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I've been ignoring you because you don't seem to have much but the ability to assert things, Paul. I can go anywhere and get an 'uh uh.' They don't count for much to me. Your handle is 'Letsargue' but your aren't arguing, you are asserting. In order to argue, you have to take my points one at a time and show them wrong. I'm really not a fan of 'you assert' then "I assert' back. God can do whatever is possible and rewriting the past is more than... Most OVer's agree. Even GodRulz and Muz agree. They simply think He "didn't" not that He can't. They say He can so this is not novel on my part. Not at all.
If you want to use the word “Assert”, fine. I’ll use it also.
God “asserted” all things in the carnal, for the Carnal understanding; to bring the Carnal to the Spiritual. – However, - all I do, - is take God’s Carnal “assertions”, and “assert” them in the Spiritual. - That’s (( All I Do )), nothing else!! – If you all had a Spiritual mind, not just a carnal mind, or double minded, you could See That, - But!!
Paul – 072613