What part of "time is subject to God" do you not understand? He binds it, purely by existing.
And God existed in the infinite regardless of whether or not time was created. Eternity past remains reality for God whether or not He created time. So He waited an eternity before beginning creation, either way. And thus your argument fails.
This is still an open view paradigm that places constraints on God that cannot be there. A few for instances:
1) that God's 'now' is everywhere (omnipresent). Your and my 'now' is a culmination of past and present and future events that collide. Because we are not omnipresent but finite to a spot with only a singular perception. The sunlight, by which you are able to see during the day took 8 minutes to reach you. That light given off happened 8 minutes ago. If the sun were turned off, you'd not know it for 8 minutes. God would have already know it because He is not bound to any physical part of the universe. His "now" and our "now" are two separate things. He is both light
years away now, and here now.
Example: We will not see a star that explodes off in the distance happening now, in our lifetime or even our great great granchild's lifetime. God sees it 'now.' We see some stars exploding on our telescopes just 'now' but it happened a very long time ago to God's now and we are only just seeing it. Our 'now' is a collision of past and future at a particular instance of inspection.
2) Because God is eternal, there is never a moment where any one thing collides forcing Him into that moment. Again, think of a star exploding across the galaxies. Again, realize we will never see it happen and it will take many many generations before our children's children see the event. You and I will be dead by then and never see it, yet it happened and God has already seen it. Yet, even as such is so many years away, here so many light years away from that explosion, God is seeing you reading this text just now. They happen simultaneously but everything in the universe happens simultaneously with God. If it is dark where you are, it is light on the other side of the world and so this so called 'day' is neither for God. It is a collision of events that we 'finite beings' happen to observe at one point, place and call it a 'moment.' That definiting 'moment' alone, cannot exist for God. He is beyond it.
This has got to be the dumbest argument to fall from your stupid mouth. It is pure circular reasoning, with no logical basis.
A day is a measurement of time. It is not time itself. Time is its own entity apart from any such measurement of it.
Yes, I understand it appearing dumb. I think it is rather that he didn't explain this in a way that makes sense. It is beyond our 5 senses and so requires that it be explained at least beyond our 5 senses with a bit of logic or it cannot be grasped as true. God's day is completely different than your and my 24 hour period. God doesn't experience periods as you and I but many infinite periods beyond our comprehension in the moment it takes for us to experience what we think of as a 'moment.'