:sigh: No, it is not pushed by only the KJVO crowd. I'm not KJVO. The truth isn't THAT complicated, the family trees of texts aren't an easy wade, but it is not that complicated. The two main lines of thought in all of Christendom are these: That the Byzantine texts are better, because they were recorded all the same thus 'right' or that the Alexandrian texts were, because they have 'less' than the other. It isn't more complicated than that but it is foolhardy to make doctrines that differ from one another out of that.
You are simply asserting. I didn't go "on and on"

lain: You are already starting on a less than 'holy spirit' inspired direction. Why do cultists think they are following the Holy Spirit when they begin lacking grace? If this is the mark of your departure, you may want to examine it. If it isn't producing Godliness and a love for God's people, you are going the wrong direction, however 'right for you' it might seem to be. Take it as a warning flag.
Your short venture through those who posture over this is not academically accepted and is ad hoc.
here and
here IF you are open to being corrected. If not, there is no point to discussion. As you said, your mind is made up, regardless of facts and truth. God doesn't lead that way, however. He leads us to care and concern over the Body and points that unify us, not separates. Anytime you see 'separation' you should worry and question. I'm not part of the Catholic Church and have quite a bit of disagreement, but if my desire is not to see their holiness and walking with God, something isn't right. The Spirit produces holiness and, as with the Apostle Paul and Martin Luther, a deep love and longing for those who aren't getting it, to get it.