Pro-life and Democrat

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
i've told you before quip - i'm not discussing abortion
PRECISELY! That's the first straight forward thing you've said in this discussion!

perhaps, but it's a repeat of this from two days ago:

i'm not asking you about abortion quip

i'm asking you to list the "significant differences between killing a child in utero and killing a newborn"

You're merely making moral proclamations.

nope, not doing that either

just asking questions, trying to understand if there's any rationality behind your viewpoint

so far you've failed to be persuasive

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
so, to recap:

so far quip has been unable to articulate any significant differences between killing a child in utero and killing a newborn

what we have discovered is that quip believes that, with respect to killing her child, a woman's autonomy is absolute before delivery and totally vanishes after

further, her autonomy is constrained so far as to require her to care for her infant, even against her wishes

correct me if i have any of this wrong quip


so, to recap:

so far quip has been unable to articulate any significant differences between killing a child in utero and killing a newborn

what we have discovered is that quip believes that, with respect to killing her child, a woman's autonomy is absolute before delivery and totally vanishes after

further, her autonomy is constrained so far as to require her to care for her infant, even against her wishes

correct me if i have any of this wrong quip

I have.


No. I'm not your keeper...ask mommy.

Speaking of mommy

Reiterate: (again x2)

On what basis would you deny this irresponsible woman an abortion knowing such a woman couldn't handle the responsibility and neglect/abandon her newborn. Do you even care for her plight and by extension... the newborn's?


i suppose on the same basis that you would deny her the choice to kill her infant

Right. That's your position. Abortion is simply wrong according to your moral directives. You hold a blind eye to further inquiry. :idunno:

What's left to discuss?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Right. That's your position. Abortion is simply wrong according to your moral directives.

there's more to it than that. I assign value to the human and recognize its inherent worth and that it deserves the protection of the state regardless of its developmental stage

you appear to assign a lesser value to it before birth - hard to say because you've been reluctant to speak plainly. At any rate, it appears that you believe that the mother's autonomy takes priority over whatever value the in utero child may have and disappears after birth

after birth we appear to assign a similar value

What's left to discuss?

same thing as when I started two days ago - trying to get an understanding of something you've been very reluctant to address clearly and plainly.

for example: do you believe there's any significant differences between killing a child in utero and killing a newborn?

and: how is it that a mother's autonomy wrt caring for her child disappears at birth?


there's more to it than that. I assign value to the human and recognize its inherent worth and that it deserves the protection of the state regardless of its developmental stage

That quixotic standard is admirable yet, kinda falls short when it comes to say, homosexuals. So, don't blame me if I doubt your (special pleading) objectivity here. If you'd be truly honest your position rallies around partisian politics and moral retribution... but you're probably too intellectually dishonest to admit to such.(Hence, you moralize instead of debate abortion.)

you appear to assign a lesser value to it before birth - hard to say because you've been reluctant to speak plainly. At any rate, it appears that you believe that the mother's autonomy takes priority over whatever value the in utero child may have and disappears after birth.

The mother is in both the predominate physical and moral position, the fetus in the subsisting, accomodating one; The fetus relies on her...her body to gestate. Generally speaking, the mother always takes precedence. It's not about me assigning value to her fetus...its a private, subjective valuation, one commensurate with a free-willed choice.

To a're not wrong about abortion and I don't generally approve of it 99% of the time yet, there are exception that make up that 1% (rape, incest, danger to mother...etc.) Plus, it's impossible to understand the circumstances of every woman who's desperate choice is to abort. Yet you have to acknowledge the existence of such circumstances to approach abortion objectively...if only to learn from it with an effort to allieviate any such future conditions.

for example: do you believe there's any significant differences between killing a child in utero and killing a newborn?
Yes. The former is justifiable, the latter is not.

and: how is it that a mother's autonomy wrt caring for her child disappears at birth?

Not clear here but from what I've gathered...the child is now independent, not depedent upon the womb, umbilical cord...etc. As such, it's entitled to the full protection of the law.
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Staff member
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Gold Subscriber
That quixotic standard is admirable yet, kinda falls short when it comes to say, homosexuals. So, don't blame me if I doubt your objectivity here. If you'd be truly honest your position rallies around partisian politics and moral retribution... but you're probably to intellectually dishonest to admit to such.(Hence, you moralize instead of debate abortion.)

The mother is in both the predominate physical and moral position, the fetus in the - accomodated one - in regards to her pregnancy. It relies on her...her body to gestate. Generally speaking, the mother always takes precedence. It's not about me assigning value to her fetus...its a private, subjective issue, one commensurate with a free-willed choice.

To a're not wrong and I don't generally approve of abortion 99% of the time yet, there are exception that make up that 1% (rape,

Why kill the child for the actions of the father?

Again, why kill the child for the actions of the father?

danger to mother

Please provide even a hypothetical situation where it would be ok, in the process of saving the mother, to stop and kill the child.

I assert that this "etc" is just to make it seem like there are more "exceptions" that would make it reasonable to kill the child..

) Plus, it's impossible to understand the circumstances of every woman who's desperate choice is to abort.

This "impossible to understand the circumstances" is all bluff and bluster.

There are NO circumstances where it is ok for a woman to kill her child.

Yes. The former is justifiable, the latter is not.

Not clear here but from what I've gathered...the child is now independent, not depedent upon the womb, umbilical cord...etc. As such, it's entitled to the full protection of the law.

So if a mother gives birth in a bar's bathroom, and then takes it out back and throws the baby into a dumpster, and then goes back to partying, the baby is no longer dependent on the mother? How long do you think the baby could survive without his mother in that dumpster?

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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
there's more to it than that. I assign value to the human and recognize its inherent worth and that it deserves the protection of the state regardless of its developmental stage

That quixotic standard is admirable yet, kinda falls short when it comes to say, homosexuals. So, don't blame me if I doubt your (special pleading) objectivity here. If you'd be truly honest your position rallies around partisian politics and moral retribution... but you're probably too intellectually dishonest to admit to such.(Hence, you moralize instead of debate abortion.)

not sure why you'd call it quixotic - it's the only rational and logical way to view the development of an individual human, from fertilization to death

and i'm not interested in following your bunny trails about homos and politics

you appear to assign a lesser value to it before birth - hard to say because you've been reluctant to speak plainly. At any rate, it appears that you believe that the mother's autonomy takes priority over whatever value the in utero child may have and disappears after birth.

The mother is in both the predominate physical and moral position,

physical, yes, moral, no, not automatically

that depends on the choices she makes

the fetus in the subsisting, accomodating one; The fetus relies on her...her body to gestate.

yes, the developing human child in her womb is dependent and helpless

Generally speaking, the mother always takes precedence.

no, the dependent and helpless always take precedence over the (relatively) strong and potentially cruel

It's not about me assigning value to her fetus...

yes, it is

you are assigning the fetus a value so diminished as to be inconsequential to you, so that you can allow the mother to choose

its a private, subjective valuation, one commensurate with a free-willed choice.

if this is true, it's equally true of the case of the mother who no longer wishes to be a mother to her infant

To a're not wrong about abortion and I don't generally approve of it 99% of the time yet, there are exception that make up that 1% (rape, incest, danger to mother...etc.)

why not allow the mother to choose in those 1% of cases after birth?

the woman who is raped, delivers her infant and decides weeks after that she can't bear to be reminded of the assault every day by the infant that greedily demands her total attention - why shouldn't she be allowed to make a private, subjective valuation, one commensurate with a free-willed choice and kill her child?

Plus, it's impossible to understand the circumstances of every woman who's desperate choice is to abort.

why should i be expected to understand the circumstances of every woman (whose) desperate choice is to abort?

should i be expected to understand the circumstances of every poor person whose desperate choice is to steal?

Yet you have to acknowledge the existence of such circumstances to approach abortion objectively...if only to learn from it with an effort to allieviate any such future conditions.

is that what you think has happened with legalized abortion?

for example: do you believe there's any significant differences between killing a child in utero and killing a newborn?

Yes. The former is justifiable, the latter is not.

another non-answer, quip

why not just admit you don't know?

and: how is it that a mother's autonomy wrt caring for her child disappears at birth?

Not clear here but from what I've gathered...the child is now independent, not depedent upon the womb, umbilical cord...etc.

certainly not independent

the newborn infant is wholly dependent on the care the mother chooses to give it

As such, it's entitled to the full protection of the law.

why would a child whose degree of dependence is unchanged from in utero to ex utero suddenly be entitled to the full protection of the law?
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Pro-life and Democrat

The conservative moral code is to force others to have full term pregnancies - then abandon them before the medical bills come due!

While conservative want to force America's young women to have full term pregnancies as a result of the Supreme Court reversing Roe v Wade - the hypocracy is that they are also opposed to the Democrat's introduction of healthcare insurance that includes pre-existing conditions, in an attempt to make medical care more affordable!


Staff member
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Gold Subscriber
Pro-life and Democrat

The conservative moral code is to force others to have full term pregnancies - then abandon them before the medical bills come due!

Saying it doesn't make it so, Jgarden.

While conservative want to force America's young women to have full term pregnancies as a result of the Supreme Court reversing Roe v Wade - the hypocracy

It's "hypocrisy."

is that they are also opposed to the Democrat's introduction of healthcare insurance that includes pre-existing conditions, in an attempt to make medical care more affordable!



why not allow the mother to choose in those 1% of cases after birth?

Because her choices boil down to choosing to terminate her pregnancy or choosing to give birth. Hmmm...:think: Can you see where you've propped your straw-man?

If not...there's no reason for me in continuing to entertain your idiotic rhetoric.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Because her choices boil down to choosing to terminate her pregnancy or choosing to give birth.

isn't giving birth another way to terminate her pregnancy?

see what happens when you idiotically try to play rhetorical games with the truth?

the truth is that her choices boil down to kill her child or not kill her child

in that context, the context of truth, i can't see why those who argue that it's ok for her to kill her child care how old it is or where it resides

...there's no reason for me in continuing to entertain your idiotic rhetoric.

probably for the best if you can't manage to engage without getting abusive :idunno:

besides, you don't seem to be able to understand clear language or reasoning, so again, prolly best if you take your silly emotional responses elsewhere :wave2:
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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
the mother of this child chose to terminate her pregnancy by delivering her child, loving it, caring for it, cherishing it:

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