Pro-life and Democrat


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Yet, only one stage of development requires the womb. Hence, the debate over abortion.

You seem to be under the impression that your mere declaration is the end of the debate...I assure you it's only the start. So, where do you proceed? By posting emotion laden pics! :idunno:
If you have more...go with it.

Restjng upon declared facts are limiting...

It is a fact that the unborn baby is a person, who is innocent of any crime.

It is always wrong to kill a baby, because the baby is innocent.
It is always wrong to kill the innocent.
Therefore Abortion is wrong, because it's the killing of a baby.

it's why you must employ guilt, pity, shame to your bag of's vital to your moral imperative.

Nah, that's just extra stuff.

God, the righteous and just God of the universe, says that murdering babies in the womb is wrong. Who are you to disagree?

Yes, this is exactly the tactic. It seems I'm to concede the argument based upon the pitying, guilt ridden view (else I'm "skewed" and/or "guilty") al. are presenting. It's not a rational appeal.

No, not with the manipulative and dishonest. Games are all that's left.

Not agreeing with you makes me a troll?
If so...stop feeding the troll.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
JR - your discussion with quip is whether or not it's ok to kill your child before he is born

my discussion with quip is an attempt to understand the reasoning behind allowing a woman the choice to kill her child before he is born and denying a woman the choice to kill her child after he is born

not sure quip understands that

but there seems to be a lot that quip doesn't understand, such as the difference between facts and emotions


This is called moving the goalposts.

God says "Do not murder."

Quip, being the hypocrite that he is, says "it's ok to murder before the baby is born because arbitrary reasons."

Commandment #5 says "Thou shall not kill". Isn't that good enough or are you framing it as "murder" to give yourself an "out"? Do you believe it's ok to kill say, an adultress, thief, murderer or less a life borne of woman? If so, are these arbitrary standards justified by God?


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Commandment #5 says "Thou shall not kill". Isn't that good enough or you framing it as "murder" to give yourself an "out"?

Except it doesn't say "kill" there. The word used means to murder. Otherwise God would be a hypocrite when he demands that murderers be put to death for their crime.

“You shall not murder. - Exodus 20:13



If the word had simply meant to kill, a different word would have been used.

Do you believe it's ok to kill say, an adultress or homosexual...

Executing a criminal for their actions is just.

Killing a baby in the womb because it's an inconvenience is a crime, it's called murder, and murderers should be put to death.

no less a life borne of woman?

This is called equivocation, a logical fallacy.

Killing an innocent person is not the same as killing a guilty person for their crimes.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
It's not a rational appeal.

quip - can you explain rationally, factually, logically why it seems reasonable to you that:

a woman should be allowed the choice to kill her child before he is born
a woman should be denied the choice to kill her child after he is born

try to avoid trivial tautologies like location of the child or current state of the law

you came close with your examination of autonomy of the woman and dependency of the child but let it drop when it was
demonstrated that they were non-starters

and note that this post includes no moralizing or emotional argumentation


my discussion with quip is an attempt to understand the reasoning behind allowing a woman the choice to kill her child before he is born and denying a woman the choice to kill her child after he is born

You've been given the reasons... as such:

- Bodily autonomy.
- Incipient life's reliance upon mom's body.
- Her liberties and moral right in removing said life from her body.
- Bringing unwanted life into a possible world of irresponsible abuse, neglect, violence and poverty.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
my discussion with quip is an attempt to understand the reasoning behind

1. allowing a woman the choice to kill her child before he is born
2. denying a woman the choice to kill her child after he is born

You've been given the reasons... as such:

- Bodily autonomy.

which logically, rationally and factually exists before and after delivery

- Incipient life's reliance upon mom's body.

this is the argument about dependency, in which you claimed the newborn was independent and it was pointed out to you that that was untrue, that the newborn was as dependent upon the mother as it was before birth

if you believe the newborn is independent of the mother, then why deny her the right to abandon it if she wishes?

- Her liberties and moral right in removing said life from her body.

actually, this is a new one

can you explain why these don't apply equally after birth as before birth?

- Bringing unwanted life into a possible world of irresponsible abuse, neglect, violence and poverty.

again, can you explain why these considerations would be of importance before birth but not after birth?


which logically, rationally and factually exists before and after delivery
Sure. Bodily autonomy exist for everyone. The specifics of pregnancy are germane to the issue of abortion.

this is the argument about dependency, in which you claimed the newborn was independent and it was pointed out to you that that was untrue, that the newborn was as dependent upon the mother as it was before birth
As well I pointed out that after birth the child is afforded full protection of the law.

if you believe the newborn is independent of the mother, then why deny her the right to abandon it if she wishes?

can you explain why these don't apply equally after birth as before birth?
Because she's not pregnant anymore.

again, can you explain why these considerations would be of importance before birth but not after birth?
Unnecessary suffering.


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Sure. Bodily autonomy exist for everyone. The specifics of pregnancy are germane to the issue of abortion.

As well I pointed out that after birth the child is afforded full protection of the law.


Because she's not pregnant anymore.

Unnecessary suffering.
So you would cause suffering for the baby in the womb, but not for a newborn?

Talk about weird...


quip - can you explain rationally, factually, logically why it seems reasonable to you that:

a woman should be allowed the choice to kill her child before he is born
For the same moral right and reason you'd possibly refuse to give one of your kidneys to a dying stranger.

a woman should be denied the choice to kill her child after he is born
Bodily autonomy is moot. Again, the child enjoys the full protection from the law.

try to avoid trivial tautologies like location of the child or current state of the law
Do you even understand what a tautology is?

you came close with your examination of autonomy of the woman and dependency of the child but let it drop when it was
demonstrated that they were non-starters
How are they non-starters?

and note that this post includes no moralizing or emotional argumentation

Not 3...2...1...

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
For the same moral right and reason you'd possibly refuse to give one of your kidneys to a dying stranger.

Bodily autonomy is moot. Again, the child enjoys the full protection from the law.

Do you even understand what a tautology is?

How are they non-starters?

and note that this post includes no moralizing or emotional argumentation

not gonna guess through the scrambled formatting


doser asks: can you explain why these considerations (Bringing unwanted life into a possible world of irresponsible abuse, neglect, violence and poverty) would be of importance before birth but not after birth?

not sure what you mean by that - can you be more clear?

The suffering of poverty, sexual abuse, neglect...etc. are self-explanatory. You arguing otherwise?


So you would cause suffering for the baby in the womb, but not for a newborn?

Talk about weird...

So, as long as she gives birth you care not for the child's prolonged suffering?

Weird indeed. (Actually more like self-righteous arrogance)