strangest and most scarce thing today.

Your perception of what is for the Gospel of Truth is most likely against the Gospel of Truth.

This must be so for 'the Truth' in the gospel of Truth will be known only to a chosen few. Fact is many are called and few chosen because the very great majority of those called to Christianity are misled by false prophets who came in Jesus' name. People are called to Christianity in what commonly passes and are commonly accepted to be Christians institutions. It is there that the very great majority will be misled by false prophets who came in Jesus' name and therefore err and not be chosen. If you hold the views of such a church or institution, you cannot have it right. You cannot have 'the Truth' that is in the Gospel of Truth, simply because you stand with the billions and not the few.

I am sure that your ideas are the every day ones which are held by billion of people who perceive themselves to be Christians. You all cannot be the chosen few who have it right.

Therefore the passage to 'the Truth' in the Gospel of Truth will inevitably offend the sensibilities of traditional Christians (like you) who are at least a billion strong and cannot be the few who are the chosen few. However you would be the among the ones most desperately in need of help.

Thanks for this post it is thought provoking.

What I love about this sort of insinuation is the stealthy deceit that is found within. It questions the very heart of the truth and the trust that has worked and is working in the converted and repentant sinner.
It subtly asks are you sure that you are of the chosen few? I prefer the less subtle in your face approach that can only come with authority. I love your approach or any other type of full on attack, because it causes me to I sure?
Is my trust that by which the Apostles and the Prophets lived. Is my hope sincere and is it the arm of the Eternal Almighty that upholds me?
I then look over the top of my computer screen to the exact spot at which I was standing when I was converted. I sometimes go and stand in that spot and all and any doubt I may be tempted by leaves. This is the importance of knowing the place, the time and the circumstances of salvation.

I know from bitter experience that people don't like having their trust (faith) questioned, but I love it. Thanks again.
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New member
It is prostitution for Knight to take money from a JW, who is nothing but an enemy against the gospel truths of Triune God.

Standing for the Truths of God is more important than TOL existing for another year.


I am open to hear any Bible passage that suggest receiving money from the sinful and using it for good is forbidden.

it really doesn't matter what we think about it, IMHO, it matters what God says.
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