Your willful ignorance is your problem not mine. It isn't that hard to see just how ignorant you are. You ever even read the Book of Jonah? Well take your Bob, Knight, godrulz blinders off and try it again.
I was leaning toward the open view, without ever having heard of it, about six years before joining TOL.
And Jonah is merely one example of many wherein it is indicated God did not know what was going to happen in the future of a specific event.
Jonah Goes to Nineveh
3 Then the word of the Lord came to Jonah a second time: 2 “Go to the great city of Nineveh and proclaim to it the message I give you.”
3 Jonah obeyed the word of the Lord and went to Nineveh. Now Nineveh was a very large city; it took three days to go through it. 4 Jonah began by going a day’s journey into the city, proclaiming,
What of it? What did Jonah proclaim?
And Jonah began to enter the city on the first day’s walk. Then he cried out and said, “Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown!”
-Jonah 3:4
Looks like you left out something. Now why would you do that?[/rhetorical]
There is not one single call for Nineveh to repent in Jonah's proclamation. You are a liar, and a deceiver, yet all can see through your falsities.